Note: This file is autogenerated with
- feat(fly-io): Added template files (#475) ([John Taylor])
- feat(async): add uvicorn, asgi, upgrade django=4.1 (#473) ([Suneet Choudhary])
- fix(docker): Fixed an issue with the Postgres Docker image name (#474) ([John Taylor])
- feat: add GraphQL API implementation using django-graphene (#449) ([Suneet Choudhary])
- fix(docker-start): Redirect access/error logs to std-out (#470) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(Makefile): Update poetry export command to use --with option (#468) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(compose): Use postgis protocol for connection (#467) (Sanyam Khurana)
- feat(docker): Use GDAL/postgis when postgis is enabled (#464) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Configure Renovate (#459) ([renovate[bot]])
- fix(users/api): Make code conformant to PEP8 (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore: Add docker-compose to run all services through docker (#440) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(pyproject.toml): Add dependencies for mkdocs (#458) (Sanyam Khurana)
- docs(README): Update docs to drop legacy poetry command (#457) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(github-actions): Use poetry to install requirements & run tests (#456) (Sanyam Khurana)
- docs(coding_rules): correct class names to be PascalCase (#455) (Sanyam Khurana)
- ci(github-actions): ensure poetry is installed lint action (#453) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore: make the relative and absolute imports consistent (#450) ([Sahith Chandan Mekala])
- upgrade packages (#451) ([Sahith Chandan Mekala])
- upgrade(requirements): black 21.12b0 => 22.3.0 (#447) (Akash Mishra)
- feat(setup): Add dependency management with poetry (#444) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore: update packages - celery, ansible (#445) ([Suneet Choudhary])
- fix(nginx/tasks): Run letsencrypt only for hosts with use_letsencrypt config (#446) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Fix(API-docs): deprecated rest_framework_swagger (#441) ([Suneet Choudhary])
- feat: update python dependencies (#443) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(CI): add python cache with pip (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore: Update django-sites to 0.11 for Django 3.x (#442) (Sanyam Khurana)
- update license (Saurabh Kumar)
- Make cookie cutter variable names consistent (#439) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(Makefile): update deprecated celery command (#437) (Shiva Saxena)
- feat: add django-cors-headers as non-optional requirement (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade python libraries to thier latest patches (#436) (Karambir Singh Nain)
- update script to generate changelog (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update python dependencies django, pytest, pillow and more (Saurabh Kumar)
- Multiple fixes (Saurabh Kumar)
- Fix: cookiecutter tests (Saurabh Kumar)
- Apply black formatting and add
make fmt
command (Saurabh Kumar) - update default suffix for repo to be 'backend' (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade python dependencies to latest (#435) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(users/auth): pyjwt requires the algorithm when calling decode() (#434) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(installation): Upgrade pip before installing requirements (#433) ([Mayank Singhal])
- Upgrade python libraries to their latest except Django (#432) (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat() - make limit offset pagination default and add cursor pagination as optional (#430) (Mayank Jain)
- chore: cleanup ansible host file (#431) (Vikalp Jain)
- Update python dependencies to their latest (#428) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(provisioner): celery beat start command for systemd service (#427) (Akash Mishra)
- upgrade(requirements): Celery 4.4.7 -> 5.0.2 (#426) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Tweak uwsgi config to allow for dyanamic number of workers (#424) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add github action CI on projects PR (#425) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore(*): Upgrade to Python 3.9, Postgres 13, PostGIS 3.0, Ubuntu 20 (#423) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(ansible): fix celery startup (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(bumpversion): make it work nicely with pre-commit hooks (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update base pip packages (#422) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(users/auth): Add validation for name & password in registration (Sanyam Khurana)
- docs - add documentation for MultipleSerializerMixin (#419) (Akash Mishra)
- Fix the startup for celery and uwsgi-emperor on Ubuntu 20 (#418) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(postgis): ensure that gdal binary is installed (Saurabh Kumar)
- hotfix(nginx): fix port 80 config for nginx (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(*) - add api mixin for permission per action on drf viewsets (#417) (Akash Mishra)
- settings: make DJANGO_SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT configurable via environment variable (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(system) - replace python commit sorter with isort hook (#416) (Akash Mishra)
- feat(pre-commit) - configure black (#403) (Akash Mishra)
- Fix formatting for failed validation for one of the items in ListField (#413) (Saurabh Kumar)
- PyTest: Run failed test and then new test cases first (#414) (Saurabh Kumar)
- update dependencies to latest (#412) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add "django.contrib.postgres" to list of INSTALLED_APPS (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs: improve setup docs on mac (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs(): automate generating the latest db schema on deployment in docs (#408) (Mayank Jain)
- update readme (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add artwork (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore - upgrade django (#407) (Akash Mishra)
- feat: upgrade python dependencies to latest stable (#406) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade django 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update documentation (#405) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Remove web pack + replace fabric with makefile (#404) (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs(auth): Update user registration API docs (#401) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(users/serializers): Add first_name and last_name (#400) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Fix travis config for postgresql 11 (#399) (Saurabh Kumar)
- upgrade whitenoise to work with django 3 (#398) (Anuvrat Parashar)
- Add support for Django 3.x (#397) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Remove circle CI support (#395) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(travis): Remove docker and install Postgres 11 directly on Travis (#394) (Sanyam Khurana)
- feat(provisioner) - install python3 psycopg2 (#393) (Akash Mishra)
- chore(): upgrade django to 2.2.10 for security fix (#389) (Mayank Jain)
- chore(deps): bump acorn in /{{cookiecutter.github_repository}} (#390) ([dependabot[bot]])
- set python3 as default interpretor for ansible (#392) (Mayank Jain)
- fix(swagger) - include default schema class settings for swagger ui (#388) (Akash Mishra)
- chore - use actively maintained bump2version instead of bumpversion (#387) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(provisioner) - typo for letsencrypt_challenge_root in defaults (#386) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(requirements): Update Django to 2.2.9 for security fix (#385) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore(): Update django-log-request-id to 1.4.0 (#384) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Fix typo of variable "letsencrypt_challenge_root" (#383) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(requirements) - update django to 2.2.8 for security fix (#382) (Akash Mishra)
- chore(): Update dependencies (#381) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore - update pillow due to security vulnerability (#379) (Akash Mishra)
