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November 1st, 2024

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@FrogAi FrogAi released this 02 Nov 02:48
· 4 commits to FrogPilot since this release

November 1st, 2024 Update for FrogPilot v0.9.7:

Highlight Features

  • Adjacent Lead Tracking - Earlier this year I took a stab at @twilsonco's feature for tracking leads in other lanes, but ultimately got caught up with 100 other things and it fell a bit to the wayside, but I took a crack at it again and successfully got it working! You can activate this while using the "Advanced" "Customization Level" under "Theme and Appearance -> APPEARANCE -> Developer Metrics -> Longitudinal Metrics -> Adjacent Leads". For now this is purely cosmetic, but soon we'll take advantage of all this new data!

  • Toggle Panel Rework - Last month saw a complete revamp of the toggle panels, and this month comes with some refinements based off of both user feedback and some ideas I've been toying around with for awhile. Mainly is the introduction of "Customization Levels" which allows you to simplify the customization options and have FrogPilot automatically handle the hidden toggles for you! There's "Basic" which offers a more "stock-like" experience, "Advanced" for those who want complete control over their driving experience, and "Standard" which offers a balance between the two. Feel free to leave any feedback on the latest changes in the #user-interface-rework channel!

Other Enhancements

  • Added more precise value control to the "Lane Change Delay" toggle
  • Added the “auto” option for "Alert Volume Controller"
  • Added the distance to the forced stop to the "Force Stop for 'Detected' Stop Lights/Signs" alert
  • Added the "This Is Fine" steering saturated random event
  • Cherry-picked over the "Remove steering wheel offset for planner slow down for curves" commit from the official repository (commaai#33849)
  • "Model Manager V10" with support for the "Dissolved Oxygen" model
  • Refined the "Prepare for Higher/Lower Speed Limits" algorithm to be more precise
  • Removed all of the "tap on "x" widget to do "x"" features due to confusion from users misclicking on them
  • Removed the camera's FPS from the "FPS Display" since it was a bit redundant and there's a stock alert to handle any potential camera frame rate issues
  • Removed the road edge colors from custom themes to differentiate between road edges and lane lines easier
  • The "Model Wants To Stop In "X" Seconds" condition for "Conditional Experimental Mode" now wont trigger when "Traffic Mode" is active to prevent unnecessary activations in stop and go traffic
  • Tweaked "FrogsGoMoo's Personal Tweaks" to be closer to the stock "Toyota-Lexus" tune
  • Tweaked the acceleration ramp-off when using "Human-Like Acceleration" to be more "human-like"
  • Tweaked the adjacent path colors to be more representative of the detected lane's width
  • Tweaked the "ECO" and "SPORT" "Deceleration Profiles" to be more aggressive and decelerate quicker
  • Tweaked the "Force Stop for 'Detected' Stop Lights/Signs" logic to be more accurate in regards to where the model wants to stop
  • Tweaked the "SPORT+" "Acceleration Profile" to be quicker at medium to high speeds
  • Updated to the latest version of comma's "Toyota-Lexus" tune
  • When "Curve Speed Control" is active, your selected "Deceleration Profile" will now be used instead of the stock profile

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the "Increase Stopped Distance" function from properly working
  • Fixed an issue where the "Confirm New Speed Limits" function would trigger for speed limits of 0
  • Fixed an issue where the vehicle wouldn't come to a complete stop when using the "Force Stop for 'Detected' Stop Lights/Signs" feature

Code Base & Maintenance

  • Refactored how FrogPilot toggles are declared and updated to be more efficient, reliable, and much easier to maintain
  • Optimized the asset management functions to create fewer requests to Github/Gitlab