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September 1st, 2024

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@FrogAi FrogAi released this 01 Sep 19:07
· 4 commits to FrogPilot since this release

September 1st, 2024 Update for FrogPilot v0.9.7:

Highlight Features

  • Custom Themes Rework - Previously, the non-frog themes were essentially the frog theme with different colors and icons. However, this rework makes each theme entirely unique with its own configuration, making it easier to add new themes with more diverse and creative designs. For example, the "Tesla" turn signals have been completely redesigned with a "static" animation featuring Tesla-inspired images as opposed to the lovely abomination they were before. Additionally, GIFs are now supported for the steering wheel icon, distance profiles, and sidebar icons, allowing for even greater customization! In an upcoming update, you'll also be able to create your own themes and submit them to the community if you choose!

  • More Longitudinal Refinements - While fine-tuning the longitudinal controls, I made two significant changes. First, I renamed "Increase Acceleration Behind Lead" and "Smoother Braking" to "Human-Like Acceleration" and "Human-Like Following Distance" for greater clarity. Secondly, I added some additional logic to "Human-Like Acceleration" to, well, behave more "human-like". One of these adjustments introduces an offset that gradually reduces acceleration as the vehicle approaches its maximum speed, allowing it to "coast" rather than maintaining full throttle until the limit is reached. More updates and logic refinements for this feature are planned, so stay tuned!

Other Enhancements

  • Added a random event that changes the home button icon to "The Blob"
  • Added a steering wheel GIF for the goat scream random event
  • Added additional checks for the maximum acceleration to ensure compliance with the "ISO 15622:2018" safety standard
  • Added support for animated steering wheels to "Visuals -> Bonus Content -> Personalize openpilot -> Steering Wheel"
  • Added support for "Holiday Themes" to feature their own themed steering wheels
  • Added the "Clairvoyant Driver" model to "Model Management"
  • Added the "Experimental GM Tune" in the "Vehicles" panel to help make coming to a stop smoother for certain GM vehicles
  • Added the option to customize the startup message in "Visuals -> Bonus Content -> Personalize openpilot -> Startup Alert"
  • Each "Random Event" now only triggers once per drive
  • Forced the "Standard" acceleration profile when using "Traffic Mode" to help prevent rough stop and go behaviors
  • Increased the speed of the "Sport+" acceleration profile at lower speeds
  • Replaced the "Stop Lights and Stop Signs" toggle with "Model Wants To Stop In The Next" in "Conditional Experimental Mode" to use a dynamic variable based on personal preference
  • Tweaked the "FrogPilot" Toyota/Lexus tune to accelerate faster and exit from a standstill sooner
  • Updated to the latest version of the "SecretGoodOpenpilot" model

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would allow multiple manual backups of the same name

Code Base & Maintenance

  • Added branch automations to ensure their respective branches are consistently up-to-date
  • Moved various FrogPilot based functions into their own dedicated files for easy maintainability
  • The "FrogPilot" backups now have a compression ratio of 2.35 for drastically reduced storage usage