- feat(*) - vendor media type for Accept header (#377) (Akash Mishra)
- chore - update django, django rest framework, cors headers (#378) (Akash Mishra)
- feat(users/auth) - Use standard Bearer authentication scheme (#375) (Akash Mishra)
- Add black in pre-commit and also formatted exiting code as per black (#374) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(changelog): Cleanup changelog and add links. (#373) (Sanyam Khurana)
- feat(): upgrade to use python 3.7 (#371) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(coding_rules): Fix formatting for rules for field lists (#372) (Sanyam Khurana)
- refractor: improve variable naming and standardize log and venv dirs (#370) (Saurabh Kumar)
- hotfix(webpack): fix missing variable name "webpack_node_version" (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore - upgrade django for security fix (#369) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(nginx): let nginx configure it's no. of workers based on no. of CPUs (#368) (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs(): add concepts section in backend architecture (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update celery concurrency to default to number of CPUs (#367) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update mkdocs to use mkdocs-material and update structure (#366) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(template): use 'static' tag properly (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(cookiecutter/pre-commit): remove the complete file instead of just commenting content (Saurabh Kumar)
- add updated and verified package-lock.json (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update babel/core to latest to fix security issue in lodash <= 4.17.13 (#365) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(ansible): remove unused webpack related variables (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(urls): update to use new 'path' and 're_path' (#364) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(heroku): update post_compile file for webpack (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore - update django for security fix (#363) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(pre-commit-config.yml): Minor indentation fixes (#362) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Fix celerybeat run dir (#357) (Vikalp Jain)
- fix(logger): use ServerFormatter for request logs in runserver (#360) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to their latest, Django 2.2.x (#358) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(pytest): remove @set_settings decorator as pytest-django provide equivalent settings fixture (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(ansible): fix for Ubuntu 18 for ansible 2.5 (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(ansible): add task to build documentation on server (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(postgres): Upgrade to Postgres 11 Postgis 2.5 (#349) (Sanyam Khurana)
- docs(readme): Add articles section with sanyam post in it (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore: add .github folder (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(security): update fstream (Saurabh Kumar)
- upgrade(requirements/dev): Upgrade to ansible 2.5.15 (#356) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore(deps): update requirements to it's latest stable (except django) (#354) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): minor changes to README (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): update to (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(webpack): ensure node_modules are installed locally (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(webpack/ansible): adjust webpack path to run from local installation (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore - upgrade django rest framework to latest (#353) (Akash Mishra)
- feat(pre-commit): Add pre-commit hooks (#345) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(webpack/security): update dependencies (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST in .env.sample (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(webpack): Add webpack support and remove django-compressor support. (#184) (Mayank Jain)
- style(): make coding-style consistent (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(requirements): upgrade django-rest-swagger to 2.2.0 (#348) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update docs for Postgres and PostGIS updates (#347) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore(*): Upgrade Postgres to 10 and PostGIS to 2.4 (#346) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix( Sort import for celery (#343) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(*): Sort-import statements (#344) (Sanyam Khurana)
- docs - make markdown header notation in docs consistent (#341) (Akash Mishra)
- fix - remove raven import when sentry is not being used (#342) (Akash Mishra)
- chore(requirements): Upgrade Django to 2.1.7 (#340) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore(requirements): Upgrade Django from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 (#339) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(settings/common): Set-up IS_RAVEN_INSTALLED variable (#338) (Sanyam Khurana)
- refactor(settings/common) - do string comparison using "!=" instead of "is not" (#337) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(settings): Add 'access-control-allow-origin' to CORS headers (#336) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(common/production): Fix spelling for assets (#335) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(requirements): Upgrade Django to prevent content spoofing (#333) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(settings/production): Minor spell fix (#334) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(settings/dev): Added MEDIA_URL configuration (#324) ([Shashank Kumar])
- fix(provisioner/roles/redis): Update ansible state from installed to present (#332) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore(requirements): Downgrade Swagger to 2.1.2 from 2.2.0 (#331) (Sanyam Khurana)
- chore(requirements): Update requirements to latest stable (#329) ([Saurabh])
- chore(requirements): Upgrade Django=2.1.4 & DRF 3.9.0 (#328) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(user/auth/ Minor spell fix (#327) (Sanyam Khurana)
- feat(provisioner) - password protect the project documentation (#312) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(provisioner) - install gettext for compilemessages (#326) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(whitenoise): for django whitenoise must not be added to now (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(ansible/nginx): de-duplicate the cert part creation (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(requirements) - pin pytest version to avoid attrs incompatability (#325) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(base/api/routers): Deprecating DynamicListRoute (#322) ([Shashank Kumar])
- Update dependencies to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(): auth test (Saurabh Kumar)
- Remove depreciation warning for staticfiles templatetags (Saurabh Kumar)
- change
option inmkdocs.yml
file tonav
(#320) (Aniket Maithani)
- Upgrade to Django 2.1.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(system) - Update celery to avoid kombu incompatibility (#318) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(provisioner/nginx.conf): Minor typo fix (#317) (Sanyam Khurana)
- feat(localization): Add compilemessages & fix default pypi mirror (#316) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Add LocaleMiddleware in settings to add multi-language support (#310) (Sanyam Khurana)
- migrated COMPRESS_CSS_FILTERS to COMPRESS_FILTERS as per the documentation - (#314) ([Anirudh Goel])
- feat(system) - Upgrade to Django Rest Framework 3.8.x (#311) (Akash Mishra)
- hotfix - revert celery import cleanup (#309) (Akash Mishra)
- Fix tests (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add ansible and fabric3 as local development requirement (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix test, remove 2to3 check (Saurabh Kumar)
- fixup! chore(provisioner/roles/nginx): remove
State 'installed' is deprecated.
