Releases: FrogAi/FrogPilot
March 29th, 2024 Update for FrogPilot v0.9.6:
Highlight Features
- Traffic Mode - Find yourself stuck in stop and go traffic and openpilot drives too much like an anxious teenager? Introducing "Traffic Mode"! Enabled by simply holding down the "Distance" button for 2.5 seconds, this will make openpilot drive a bit more aggressive at lower speeds to handle stop and go traffic more smoothly! This will override the "Increase Stop Distance Behind Lead" toggle so you can configure that for more relaxed driving and not worry about it causing issues when in stop and go traffic. This function is only available on Toyota/Lexus/Hyundai/Kia/Genesis for now, and will be rolled out to everyone on the next update!
Other Enhancements
- Added a random event for when acceleration exceeds 3.5 m/s
- Added the "April Fool’s" holiday theme
- Added toggle to adjust lead detection sensitivity
- Added toggle to disable openpilot longitudinal control
- Tweaked the curve detection for "Conditional Experimental Mode" to filter out false positives at red lights more reliably
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the goat scream will sound when the FCW alert would trigger
Code Base & Maintenance
- Reduced the total download size by 8%
- Updated the README to be up-to-date and convey information more clearly
March 15th, 2024 Update for FrogPilot v0.9.6:
Highlight Features
Backup Functionality - Find yourself longing for a previous version of FrogPilot or wanting a quick and easy way to swap between release and staging? Well, this week introduces backups! Upon installing an update, FrogPilot will automatically backup it's current state with the branch name and update date for easy identification! It'll keep up to 5 of these automatic backups, but you can also manually create a more permanent backup in the "Device" panel. Along with backing up the entire FrogPilot program, you can also create and restore toggle presets if you find you delved too deep into swapping around settings and want to go back to a previous state. This is only done manually, so make sure you back it up before you start flipping switches!
Holiday Themes - Feel openpilot isn't festive enough? Does your driving experience need some holiday spirit? Introducing "Holiday Themes"! On minor holidays, such as 4th of July or New Years, openpilot's theme will match that holiday for the day of, and for major holidays, such as Christmas or Easter, it'll last for the entire week! Currently only "Easter", "St. Patrick’s Day", and "World Frog Day" have been added, but I'll be adding more themes as their respective holidays come up!
Screen Management - Do you prefer to have your screen brightness to differ from when you're onroad vs offroad? Or how about hiding the entire onroad UI? Well, now you can! Introducing the latest parent toggle "Screen Management"! "Screen Management" introduces 7 new child toggles to hide various onroad UI elements from the screen, tweak the screen brightness for both onroad and offroad, timeout settings, and a new "Standby Mode" to awaken the screen when engagement state changes or alerts are active on the screen!
Other Enhancements
- Added a random event for when acceleration exceeds 3.0 m/s
- Added a toggle to hide the lead marker
- Added option to have a "None" steering wheel
- Added the ability to long press the distance button to switch the state of "Experimental Mode" (Currently only HKG/Toyota/Lexus)
- Added toggles to hide the status bar for "Always On Lateral" and "Conditional Experimental Mode"
- Updated all of the custom audio files to be a more consistent in volume
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where "FrogPilot" statistics weren't logging for comma powerless users
- Fixed an issue where some button based toggles weren't live toggles
- Fixed an issue where some toggles wouldn't restore their previous selection when re-installing
- Fixed an issue where the "acceleration" metric wouldn't populate if "Pedals On Onroad UI" was toggled off
- Fixed an issue where the compass wouldn't properly highlight the "W" cardinal direction
- Fixed an issue where the text for the speed limit confirmation screen was inversed for right hand drivers
- Fixed an issue where the "Your Frog Tried To Kill Me" random event would trigger if "Random Events" was toggled off
Code Base & Maintenance
- Tweaked the default toggles to match up with the community consensus
March 1st, 2024 Update for FrogPilot v0.9.6:
Highlight Features
Fleet Manager Refinements - Thanks to @Mike854, "Fleet Manager" has received a handful of touch ups and refinements! You'll find dashcam footage previews in the "Dashcam Routes" tab to be able to find your desired route with ease! The "Navigation" tab has also received a handful of bug fixes when working with the "MapBox" and "AMap" APIs, along with the new "Tools" tab to retrieve and modify your current toggle configuration so you can alter them from either your phone or desktop with ease!
Speed Limit Controller Refinements - With some help from @syncword, I went through and cleaned up a handful of the logic for "Speed Limit Controller" to provide a more refined experience! On top of these refinements, you'll find all of the "Speed Limit Controller" related toggles to be located within the "Speed Limit Controller" parent toggle as opposed to scattered in 4 different places and with an additional toggle to only change the desired speed limit upon confirmation. You can confirm the new speed limit by either taping on the screen or pressing the cruise increase/decrease button on your steering wheel to confirm/deny the new speed limit.
Other Enhancements
- Added a map style selector to choose a custom map layout thanks to @Mike854!
- Added a random event after you get a red “BRAKE” alert
- Added a toggle to make the path width dynamically adjust in width in accordance to the openpilot engagement state
- Added "FrogPilot" driving statistics to the "Drive Stats In Home Screen" feature
- Added gas and brake pedals to the screen to indicate when they are being pressed
- Added "Recertified Herbalist" to the model switcher
- Added "soft" reboot thanks to @CHaucke89!
- Added the ability to set "Speed Limit Controller" offsets to go negative
- Enabled comma's version of NNFF for all Chevy Bolts
- Improved the cluster speed offset for 7th Gen Lexus ES vehicles
- Improved the lead detection logic to determine if the lead is stopping for a red light
- Improved the stop and go experience for Toyota pedal users thanks to @cydia2020!
- Increased the volume for Random Events
- Precompiled FrogPilot for drastically faster installation and boot times
- Split out "Acceleration Profiles" into "Acceleration" and "Deceleration" to further fine tune your desired driving experience
- Toggles now automatically restore themselves when reinstalling FrogPilot
- Updated the status bar to show what condition triggered the navigation condition
- Updates are now allowed when onroad as long as the gear shifter is in park
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue that was causing the "Green Light" alert to trigger when putting the car in drive
- Fixed an issue that was preventing the current car model from being selectable
- Fixed an issue that was setting the max speed to 0 if "MTSC", "SLC", or "VTSC" was set to 0
- Fixed an issue that would cause openpilot to use the incorrect acceleration profile for turning if "Experimental Mode" was active
- Fixed an issue where lateral wont resume after using the turn signal when using "Pause Lateral On Turn Signal Below"
- Fixed an issue where "manual" updates weren't completely manual
- Fixed an issue with MTSC flickering on and off during curves
- Fixed an issue with the speed limit being a bit off
- Fixed "Sport+" for GM vehicles thanks to @mochi86420!
- Fixed "Sport+" from inviting other drivers to a street race
Code Base & Maintenance
- Optimized the toggle update functions
- Resynced off of the "devel" branch
- Updated to the latest version of Cydia's Toyota tune
- Updated to the latest version of DragonPilot's Toyota tune