- The Beginner's Guide to ReactJS [read]
- React.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By [read]
- 13 things you need to know about React [read]
- Tutorial: Intro To React [read]
- ReactJS For Stupid People [read]
- Complete Intro to React, v3 (feat. Redux, Router & Flow) [watch][$]
- React 🎄 [read]
- React Enlightenment [read]
- REACT JS TUTORIAL #1 - Reactjs Javascript Introduction & Workspace Setup [watch]
- React For Beginners [watch][$]
- Build Your First Production Quality React App [watch][$]
- Advanced React Component Patterns [watch][$]
- React Patterns [read]
- 8 Key React Component Decisions [read]
- React + Mobx codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API. [code]
- An Introduction to React Router v4 and its Philosophy Toward Routing [read]
Once you have a good handle on React move on to learning a more robust state management solution like MobX. If you are an experienced developer with Functional Programming knowledge look at Redux. If you need help understanding the role of state management beyond React's setState
watch, "Advanced State Management in React (feat. Redux and MobX)".
Note below the trends in the React Ecosystem (from npm registry) as you move past React and learn tools that work alongside React.