warning (#308) (Saurabh Kumar) - chore(provisioner/roles/nginx): remove
State 'installed' is deprecated.
warning (#308) (Aniket Maithani)
- chore: minor cleanup settings -> common (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(celery): minor cleanup (Saurabh Kumar)
- Move utility to (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(current_user_view): Adds API for modifying and getting logged-in user profiles (#278) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Add flake8 in travis builds of django-init (#307) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Add list of related project by @pydanny, @wemake-services & @lionheart (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(base/models): Fix naming in TimeStampedUUIDModel (#306) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Update all the requirements to latest stable (#304) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Fix issue with permission class at /schema url (#305) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Security release django 2.0.3 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add .pytest_cache to ignore (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add swagger settings, as per current drf configuration (#302) (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(provisioner) - remove extra uwsgi build from common tasks (#303) (Akash Mishra)
- Remove python2 compatibility from User model (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add media_root fixture to force media in temp folder (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(celery-beat): Fix celery beat service (#301) (Sanyam Khurana)
- hotfix(provisioner/uwsgi): fix file path (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(ansible): move uwsgi setup to it own file (#299) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(api/auth): add UserTokenAuthentication in default authentication classes (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(tests): Use pytest instead of py.test (#300) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Install uwsgi as project dependency only on heroku servers (#298) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Ansible: make the log output human readable (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(requirement): use psycopg2-binary (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(test): Add docs for client fixture, update to use native django client (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(ansible): remove depreciation warning (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(provisioner): handle the incorrect rendering if celery is selected (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(system): upgrade from python 3.5.x to python 3.6.x (#283) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Password management rest APIs for custom user app (from #290) (#294) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Optional heroku support (#296) (Akash Mishra)
- fix(settings): Fix django-sites config along with MEDIA_URL (#295) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Make whitenoise optional (#291) (Akash Mishra)
- Add timezone information to datetime displayed. (#289) ([Saurabh])
- fixing pep8 W391 blank line at end of file in user app (#288) (Akash Mishra)
- Add fix for nested api error (Saurabh Kumar)
- Django 2.0 support (#284) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Renamed environment var to deploy_environment (#287) (Akash Mishra)
- Update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(users/ removed unused import (#285) (Aniket Maithani)
- feat(drf): upgrade drf to 3.7.x (#282) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(cookiecutter/test): ensure that postgres version is same as internal requirement (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(requirement): upgrade celery 4.0.2 -> 4.1.x (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(isort): skip applying isort for the 'migrations' folder (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(auth): Add routers for auth viewsets (#276) (Sanyam Khurana)
- feat(auth): Add custom user auth based on JWT tokens (#272) (Sanyam Khurana)
- update postgresql, add postgis addon and remove pip accel (#273) (Mayank Jain)
- Upgrade node dependencies (#269) (Vikalp Jain)
- Add support for static type hinting check via flake8-mypy (#270) (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(.travis.yml): Removes pip-accel (#271) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(nginx): update the default client_max_body_size value (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(ansible): add official nginx and certbot repo and configuration (Mayank Jain)
- fix(celery): Separates out celery beat process as different worker (#264) (Sanyam Khurana)
- feat(logging): Add Error level logging to sentry mails (#267) (Sanyam Khurana)
- Add support for case insensitive emails (#261) (Vikalp Jain)
- fix(settings): make s3 region default null (#265) (Mayank Jain)
- fix(celery): celery beat scheduler issue (#263) (Sanyam Khurana)
- nginx: enable ngx_http_charset_module to add default utf-8 encoding to content-type headers (#260) (Saurabh Kumar)
- nginx: enable ipv6 support (#259) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add automatic documentation build when using ansible and make it available at
urls (#258) ([Saurabh])
- fix(pages) Fix typos: comming > coming (#257) ([Joe Richardson])
- Update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- settings: make putting up ALLOWED_HOSTS compulsory in production (#253) (Saurabh Kumar)
- uwsgi: Ignore os write errors in django-uwsgi (#254) (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Update (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(nginx): Add security improvements for ssl. (#252) (Saurabh Kumar)
- enhance security by disabling deprecated ciphers (#248) (Anuvrat Parashar)
- Enable http2 (#246) (Anuvrat Parashar)
- Minor spell fixes in (#247) (Sanyam Khurana)
- fix(base): update multi serializer mixin (#245) (Mayank Jain)
- Update requirements to latest stable / Django 1.11.4 (#250) (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(cors): add
integration (#233) (Mayank Jain)
- fix(fabfile): minor typo in dev() function (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs(travis): add minor note on documentation reference (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(requirements): remove duplicate requirement (#242) (Mayank Jain)
- fix(nginx/letsencrypt): ensure nginx is reloaded after renewal of cert (#241) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs(coding_rules): update sample code as per python 3 (Saurabh Kumar)
- cleanup(docs): remove docs (Saurabh Kumar)
- update requirements to latest stable (Karambir Singh Nain)
- feat(exceptions): handle nested serializer errors in our exception handler (Mayank Jain)
- Remove mock dependency, replace with standard unittest.mock library (#238) (Saurabh Kumar)
- update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add some default "AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS" (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(): use python3 notation for calling super() (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(.env): add 'django_settings_module' (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add django-rest-swagger integration (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(settings/celery): update CELERY_BROKER_URL to properly respect REDIS_URL (#229) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update bumpversion logic to make it simple (#228) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(ansible/nginx): Check nginx config before reload/restart (#227) (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Add support for multiple deployments on same machine (#223) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Log SHA of last and new commit being deployed by ansible provisioner (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs: Add explaination for '* text=auto' (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest stable version (Saurabh Kumar)
