The implementation uses C++ and Microsoft SEAL library.
We use SEAL library for HE scheme. After pulling the code from github, build SEAL manually following the guide of its README.
git clone
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build
cd ..
Run CMake file to make binary file
cmake -S . -B bin
cmake --build bin
As a result, you get two outputs: binary and continous.
is for the models with continous phenotypes (1-3), and binary
is for binary ones (4-5).
Run the following arguments.
for pheno in 1 2 3;
do ./bin/continuous $pheno;
for pheno in 4 5;
do ./bin/binary $pheno;
Otherwise, of course you can run each model one by one, or run one of following argument if you want to see the result of one model.
./continuous 1
./continuous 2
./continuous 3
./binary 4
./binary 5
The time is measured at each step and printed at the end of the executions. During this process, ciphertexts are stored in the folder savefiles/
and loaded to be used for the next required step. The outputs of each model are stored in the folder output/
We provide python code for computing accruacies and combining outputs. Run following python code.
As a result, the combined outputs are saved in the file ./all_models_final.csv