This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
This is a React application implementing the classic Connect Four game. Players can set up a game by entering their name, choosing a game name, background color, and player color. The game allows users to play against an AI opponent.
- Installation
- Usage
- Features
- Gameplay
- Game History
To run this project locally:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd connect-four
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
- Enter your username and game details in the setup screen.
- Choose a background color and player color.
- Click "Start Game" to begin playing against the AI.
- View the game history to see the outcomes of previous games.
- Set up game configurations with personalized details.
- Play against an AI opponent.
- View game history, including the winner of each game.
Enter your username, game name, background color, and player color. Click "Start Game" to begin playing.
Play the Connect Four game by clicking on the cells to drop your colored discs. The game alternates turns between the player and the AI.
When the game is over (either a player wins or it's a draw), a modal will appear showing the winner or indicating a draw. Click "New Game" or "Restart" to play again.
View a list of past games in the "Game History" section.
Each entry includes the game name, players' names, and the winner of the game.
Developers who want to contribute to the project can do so by forking the GitHub repository or by reporting issues, thus contributing to the project's development. Any feedback and suggestions will help further improve the project. The project is an open-source project developed by the community. We look forward to your participation!