- Fix depreciation warnings - RemovedInDjango20Warning (#224) (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(celery): add celery configuration (#225) (Mayank Jain)
- fix(provisioner): make sure python is available before setting hostname (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add release policy (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add .env.sample (#221) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Normalize double quotes to single quotes (#220) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add .env.sample (#221) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest [security release] (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update
in dev settings (#219) ([Abhishek Kumar Singh])
- fix(settings): Fix flake8 issues with wsgi and settings (#217) (Karambir Singh Nain)
- fix(provisioner/project): Give uwsgi group the ownership of project dir (#216) (Karambir Singh Nain)
- enable aws signature_version 4 for newer regions (Anuvrat Parashar)
- fix(nginx): update gzip compression file list (Saurabh Kumar)
- Fix 'py.test' to load values from .env (#212) ([Abhishek Kumar Singh])
- Minor Typo fix. (#211) ([Abhishek Kumar Singh])
- Fix imports for raven and pytest (#209) (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- Fix celery log dir issue with logging module (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Update readme to ubuntu version supported (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(celery): Change celery role to use systemd init system (Mayank Jain)
- Update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add PS1 to display fqdn & set hostname via ansible (#205) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(nginx): Fix vagrant nginx file (#203) (Vikalp Jain)
- fix(nginx_role): Fix the ansible condition to generate dhparam file (#202) (Vikalp Jain)
- fix(django_compressor): Fix issues with nodejs setup django compressor (#201) (Vikalp Jain)
- Fix letsencrtypt, make certbot-auto run in non-interactive mode (#200) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add django-flat-responsive to give django-admin a responsive touch (#199) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update Python requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(debug-toolbar): As per django-debug-toolbar 1.6 we need to manually add the url in (#198) (Vikalp Jain)
- Add staging site protection with Basic Auth (Saurabh Kumar)
- Ubuntu16 (#181) (Karambir Singh Nain)
- feat(sentry): Add sentry support. (#190) (Vikalp Jain)
- Update requirements to latest, Django 1.10.3 (security udpate) (#194) (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(uwsgi): replace gunicorn with uwsgi (Vikalp Jain)
- Update (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update Node Dependency (#186) ([Pulkit Pahwa])
- Upgrade to Django 1.10.x (#180) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(pytest-warning): removed WC1 pytest warning in CI (#185) (Aniket Maithani)
- Prevent error pages from being archived/crawled (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update docs (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(python3): Remove usage of python2 from project code. Use only python3 (#179) (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Update third-party requirement to latest (#178) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Make sure DJANGO_ADMINS is set via environment variable in production (#174) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade to flake8==2.6.*, handle F405 warnings (#175) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add coc (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update readme (Saurabh Kumar)
- style(base/views): update comment and indentation (Saurabh Kumar)
- style(base/views): update comment and indentation (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update django-debug-toolbar to 1.5 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(settings/logging): update copy of comments for request_id filter (Saurabh Kumar)
- update changelog (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add support for
(#169) (#172) (Vikalp Jain)
- Add support of
in nginx (#171) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add cleared_cache fixture to clear cache before running test + some refractoring (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(sass): Add sass and django compressor (Mayank Jain)
- feat(ansible/letsencrypt): add letsencrypt support (Mayank Jain)
- fix(provisioner/project_data): make sure .env file is not created with root user (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(provisioner): Add a global default VM=0, in order to get rid of undefined var error (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(ansible/project_data): make sure get_data is run always (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(tests): use django-dynamic-fixtures instead of factory-boy (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements - whitenoise, django-redis, gunicorn, boto (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update SERVER_EMAIL settings to default to DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(django/admin): Allow customizing admin url path via environ (#164) (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Update virtualbox config to use min 1GB RAM, default is 512MB. (#161) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Move .bumpversion.cfg –> setup.cfg (#163) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore( Move .coveragerc config to setup.cfg (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade django, django-extensions, python-dotenv (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(api-settings): remove browsable api from prod environments (#158) (Vikalp Jain)
- fix(exceptions): fixed django exceptions error handling format. (#157) (Mayank Jain)
- Update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add dump.rdb to .gitignore (Saurabh Kumar)
- Remove unused setting "AUTOSLUG_SLUGIFY_FUNCTION" (Saurabh Kumar)
- Fix incorrect rendering of travis.yml file (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add ansible's 'site.retry' file in gitignore (Saurabh Kumar)
- Remove duplicate settings value (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update to django 1.9.5 and pillow 3.2.0 to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(ci): add circle.yml to use circle ci ([Jason])
- docs(continuous integration): add documention as to how to use with screenshots ([Jason])
- feat(staticfiles): Upgrade to whitenoise 3.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(cookiecutter): make generation of ansible related stuff optional (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- Remove gunicorn as ansible role & move it as task in project_data (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(): Remove references to fueled inside generated project (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update supervisor init script to include supervisorctl status (Saurabh Kumar)
- Enable livereload of frontend pages/assets in Development (Saurabh Kumar)
- Use
on travis along with caching (Saurabh Kumar)
- Improve 'post_gen_project' docs (Saurabh Kumar)
- Make the setup instrunctions a bit clearer (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(apps): remove pages app (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add pull-request template (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(base/exceptions): Change how custom exception handler display error (Karambir Singh Nain)
- fix(fab): use
instead of 'runserver_plus' (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(testing): while running use 'settings.testing' module (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add licence (Saurabh Kumar)
- Rename the project to "django-init" (Saurabh Kumar)
- Release 1.1.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade to django 1.9.4 [security release] (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Upgrade to django 1.9.3 [security release] (Saurabh Kumar)
- Improve python3 support (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update python imports to be iSort friendly (Saurabh Kumar)
