diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8380cd93 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/dependabot.yml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# configuration options for dependency updates +# https://help.github.com/en/github/administering-a-repository/configuration-options-for-dependency-updates + +version: 2 +updates: +- package-ecosystem: bundler + directory: "/" + schedule: + interval: weekly + open-pull-requests-limit: 10 diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24cdf928 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +# https://github.com/actions/starter-workflows/blob/main/pages/jekyll-gh-pages.yml +name: Test build within pull requests + +on: pull_request + +concurrency: + group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }} + cancel-in-progress: true + +jobs: + build: + runs-on: ubuntu-latest + steps: + - name: Checkout + uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: Setup Pages + uses: actions/configure-pages@v2 + - name: Build with Jekyll + uses: actions/jekyll-build-pages@v1 + with: + source: ./ + destination: ./_site diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock index 2000d479..c49dc965 100644 --- a/Gemfile.lock +++ b/Gemfile.lock @@ -1,212 +1,254 @@ GEM remote: https://rubygems.org/ specs: - activesupport (4.2.9) - i18n (~> 0.7) - minitest (~> 5.1) - thread_safe (~> 0.3, >= 0.3.4) - tzinfo (~> 1.1) - addressable (2.5.2) - public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 4.0) + activesupport ( + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2) + i18n (>= 1.6, < 2) + minitest (>= 5.1) + tzinfo (~> 2.0) + addressable (2.8.1) + public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 6.0) coffee-script (2.4.1) coffee-script-source execjs coffee-script-source (1.11.1) colorator (1.1.0) - ethon (0.10.1) - ffi (>= 1.3.0) - execjs (2.7.0) - faraday (0.13.1) - multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3) - ffi (1.9.18) + commonmarker (0.23.10) + concurrent-ruby (1.2.2) + dnsruby (1.61.9) + simpleidn (~> 0.1) + em-websocket (0.5.3) + eventmachine (>= 0.12.9) + http_parser.rb (~> 0) + ethon (0.16.0) + ffi (>= 1.15.0) + eventmachine (1.2.7) + execjs (2.8.1) + faraday (2.7.4) + faraday-net_http (>= 2.0, < 3.1) + ruby2_keywords (>= 0.0.4) + faraday-net_http (3.0.2) + ffi (1.15.5) forwardable-extended (2.6.0) - gemoji (3.0.0) - github-pages (163) - activesupport (= 4.2.9) - github-pages-health-check (= 1.3.5) - jekyll (= 3.5.2) - jekyll-avatar (= 0.5.0) - jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.0.2) + gemoji (3.0.1) + github-pages (228) + github-pages-health-check (= 1.17.9) + jekyll (= 3.9.3) + jekyll-avatar (= 0.7.0) + jekyll-coffeescript (= 1.1.1) + jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (= 0.4.0) jekyll-default-layout (= 0.1.4) - jekyll-feed (= 0.9.2) - jekyll-gist (= 1.4.1) - jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.9.3) - jekyll-mentions (= 1.2.0) - jekyll-optional-front-matter (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-feed (= 0.15.1) + jekyll-gist (= 1.5.0) + jekyll-github-metadata (= 2.13.0) + jekyll-include-cache (= 0.2.1) + jekyll-mentions (= 1.6.0) + jekyll-optional-front-matter (= 0.3.2) jekyll-paginate (= 1.1.0) - jekyll-readme-index (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.12.1) - jekyll-relative-links (= 0.5.0) - jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.5.0) - jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.3.0) - jekyll-sitemap (= 1.1.1) - jekyll-swiss (= 0.4.0) - jekyll-theme-architect (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-cayman (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-dinky (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-hacker (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-leap-day (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-merlot (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-midnight (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-minimal (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-modernist (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-primer (= 0.5.2) - jekyll-theme-slate (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-tactile (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-theme-time-machine (= 0.1.0) - jekyll-titles-from-headings (= 0.4.0) - jemoji (= 0.8.1) - kramdown (= 1.13.2) - liquid (= 4.0.0) - listen (= 3.0.6) + jekyll-readme-index (= 0.3.0) + jekyll-redirect-from (= 0.16.0) + jekyll-relative-links (= 0.6.1) + jekyll-remote-theme (= 0.4.3) + jekyll-sass-converter (= 1.5.2) + jekyll-seo-tag (= 2.8.0) + jekyll-sitemap (= 1.4.0) + jekyll-swiss (= 1.0.0) + jekyll-theme-architect (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-cayman (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-dinky (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-hacker (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-leap-day (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-merlot (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-midnight (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-minimal (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-modernist (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-primer (= 0.6.0) + jekyll-theme-slate (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-tactile (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-theme-time-machine (= 0.2.0) + jekyll-titles-from-headings (= 0.5.3) + jemoji (= 0.12.0) + kramdown (= 2.3.2) + kramdown-parser-gfm (= 1.1.0) + liquid (= 4.0.4) mercenary (~> 0.3) - minima (= 2.1.1) - rouge (= 1.11.1) + minima (= 2.5.1) + nokogiri (>= 1.13.6, < 2.0) + rouge (= 3.26.0) terminal-table (~> 1.4) - github-pages-health-check (1.3.5) + github-pages-health-check (1.17.9) addressable (~> 2.3) - net-dns (~> 0.8) + dnsruby (~> 1.60) octokit (~> 4.0) - public_suffix (~> 2.0) - typhoeus (~> 0.7) - html-pipeline (2.7.1) + public_suffix (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + typhoeus (~> 1.3) + html-pipeline (2.14.3) activesupport (>= 2) nokogiri (>= 1.4) - i18n (0.8.6) - jekyll (3.5.2) + http_parser.rb (0.8.0) + i18n (1.14.1) + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) + jekyll (3.9.3) addressable (~> 2.4) colorator (~> 1.0) + em-websocket (~> 0.5) + i18n (>= 0.7, < 2) jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0) - jekyll-watch (~> 1.1) - kramdown (~> 1.3) + jekyll-watch (~> 2.0) + kramdown (>= 1.17, < 3) liquid (~> 4.0) mercenary (~> 0.3.3) pathutil (~> 0.9) - rouge (~> 1.7) + rouge (>= 1.7, < 4) safe_yaml (~> 1.0) - jekyll-avatar (0.5.0) - jekyll (~> 3.0) - jekyll-coffeescript (1.0.2) + jekyll-avatar (0.7.0) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-coffeescript (1.1.1) coffee-script (~> 2.2) coffee-script-source (~> 1.11.1) + jekyll-commonmark (1.4.0) + commonmarker (~> 0.22) + jekyll-commonmark-ghpages (0.4.0) + commonmarker (~> 0.23.7) + jekyll (~> 3.9.0) + jekyll-commonmark (~> 1.4.0) + rouge (>= 2.0, < 5.0) jekyll-default-layout (0.1.4) jekyll (~> 3.0) - jekyll-feed (0.9.2) - jekyll (~> 3.3) - jekyll-gist (1.4.1) + jekyll-feed (0.15.1) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-gist (1.5.0) octokit (~> 4.2) - jekyll-github-metadata (2.9.3) - jekyll (~> 3.1) + jekyll-github-metadata (2.13.0) + jekyll (>= 3.4, < 5.0) octokit (~> 4.0, != 4.4.0) - jekyll-mentions (1.2.0) - activesupport (~> 4.0) + jekyll-include-cache (0.2.1) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-mentions (1.6.0) html-pipeline (~> 2.3) - jekyll (~> 3.0) - jekyll-optional-front-matter (0.2.0) - jekyll (~> 3.0) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-optional-front-matter (0.3.2) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) jekyll-paginate (1.1.0) - jekyll-readme-index (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.0) - jekyll-redirect-from (0.12.1) - jekyll (~> 3.3) - jekyll-relative-links (0.5.0) - jekyll (~> 3.3) - jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.0) + jekyll-readme-index (0.3.0) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + jekyll-redirect-from (0.16.0) + jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) + jekyll-relative-links (0.6.1) + jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) + jekyll-remote-theme (0.4.3) + addressable (~> 2.0) + jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-sass-converter (>= 1.0, <= 3.0.0, != 2.0.0) + rubyzip (>= 1.3.0, < 3.0) + jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2) sass (~> 3.4) - jekyll-seo-tag (2.3.0) - jekyll (~> 3.3) - jekyll-sitemap (1.1.1) - jekyll (~> 3.3) - jekyll-swiss (0.4.0) - jekyll-theme-architect (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-seo-tag (2.8.0) + jekyll (>= 3.8, < 5.0) + jekyll-sitemap (1.4.0) + jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0) + jekyll-swiss (1.0.0) + jekyll-theme-architect (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-cayman (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-cayman (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-dinky (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-dinky (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-hacker (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-hacker (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-leap-day (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-leap-day (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-merlot (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-merlot (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-midnight (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-midnight (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-minimal (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-minimal (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-modernist (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-modernist (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-primer (0.5.2) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-primer (0.6.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-github-metadata (~> 2.9) - jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.2) - jekyll-theme-slate (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-tactile (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-slate (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) + jekyll-theme-tactile (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-theme-time-machine (0.1.0) - jekyll (~> 3.5) + jekyll-theme-time-machine (0.2.0) + jekyll (> 3.5, < 5.0) jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.0) - jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.4.0) - jekyll (~> 3.3) - jekyll-watch (1.5.0) - listen (~> 3.0, < 3.1) - jemoji (0.8.1) - activesupport (~> 4.0, >= 