- Procfile: simplify logic to inject the newrelic executor (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update changelog (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(utils/pagination): Add
in pagination class (Mayank Jain) - feat(admin/template): Add admin base template (Mayank Jain)
- chore(nginx): Add placeholder to disable SSLv3 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update ansible commands which were giving warnings (Karambir Singh Nain)
- fix(provisioner): use '--reload' flag in gunicorn inside virtualenv (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update .gitignore, add 'htmlcov/' (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(users): remove redundant check for persence of email property (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update docstrings to use double quotes (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(settings): move INTERNAL_IPS to debug section (Saurabh Kumar)
- Replace redistogo with heroku-redis on redis (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update migration for users app as per Django==1.9.2 (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(vagrant/provisioner): Make ansible provisioner run in vagrant (Karambir Singh Nain)
- feat(ansible/postgresql): Add postgis support for postgresql role (Karambir Singh Nain)
- fix(ansible/nginx): remove unnecessary declarations (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(ansible/gunicorn): remove duplicate line (Saurabh Kumar)
- Remove memcache related libraries (libmemcached-dev and python-memcache) (Saurabh Kumar)
- Fix ansible, .inputrc is now created if not present. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): fix link to django_sites documentation (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(ansible): update ansible to use virtualenv (Karambir Singh Nain)
- chore(test): add travis to use postgres 9.4 (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(settings): Add
parameter with default reduced to 10. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs/api): fix indentation in the overview section [ci skip] (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade pillow to 3.1.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade to Django 1.9.1 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Remove dependency on django_extensions for TimeStampUUIDModel (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(drf/api-browser): add custom branding on api login page ([srinivasulureddy])
- Upgrade to Django 1.9 (Saurabh Kumar)
- fixing the css. Branding block ([srinivasulureddy])
- Move django-extensions to dev settings (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(requirements): Use django_extensions only as development requirement (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update cookiecutter.json, make it dynamic based of previous inputs (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(settings): Allow ADMINS to be set via environment variable (Saurabh Kumar)
- Use
to run migration and deployment checks (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(settings): use in-built
instead of django-secure (Saurabh Kumar) - chore(docs/js): inline external helper javascript, reduce external dependency (Saurabh Kumar)
- style(settings): minor spacing refractor (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(tests): update to use 'testing' settings (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs(server-config): remove sequence-diagram, not very useful (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(settings): Remove gevent library for production environments (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(settings): use
instead of simplecache
(Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(django1.9): change urls, log.NullHandler, context_processors (Mayank Jain)
- Update django to 1.8.7 [security release] (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(email/smtp): switch to mailgun as SMTP server (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(settings): use cache as sessions in production (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Upragde to django 1.8.6 (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): switch to stable version of mkdocs (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(app/users): add custom user model with email as USERNAME_FIELD (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): remove the mention of the fact that sass is required (Saurabh Kumar)
- Revert use of pytest-pythonpath as it's required while working with venv (Saurabh Kumar)
- Make use of pytest-cov plugin for running coverage reports (Saurabh Kumar)
- Use version 9.4 of postgres to run the test on travis (Saurabh Kumar)
- Replace
as suggested bypytest-ipdb
(Saurabh Kumar) - Remove
from dependency as it's not longer needed. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(testing): use new setup to run tests (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore: Update readme to me it little concise (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add stub for release 1.1.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Prepare for release 1.0.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Fix fabfile, restart server only when running task on remote server (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(base/models): add image mixin to base models (Karambir Singh Nain)
- fix(exceptions): drf exception handler needs to accept two variables (Karambir Singh Nain)
- Remove unsed unicode slugification (Saurabh Kumar)
- Make the migration succeed everytime from CI deployment (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs(): update travis status badge (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(provisioner): separate configure and deploy process (Karambir Singh Nain)
- fix(settings/boto): switch to default AWS_S3_CALLING_FORMAT (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(styles): add rules for html,css,scss,json files (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(testing): update testing setup and minor doc beautification (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(requirements): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- chroe(settings/docs): minor update to template config (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(ansible/celery): improvise overall celery role (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(ansible): add production host and how to setup doc (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add syntax check for ansible script on travis CI (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(docs): remove reference to 'backend/' (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(setttings): use new/updated template configuration (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(pytest): cleanup factoryboy code which is now fixed in main lib (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(cookie): Use better cookiecutter context variables (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(tests): upgrade test runner to
(Aniket Maithani) - chore(deps): update requirements to latest stable (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(fabfile): activate virtualenv before executing docs related fab commands (Karambir Singh Nain)
- fix(gitignore): ignore vim and virtualenv files (Karambir Singh Nain)
- chore(docs/heroku): make SITE_* more predictable (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(docs/heroku): update the install instruction for newrelic (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs/heroku): no need to specify buildpack python now, it will detected automatically (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(travis): Use simplified pip install command (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(nginx): remove worker_connections from root directive (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade django to 1.8.4 [security release] (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(cache): switch to django_cache as cache backend. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): upgrade dependencies to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(dep): mock and gevent to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- security(dep): upgrade django to 1.8.3 (Security Release) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(setup): update requirements to latest (Aniket Maithani)
- chore(deps): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(scafold): bumpversion 0.1.0-dev to indicate that current code is dev version (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(heroku): add monitoring for cache and queues via RedisMonitor (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(docs): typo corrected (Aniket Maithani)
- fix(mkdocs): remove /docs/ (Aniket Maithani)
- fix(mkdocs): remove urlize - removed urlize as it was not working properly and was throwing config error (Aniket Maithani)
- chore(deps): upgrade to Pillow==2.8.2 (Saurabh Kumar)
- refactor(docs):removed pygraphviz support (Aniket Maithani)
- feat(deps): upgrade to django==1.8.2 [security release] (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(compat): make use of 'from future import absolute_import' (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(settings/production): adding S3 media upload optional (Aniket Maithani)
- chore(docs/setup): update depreciated 'addons:add' command to 'addons:create' (Aniket Maithani)
- chore(setup): make '' executable for easy access via cli (Aniket Maithani)
- fix(README): Correct the dcoumentation in
fab serve
command ([aniketmaithani])
- fix(dotenv): do not reload of .env file twice (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(flake8): fix flake8 issue in settings/ (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(static): rename 'project.css' to 'main.css' (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(templates): make templates translation friendly (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(templates/errors): make the structure consistent (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(template/404): use secure protocal and make the page i18n friendly (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(pages): add appropriate title to about/home page (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(views/500): handle the case where 500 might not be due to an exception (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(root_files): organize/route
, etc. in better way (Saurabh Kumar) - chore(pages): add better support for body_classes (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(frontend): apply a natural box model to all elements (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(frontend): Add normalize.css as per html5boilerplate (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add support for 'flat' django admin theme (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update all the dependency to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(config): update the source url of django_sites (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(settings): remove the sites config from ([aniketmaithani])
- fix(frontend_setup): deleted un-necessary files ([aniketmaithani])
- chore(docs): update 'pages' config of mkdocs as per latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): remove unused 'theme_center_lead' config [ci-skip] (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(urls): cleanup urlpattern, use of 'pattern' is optional now (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(grunt): removed grunt support ([])
- chore(docs): update features list to latest [ci skip] (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(django/core): replace core of UUIDModel to use native postgres UUID (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade django-versatileimagefield to 0.6.2 (Saurabh Kumar)
- Upgrade to django 1.8.1 (Bugfix release) (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(requirements): move whitenoise to common, required for runserver (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(apps): move static to apps_dir level (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(heroku): add missing DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE variable (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(heroku): update deploy instructions to use ssh-git (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(settings): Replace django-configuration with django-environ (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(editorconfig): add rules for *.md and Makefile (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(heroku): update deploy instruction for pg:backups and check (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(mkdocs): Add support for site_author meta (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(mkdocs): github issue linking is now available site wide (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(mkdocs): Make sure that all the pages have a menu item (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(mkdocs): enable 'smarty' and 'sane_lists' markdown extensions (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(mkdocs): Use dev_addr to serve at 8001 instead of fabfile cmd (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(cookie/setup): add option to automagically setup project or not (Saurabh Kumar)
- Remove support for any specific css/js framework (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(docs): add support for UML: sequence diagram (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(security/nginx): add proper security headers (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(drf/throttling): add basic throttling for anonymous requests 10000/day/IP (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(template/base): use dynamic "LANGUAGE_CODE", better internationalization (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs(readme): simplify docs a bit [skip ci] (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add locale_path to settings, to help facilitate translation when required (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add the "LANGUAGES" django setting explicitly (Saurabh Kumar)
- style(imports): apply isort on /settings (Saurabh Kumar)
- Removed celery settings, as it's hardly used. (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add changelog file (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): swap to django-storages-redux, an py3 compatible fork (Saurabh Kumar)
- Add url for the release diff compare (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(docs): add third party services/products requirements [ci skip] (Saurabh Kumar)
- Update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): upgrade pillow to 2.8.1 (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(base/models): correct the import path (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(API): add api versioning support via Accept headers (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): update requirements (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(deps): upgrade to django rest framework 3.1.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(settings): update order of 'collectfast' in Installed apps. (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(tests): update the cookiecutter interface as per latest cookiecutter (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(settings): make setting more logically organized. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): upgrade to django 1.7.6 (security release) (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): upgrade ipython to 3.0.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(settings): make sure django-secure middleware is only in prod (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): update django 1.7.4 -> 1.7.5 (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(api/errors): make the unhandled exception response consistent. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(): update django-versatileimagefield 0.5.2->0.5.3 (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- add link to wiki (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): mention how to activate virtualenv (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): mention that UUIDModel is supported (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(): move project level templates at main templates folder (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): update readme with latest features (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(docs): add api error format with documentation (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(fab/test): add 'capture=no' option to 'py.test' with 'ipdb' option (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(wsgi): make sure the get_wsgi_application is below env getter ([Saurabh])