4.2.9) + jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.5.3) + jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0) + jekyll-watch (2.2.1) + listen (~> 3.0) + jemoji (0.12.0) gemoji (~> 3.0) html-pipeline (~> 2.2) - jekyll (>= 3.0) - kramdown (1.13.2) - liquid (4.0.0) - listen (3.0.6) - rb-fsevent (>= 0.9.3) - rb-inotify (>= 0.9.7) + jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0) + kramdown (2.3.2) + rexml + kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0) + kramdown (~> 2.0) + liquid (4.0.4) + listen (3.8.0) + rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3) + rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10) mercenary (0.3.6) - mini_portile2 (2.3.0) - minima (2.1.1) - jekyll (~> 3.3) - minitest (5.10.3) - multipart-post (2.0.0) - net-dns (0.8.0) - nokogiri (1.8.1) - mini_portile2 (~> 2.3.0) - octokit (4.7.0) - sawyer (~> 0.8.0, >= 0.5.3) - pathutil (0.16.0) + mini_portile2 (2.8.1) + minima (2.5.1) + jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0) + jekyll-feed (~> 0.9) + jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.1) + minitest (5.19.0) + nokogiri (1.14.3) + mini_portile2 (~> 2.8.0) + racc (~> 1.4) + octokit (4.25.1) + faraday (>= 1, < 3) + sawyer (~> 0.9) + pathutil (0.16.2) forwardable-extended (~> 2.6) - public_suffix (2.0.5) - rb-fsevent (0.10.2) - rb-inotify (0.9.10) - ffi (>= 0.5.0, < 2) - rouge (1.11.1) - safe_yaml (1.0.4) - sass (3.5.2) + public_suffix (4.0.7) + racc (1.6.2) + rb-fsevent (0.11.2) + rb-inotify (0.10.1) + ffi (~> 1.0) + rexml (3.2.5) + rouge (3.26.0) + ruby2_keywords (0.0.5) + rubyzip (2.3.2) + safe_yaml (1.0.5) + sass (3.7.4) sass-listen (~> 4.0.0) sass-listen (4.0.0) rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4) rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7) - sawyer (0.8.1) - addressable (>= 2.3.5, < 2.6) - faraday (~> 0.8, < 1.0) + sawyer (0.9.2) + addressable (>= 2.3.5) + faraday (>= 0.17.3, < 3) + simpleidn (0.2.1) + unf (~> 0.1.4) terminal-table (1.8.0) unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1) - thread_safe (0.3.6) - typhoeus (0.8.0) - ethon (>= 0.8.0) - tzinfo (1.2.3) - thread_safe (~> 0.1) - unicode-display_width (1.3.0) + typhoeus (1.4.0) + ethon (>= 0.9.0) + tzinfo (2.0.6) + concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0) + unf (0.1.4) + unf_ext + unf_ext ( + unicode-display_width (1.8.0) PLATFORMS ruby @@ -216,4 +258,4 @@ DEPENDENCIES minima BUNDLED WITH - 1.15.4 + 1.16.1 diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index 0947cd3f..21f37c4a 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ MIT License -Copyright (c) 2017 Friends Of REDAXO +Copyright (c) 2019 Friends Of REDAXO Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 69be287b..ee599c6b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ A map filled with people being involved in [REDAXO](https://redaxo.org) CMS. Hos đ __https://friendsofredaxo.github.io/community/__ - + The screenshot above shows what user entries look like. Youâll even get your own URL for your entry, which is awesome! Look, this is a [link to Markus](https://friendsofredaxo.github.io/community/#staabm). diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml index 3e167ec7..06f98e68 100644 --- a/_config.yml +++ b/_config.yml @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ exclude: - LICENSE - README.md - SETUP.md +- vendor # Compress HTML in Jekyll # http://jch.penibelst.de diff --git a/_data/last-modified.yml b/_data/last-modified.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6f49a20 --- /dev/null +++ b/_data/last-modified.yml @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +HarunurRashid: 1551763727 +Lp1950: 1550147880 +abraxas: 1550742404 +aeberhard: 1510130611 +akrys: 1511718303 +alexander-braendle: 1539162456 +alexplus: 1569314230 +alexwenz: 1511868370 +alissadreiling: 1512551845 +andreastietz: 1512740452 +ansichtsache: 1569319200 +averanga: 1509482954 +beategoeckeritz: 1512386776 +bertram: 1512143346 +bitbender: 1510062098 +bloep: 1509883850 +brandes-webdesign: 1512209670 +brinkers: 1553013120 +busch: 1550498810 +c-reiss: 1515066765 +chip75: 1510069203 +chrfickinger: 1511885643 +chris-s: 1536835913 +chrison94: 1510755727 +christophstaeblein: 1538989363 +claudiaheyer: 1509653328 +codedivision: 1510169069 +concept-check: 1539010515 +contrast-m: 1539005998 +cukabeka: 1512403530 +danielspringer: 1514465331 +danielweitenauer: 1509893743 +darwin: 1510068660 +dbruchmann: 1513846973 +dennzimm: 1512155323 +dergel: 1510068346 +design-to-use: 1510749404 +dpf-dd: 1536311346 +dtpop: 1509628358 +dweingart: 1537361106 +eace: 1510859714 +ebro: 1510068228 +elmono: 1523613961 +elricco: 1509883895 +erraiva: 1515763460 +erwin-oertel: 1539613732 +explorit: 1550181843 +f5alex: 1550137327 +falkomueller: 1512482953 +fanello73: 1510676749 +gege: 1550146878 +georgkaser: 1509640930 +geri: 1547053415 +gharlan: 1510067770 +gorkarod: 1557432425 +greatif: 1512549999 +gseilheimer: 1511529877 +guentertrapp: 1511382335 +hasenmeister: 1512480109 +heidecke: 1552920002 +heikeblum: 1512053602 +hirbod: 1510659082 +hommel: 1510687350 +hut: 1552172621 +ingowinter: 1509833298 +internetmacher: 1510071819 +interweave-media: 1510247924 +isospin: 1510130274 +jackomono: 1513266544 +jankern: 1512481206 +javanita: 1510740743 +jensfuchs: 1511949888 +joachimdoerr: 1509490831 +jochenflaskamp: 1512847684 +jonast: 1510330551 +juergeneggers: 1512402138 +justdun: 1538645548 +juttaschumann: 1557423019 +kabelwelten: 1510330744 +koala: 1512400894 +kobebeef: 1510067508 +kraft: 1510757322 +krisse85: 1511256712 +larsen: 1512477521 +lenathiele: 1511886078 +lexplatt: 1511957579 +lux: 1550215410 +madiko: 1511901947 +mahribar: 1559386449 +maikwagner: 1512489698 +manuel: 1547051907 +marcelscherkamp: 1511015737 +marcohanke: 1510153567 +marie: 1512551389 +mawiwa: 1519500921 +mbodon: 1510659217 +michaelkaser: 1510785608 +michaelwandel: 1510760949 +michaelziem: 1527010972 +michelle: 1523702501 +mschnieder: 1537448238 +muentel: 1510676903 +muenzberg-me: 1510576258 +nassedesign: 1523702926 +nhaessig: 1566475434 +nicomulitze: 1512742499 +nils: 1513844530 +novinet: 1549619420 +nuess: 1562254231 +olien: 1551357739 +omoses: 1547209081 +omphteliba: 1511446353 +palber: 1511958017 +paolo-reininghaus: 1519376606 +paulgoetz: 1569315690 +phoebusryan: 1539164936 +pmoeller: 1550694008 +polarpixel: 1510180843 +pschuchmann: 1515160428 +pschulze: 1511780491 +ritzfritz: 1567413274 +rkemmere: 1515067334 +rlisac: 1553007449 +rokito: 1512641909 +royalemotions: 1509895382 +rsee: 1510128852 +ruedigernitzsche: 1512386783 +ruerob: 1551962402 +sandra: 1510820442 +sardaykin: 1510062098 +schuer: 1509887697 +serhansidan: 1517586248 +shaack: 1510083585 +shauste: 1568120560 +silkehachmann: 1512139448 +simon: 1537349375 +skerbis: 1510677038 +slartibartfass: 1538381216 +staabm: 1509447316 +stefanf: 1524567902 +subunity: 1510069203 +svenkaemper: 1517407351 +tbaddade: 1510067770 +tgoellner: 1513151891 +thomas-engelbrecht: 1550216153 +thomasschwarz: 1512473744 +thorol: 1537722150 +thorstenklein: 1510761159 +thpet: 1512390153 +thuermer: 1537777585 +tkrahmer: 1537335301 +tobigerlach: 1510258673 +tomrotzek: 1510187966 +tyrant88: 1563460822 +vedatoezdemir: 1538393541 +viewsion: 1510742878 +wende60: 1512512522 +wolfrum: 1509975747 +xbluex: 1512551172 +xong: 1557393241 +xyzettgraphix: 1511781368 +ynamite: 1510748340 diff --git a/_directory/data/HarunurRashid/data.yml b/_directory/data/HarunurRashid/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..915cd18c --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/HarunurRashid/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +name: Harunur Rashid + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 23.681889 +longitude: 90.492160 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hey hey, I'm Harunur Rashid, interested in REDAXO i want to use it in my project" + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://github.com/HarunuRashid +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/Lp1950/data.yml b/_directory/data/Lp1950/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..098c4613 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/Lp1950/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +--- +name: Wolfgang Liepold (Lp1950) + +latitude: 50.372199 +longitude: 8.894851 + +bio: "Hallo @all, + +sicher gehöre ich zu den Oldies hier, dabei liegt der Erstkontakt gerade mal zwei Monate zurĂŒck. + +Ziel: Die statische Seite meines Vereins durch eine REDAXO-Lösung ersetzen. + +Eine Herausforderung! Mit der absolut vorbildlichen UnterstĂŒtzung in der und durch die Community schaffen wir das." + +image: foto_liepold-wolfgang.jpg +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/Lp1950/foto_liepold-wolfgang.jpg b/_directory/data/Lp1950/foto_liepold-wolfgang.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..db7eba99 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/Lp1950/foto_liepold-wolfgang.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/Markus-GS/data.yml b/_directory/data/Markus-GS/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b8112694 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/Markus-GS/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Markus-GS + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 52.02176 +longitude: 10.43169 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Generalist-Photographer-Programmer :). Working with Redaxo since ages, usually for NPO. See you!" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: jaguar.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://croq.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/Markus-GS/jaguar.jpg b/_directory/data/Markus-GS/jaguar.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..268e11c5 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/Markus-GS/jaguar.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/NorbertKoch/data.yml b/_directory/data/NorbertKoch/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b05e166c --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/NorbertKoch/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +name: Norbert Koch + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.875154 +longitude: 11.470724 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hallo! Ich habe bereits einige Seiten mit Redaxo umgesetzt. Aktuell bin ich Systemadministrator bei Huber PrĂ€zisionstechnik GmbH in Geretsried und arbeite dort (u.a.) gerade an einem neuen Webauftritt." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/60646104?s=300&v=4 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.huber-gmbh.de +- http://www.huber-gmbh.org +- https://www.nobby-ka.de +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/SchneiderSIT/data.yml b/_directory/data/SchneiderSIT/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9a139978 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/SchneiderSIT/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +name: Kim Schneider + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 54.31684 +longitude: 10.17672 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hi, I'm Kim, a lead software engineer from Kiel, Germany. I'm the developer of the Ytils Open Source products." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: kim.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: + - https://www.ytils.com + - https://www.schneidersit.de + +--- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_directory/data/SchneiderSIT/kim.jpg b/_directory/data/SchneiderSIT/kim.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..472a5f77 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/SchneiderSIT/kim.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/abraxas/data.yml b/_directory/data/abraxas/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3236c877 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/abraxas/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Daniel Lange + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 52.7305 +longitude: 8.2885 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Moin moin. Ich beschĂ€ftige mich noch nicht so lange mit REDAXO (seit Ende 2018), bin aber ĂŒberrascht und total begeistert vom modularen Aufbau. Die Community hier ist stark! Finde ich mit am Wichtigsten. Gerade am Anfang braucht man hier und da noch ein paar Tipps! cYa so far ... AbRaXaS" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: johndoe.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://github.com/Jurgon1976 + + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/alexander-braendle/alex.jpg b/_directory/data/alexander-braendle/alex.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4f082e76 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/alexander-braendle/alex.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/alexander-braendle/data.yml b/_directory/data/alexander-braendle/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6fda2b34 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/alexander-braendle/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Alexander BrĂ€ndle + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.383729 +longitude: 8.495420 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer der 100pro GmbH, Agentur fĂŒr visuelle Kommunikation. Wir nutzen ausschliesslich REDAXO als CMS und sind begeistert, dass es alles bietet und trotzdem nicht in die Quere kommt." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: alex.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.100pro.ch + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/alexplus/data.yml b/_directory/data/alexplus/data.yml index 16980e3d..3b4988f8 100644 --- a/_directory/data/alexplus/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/alexplus/data.yml @@ -1,12 +1,14 @@ --- name: Alexander Walther -latitude: 49.162068 -longitude: 9.229243 -bio: "SelbstĂ€ndiger Informationsdesigner und Webentwickler bei Pixelfirma. Schreibt Issues und Dokus rund ums Redaxo CMS und dessen Addons ;)" +latitude: 49.13631342020926 +longitude: 9.216501713743023 +bio: "REDAXO-Entwickler seit ĂŒber 2008. Entwickler des YForm Spamschutz-Addons, Speed Up! und weiterer REDAXO-Addons." image: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/f7cf1b444916b70a31efdda731a78c39?s=200 links: - https://alexplus.de +- https://github.com/alxndr-w - https://github.com/alexplusde -- https://twitter.com/alexplus_de +- https://github.com/alexplusde/media_manager_responsive/ +- https://github.com/alexplusde/speed_up/ --- diff --git a/_directory/data/alexwenz/alexwenz.jpg b/_directory/data/alexwenz/alexwenz.jpg index 71b24994..e12f29d3 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/alexwenz/alexwenz.jpg and b/_directory/data/alexwenz/alexwenz.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/alissadreiling/data.yml b/_directory/data/alissadreiling/data.yml index 41d3664d..a6bbd769 100644 --- a/_directory/data/alissadreiling/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/alissadreiling/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 8.649196 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hey, ich bin Alissa von der Denksportler Grafikmanufaktur, wir kĂŒmmern uns um die grafischen Belange von kleinen und mittelstĂ€ndigen Unternehmen. Wir arbeiten schon seit Jahren mit Redaxo und lieben es!" +bio: "Hey, ich bin Alissa von der Denksportler Grafikmanufaktur, wir kĂŒmmern uns um die grafischen Belange von kleinen und mittelstĂ€ndigen Unternehmen. Wir arbeiten schon seit Jahren mit REDAXO und lieben es!" # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/andreasotte/IMG_1165.jpg b/_directory/data/andreasotte/IMG_1165.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb2ec0b4 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/andreasotte/IMG_1165.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/andreasotte/data.yml b/_directory/data/andreasotte/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9ac7834 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/andreasotte/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Andreas Otte + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 51.220857 +longitude: 6.902198 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hallo, Andreas, arbeite als Frontend-Developer und benutze REDAXO seit der Version 3.2" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: IMG_1165.