- fix(Procfile): make sure only one worker is populated ([Saurabh])
- feat(base): add base timestamped UUID model (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- feat(setup): add iSort configuration (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(docs/mkdocs): add 'urlize' markdown extension (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): update initial copy of
(Saurabh Kumar) - chore(setup): hard code SECRET_KEY for test setting (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(flake8): fix the flake8 error produced in generates files (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(requirements): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(bumpversion): update config to include release status (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): add travis badge (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(templating): initialize the repo with version 0.0.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(): remove domain name (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- chore(): prefer newrelic-admin as gunicorn spawner, remove middleware (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- feat(new relic): add new relic support (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- keep on using '.bumpversion.cfg' until this PR[1] is fixed. (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(pytest): move settings from 'pytest.ini' to 'setup.cfg' (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(bumpversion): move settings from .bumpversion.cfg to setup.cfg (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(requirments): update to drf 3.0.4, django-versatileimagefield 0.5.1 (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(templating): remove use of
{{cookie cutter.domain_name}}
(Saurabh Kumar) - update requirements - django 1.7.4, boto 2.36.0, unicode-slugify 0.1.3 (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(anisable/common): add
command (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(security): update django 1.7.2 -> 1.7.3 (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(docs/release-notes): add release notes page with github issue autolink. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): fix typo in readme (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(mkdocs): update copyright year to 2015 (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(cookiecutter): fix the variable name (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(settings): make it python2 compatible (Saurabh Kumar)
- upgrade to django 1.7.2 (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(requirements): update to pillow 2.7.0 and DRF 3.0.2 (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(requirements): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- settings: add console and Null log handler (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs/settings): update and make settings docs more readable (Saurabh Kumar)
- docs: update coding conventions (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(cache): replace redis as cache backend (Saurabh Kumar)
- api/docs: correct max page_size to 1000 (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(travis): use container based infrastructure (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): add system level dev dependencies (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(fabric): make the fabric local command always use 'bash' (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(test): add test for checking generate errors (Saurabh Kumar)
- update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): remove 'ghp-import' lib in favor or 'mkdocs gh-deploy' (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): added a note for installing Graphiz ([Paul Oostenrijk])
- feat(drf): updgrade django rest framework to 3.0.0 (Saurabh Kumar)
- update python requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(grunt): update packages to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): update readme (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(s3): correct the value of 'AWS_S3_CALLING_FORMAT' (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(config): use native os.environ instead of values.Value (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(apps): add base app with common re-usable code (Saurabh Kumar)
- refactor(docs): move server setup to docs/backend/server_config (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(travis): correct path of for running migrations (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(heroku): fix wsgi path in Procfile (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(travis): add postgres and add caching for PIP (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(settings): add optimised settings for testing (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(fab/test): fix params to coverage (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(model-util): add django-versatile image field (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(pages): add support for 'humans.txt' and 'robots.txt' (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(bumpversion): update locations of version (Saurabh Kumar)
- refactor(pages): move main templates and static into pages app. (Saurabh Kumar)
- refrator(settings): move
(Saurabh Kumar) - fix(requirements): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(test): add missing (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(fabfile): add mixing create_graph_model function (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(requirement): resolve the conflict of markdown with mkdocs (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(): fix merge (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(docs): generate model graph as part of doc build process (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(ansible): cleanup and fixes, view full commit for details. (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(wigs): move to’s location (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- fix(config): register ‘rest_framework’ (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- fix(urls): fix urls to use (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- fix(config): fix wsgi settings (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- fix(config): add missing import (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- fix(travis): update the deploy strategy to 'api' (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(docs): update image url for database diagram (Saurabh Kumar)
- minor cleanup and updates (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(versioning/docs): include ‘’ under bumpversion. (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(docs): add github_url and copyright info (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(project/versioning): add version_info (Saurabh Kumar)
- add check for ' test' (Saurabh Kumar)
- refactor( move '' to project root folder (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(travis): use email notifications instead of hipchat (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): add default documentation and structure (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(tests): add py.test and coverage (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- feat(versioning): add bumpversion for applying version and tags. (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(django/app): replace django.contrib.sites with django_sites. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(deps): update dependecies to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(editorconfig): don't trim trailing whitespace for *.md (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(travis): enable postgres test setttings (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(requirement): add pytz add default (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(settings): fix import in for heroku (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(settings): fix import error in (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(deploy): fix deploy instructions on readme (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(DRF): add base settings for django-rest-framework (Saurabh Kumar)
- style(PEP): fix PEP8 issues (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(readme): correct typo of cookie variable (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(cookie): fix variable name (Saurabh Kumar)
- style(ansible): lets have pip in ‘requirements’ and ansible in ‘provisioner’ (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(travis): add missing quotes on post deploy script (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(config): read database config only in (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(flake): add sane defaults for flake8 (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): update docs to reflect the latest config (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(foundation): prevent jinja from alterning the output (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(celery): install celery setting only if required (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(foundation): foundation is now 5.4.1 (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(fab): fix string formating typo (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(hooks): add pre/post hooks (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(fab): update the commands to work with virtualenv (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(): minor formating (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(fab): clean up the python-dotenv settings (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(celery): add celery settings to settings module (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- fix(celery): fix celery settings (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- fix(celery): move celery to correct location (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- feat(packages): add ipdb and django-uuid-upload-path (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(packages): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(dj/upgrade): upgrade django to 1.7 (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(CI): add travis file (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(cleanup): remove section on approved libraries and git breaching (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(cleanup): these are set using .env file now (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(security): Enable force-ssl on heroku. (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(read): add ref for DJ-Database-URL format (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- refactor(readme): change order of steps (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- chore(readme/fab): update readme and fabfile (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- feat(configurations): move environment configuration to django-dotenv-rw (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- feat(guidelines): add a/c to github convention (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(requirements): update them to latest version (Saurabh Kumar)
- style(urls): supress pep8 warning (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(fab): add startapp command (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(config): fix import of settings in (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(config/celery): fix import issue for celery (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(configuration): syntax changes ([Your Name])
- fix(configurations): fix typo in pip production (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- fix(configurations): added repo version to ‘git’ role ([Vikrant Pogula])
- chore(docs): add fueled attribution (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(configurations): fix typo in template ([Vikrant Pogula])
- fix(configuration): make use of ‘domain_name’ comprehensive (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(configurations): added ansible support to supporting files ([Vikrant Pogula])
- fix(configurations): added to allow j2 templates for ansible ([Vikrant Pogula])
- fix(configurations): added ansible variable for domain_name ([Vikrant Pogula])
- fix(ansible): use {{ celery_app }} in celery task instead ([Saurabh])
- feat(ansible): added various ansible roles ([Vikrant Pogula])
- update documentation (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(docs): update documentation (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(fabric): fabric can now be run from project subdirectory (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(favicon): use self hosted version of favicon (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(fronted): add browsehappy for IE < 8 (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(dev_server): use
forrun server
(Saurabh Kumar) - chore(requirements): update to latest version (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(error_pages): update 400, 403, 404 & 500 pages (Saurabh Kumar)
- refactor(config): use differnt file for develop/production settings (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(settings): fix depreciation warning of dj Debug toolbar (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(docs): update heroku deploy instructions (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix - unable debug in development settings (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(command): add 'fab shell' command (Saurabh Kumar)
- update settings file (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(dependency): update dependencies to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(docs): fix template variable name (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(): fix typos (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(cookiecutter): fix jinja conflicts (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): update documentation (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(docs): add django versatile Image field ([Saurabh])
- chore(requirements): update requirements to latest (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): add list of approved libraries (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(sass): added foundation scss style files files (Vikrant Pogula | Fueled)
- feat(Favicon): fixes the favicon 404 error ([Saurabh])
- fix(grunt): add to watch dir ([Saurabh])
- fix(settings): fix dependencies + fix settings (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(pages): fix urls of pages app and urls (Saurabh Kumar)
- refactor(grunt): use coffeescript instead of js (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(config): add django setup configuration (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(config): add postgessql database (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(docs): updates docs and variables name (Saurabh Kumar)
- refractor(config): make pip configs map directly to django settings (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(settings): add pages app and proper settings (Saurabh Kumar)
- refactor(vagrant): share the folder as project_name (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(heroku): add Procfile (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(frontend): add grunt task runner (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(app): add core & config django apps (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(template): add default 404/500 pages (Saurabh Kumar)
- fix(vagrant): can't use
in IP address, fixit! (Saurabh Kumar) - feat(docs): add mkdocs for writing documentation (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(vagrant): add basic vagrantbox setup config (Saurabh Kumar)
- chore(doc): how to scafold a new project (Saurabh Kumar)
- feat(init): add base file for cookiecutter (Saurabh Kumar)