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- http://www.otte.net +- https://github.com/otti242 + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/andreastietz/data.yml b/_directory/data/andreastietz/data.yml index 34805e3a..bfb99998 100644 --- a/_directory/data/andreastietz/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/andreastietz/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 6.100 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "In addition to my work for Aachen's biggest marketing agency (where I work with Redaxo as well), I also build websites with Redaxo on a part-time basis. And this since 2005 with growing enthusiasm." +bio: "In addition to my work for Aachen's biggest marketing agency (where I work with REDAXO as well), I also build websites with REDAXO on a part-time basis. And this since 2005 with growing enthusiasm." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/andreastietz/tito_300.jpg b/_directory/data/andreastietz/tito_300.jpg index 1d31e253..998cff99 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/andreastietz/tito_300.jpg and b/_directory/data/andreastietz/tito_300.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/ansichtsache/data.yml b/_directory/data/ansichtsache/data.yml index 1d0fe31f..4b1555b6 100644 --- a/_directory/data/ansichtsache/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/ansichtsache/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 8.84 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Als Diplom-Grafik-Designer und Freelancer mit langjĂ€hriger Agenturerfahrung plane, gestalte und realisiere ich Web-Design â am liebsten in Redaxo!" +bio: "Als Diplom-Grafik-Designer und Freelancer mit langjĂ€hriger Agenturerfahrung plane, gestalte und realisiere ich Web-Design â am liebsten in REDAXO!" # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/ansichtsache/tizian_bauer_300.jpg b/_directory/data/ansichtsache/tizian_bauer_300.jpg index 0478ebd8..26a1a43e 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/ansichtsache/tizian_bauer_300.jpg and b/_directory/data/ansichtsache/tizian_bauer_300.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/averanga/data.yml b/_directory/data/averanga/data.yml index 08671fca..ccbcab81 100644 --- a/_directory/data/averanga/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/averanga/data.yml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ longitude: -68.13219 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hello, I work in front end web development for companies, I use Redaxo since version 5 and I am involved in translating the REDAXO backend into Spanish." +bio: "Hello, I work in front end web development for companies, I use REDAXO since version 5 and I am involved in translating the REDAXO backend into Spanish." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/ben-petroci/bp.jpg b/_directory/data/ben-petroci/bp.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66f939e1 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/ben-petroci/bp.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/ben-petroci/data.yml b/_directory/data/ben-petroci/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6c45ff8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/ben-petroci/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Ben Petroci + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 50.078217 +longitude: 8.239761 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Guten Tag, ich bin seit mehr als 10 Jahren Webentwickler. Durch mein Know-how unterstĂŒtze ich Webdesigner, Grafiker, Agenturen, Endkunden und ExistenzgrĂŒnder bei der Webentwicklung. Dabei benutze ich mit Begeisterung das Content-Management System REDAXO. Ich freue mich von Ihnen zu hören!" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: bp.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: + - https://www.bp-webmedia.de/ + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/bertram/bertram.jpg b/_directory/data/bertram/bertram.jpg index 3ab9c54f..65bf4a5e 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/bertram/bertram.jpg and b/_directory/data/bertram/bertram.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/bertram/data.yml b/_directory/data/bertram/data.yml index dac326ae..ee0da4a8 100644 --- a/_directory/data/bertram/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/bertram/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 16.36356 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Bertram bewegt sich gerne in den Weiten des Webs. Redaxo nennt sich die Matrix in der er sich bewegt, weil âcode is poetryâ und Bertram liest gerne. Er schaut auch gerne mal ins GrĂŒne, liebt aber die Stadt, die gut aufgelegt auch einmal zum Tanzen einlĂ€dt." +bio: "Bertram bewegt sich gerne in den Weiten des Webs. REDAXO nennt sich die Matrix in der er sich bewegt, weil âcode is poetryâ und Bertram liest gerne. Er schaut auch gerne mal ins GrĂŒne, liebt aber die Stadt, die gut aufgelegt auch einmal zum Tanzen einlĂ€dt." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/brandes-webdesign/data.yml b/_directory/data/brandes-webdesign/data.yml index f6eb0bff..563a5cc6 100644 --- a/_directory/data/brandes-webdesign/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/brandes-webdesign/data.yml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ longitude: 6.700444 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Redaxo Programierer seit 2007. Ich setze fĂŒr Agenturen und Grafiker deren Designvorlagen 1:1 fĂŒrs CMS Redaxo um und erstelle dafĂŒr responsive Templates, sowie die passenden Module und Addons." +bio: "REDAXO Programierer seit 2007. Ich setze fĂŒr Agenturen und Grafiker deren Designvorlagen 1:1 fĂŒrs CMS REDAXO um und erstelle dafĂŒr responsive Templates, sowie die passenden Module und Addons." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (like 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{HASH}') diff --git a/_directory/data/brandes-webdesign/mirco_brandes.jpg b/_directory/data/brandes-webdesign/mirco_brandes.jpg index 0c36db0e..ee9126bc 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/brandes-webdesign/mirco_brandes.jpg and b/_directory/data/brandes-webdesign/mirco_brandes.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/brinkers/data.yml b/_directory/data/brinkers/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3366ee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/brinkers/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Stefan Brinkers + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 53.137832 +longitude: 8.214286 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Moin. Arbeite bei der Feinrot Kreativgesellschaft in Oldenburg und setze dort nur noch redaxo ein. Dabei seit Version 3." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: stefan_brinkers.png + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.feinrot.de +- https://github.com/anveno + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/brinkers/stefan_brinkers.png b/_directory/data/brinkers/stefan_brinkers.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d08768f Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/brinkers/stefan_brinkers.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/busch/data.yml b/_directory/data/busch/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a872d255 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/busch/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Wolfgang Busch + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 52.17 +longitude: 10.67 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "LangjĂ€hriger Mitarbeiter im Rechenzentrum der TU Braunschweig, Administrator dreier Websites auf REDAXO-Basis (4.7, 5.5), Programmentwickler fĂŒr REDAXOCMS" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: wolfgang_busch.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- http://busch-dettum.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/busch/wolfgang_busch.jpg b/_directory/data/busch/wolfgang_busch.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..adb33549 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/busch/wolfgang_busch.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/c-reiss/data.yml b/_directory/data/c-reiss/data.yml index 1fabfe56..cb09e45a 100644 --- a/_directory/data/c-reiss/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/c-reiss/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 8.7504448 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Developer at ManĂ©tage for Redaxo." +bio: "Developer at ManĂ©tage for REDAXO." # links # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. diff --git a/_directory/data/catasuisse/catasuisse.jpg b/_directory/data/catasuisse/catasuisse.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4f001d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/catasuisse/catasuisse.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/catasuisse/data.yml b/_directory/data/catasuisse/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a767280 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/catasuisse/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Maik Disch + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 46.980922 +longitude: 9.573711 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Mein Name ist Maik Disch. Ich bin ein Webdesigner und -Developer aus Malans GR (Schweiz) und reise als digitaler Nomade um die Welt." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: catasuisse.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://disch.dev + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/chgerber/chg.jpg b/_directory/data/chgerber/chg.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e43bc30 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/chgerber/chg.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/chgerber/data.yml b/_directory/data/chgerber/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ba515e8e --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/chgerber/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +--- +name: Christoph Gerber +latitude: 47.063487550226924 +longitude: 7.61232406412839 +bio: REDAXiOnĂ€r seit 2009, aber vor allem tĂ€tig als Requirements Engineer, Informationsmodellierer und Usability-Experte. +image: chg.jpg +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/chris-s/data.yml b/_directory/data/chris-s/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dc4a6328 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/chris-s/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Chris S. + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.73 +longitude: 10.32 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Benutze REDAXO seit etwa 2011." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/chrison94/christian.jpg b/_directory/data/chrison94/christian.jpg index 2ade7640..b58288bb 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/chrison94/christian.jpg and b/_directory/data/chrison94/christian.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/christophstaeblein/data.yml b/_directory/data/christophstaeblein/data.yml index b0618600..b3338aed 100644 --- a/_directory/data/christophstaeblein/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/christophstaeblein/data.yml @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ name: Christoph StĂ€blein # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 53.3460359 -longitude: -6.2650629 +latitude: 50.2683000 +longitude: 10.9748500 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. diff --git a/_directory/data/claudiaheyer/claudiaheyer.png b/_directory/data/claudiaheyer/claudiaheyer.png index c1da2597..dfd19baf 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/claudiaheyer/claudiaheyer.png and b/_directory/data/claudiaheyer/claudiaheyer.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/claudiaheyer/data.yml b/_directory/data/claudiaheyer/data.yml index e47e8ecc..994e8025 100644 --- a/_directory/data/claudiaheyer/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/claudiaheyer/data.yml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ longitude: 7.894677 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Moin moin, I'm Claudia, working in the beautiful Middle Rhine Valley as a self employed web developer. Since 2009 I realize my projects with Redaxo. " +bio: "Moin moin, I'm Claudia, working in the beautiful Middle Rhine Valley as a self employed web developer. Since 2009 I realize my projects with REDAXO. " # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/codedivision/serge_hardmeier.jpg b/_directory/data/codedivision/serge_hardmeier.jpg index c0576b37..6a579fb7 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/codedivision/serge_hardmeier.jpg and b/_directory/data/codedivision/serge_hardmeier.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/concept-check/antje-jaeger.jpg b/_directory/data/concept-check/antje-jaeger.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a00792f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/concept-check/antje-jaeger.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/concept-check/data.yml b/_directory/data/concept-check/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f8251376 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/concept-check/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Antje JĂ€ger + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 48.050388 +longitude: 8.197672 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: Hi, my name is Antje JĂ€ger. I started my first REDAXO project in 2008 and I fall in love with it. Best system ever!!!! + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: antje-jaeger.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.concept-check.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/contrast-m/data.yml b/_directory/data/contrast-m/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6e57b052 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/contrast-m/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Jens Lindmayer + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 54.517014 +longitude: 13.636230 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Seit vielen Jahren. Viele Websites. Und fast alle mit REDAXO." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +#image: johndoe.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- http://www.contrast-m.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/cukabeka/redaxo-map.jpg b/_directory/data/cukabeka/redaxo-map.jpg index af02895b..134079b1 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/cukabeka/redaxo-map.jpg and b/_directory/data/cukabeka/redaxo-map.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/danielspringer/data.yml b/_directory/data/danielspringer/data.yml index 81ec4eed..b8aff577 100644 --- a/_directory/data/danielspringer/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/danielspringer/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 9.179145199999994 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "I am Daniel from Stuttgart. I studied Business Informatics and I work with Redaxo (3.2) since 2007." +bio: "I am Daniel from Stuttgart. I studied Business Informatics and I work with REDAXO (3.2) since 2007." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/dario-blauregen/data.yml b/_directory/data/dario-blauregen/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b2ef22fc --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/dario-blauregen/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +name: Dario Bossy + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.557 +longitude: 8.895 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Heyhey! I'm Dario, designer & developer at blauregen. Invested in REDAXO since my apprenticeship in 2017." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (like 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{HASH}') +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/74457126?s=460&u=a34508e3169d63d908c6ea322a94c3341cece88c&v=4 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://blauregen.ch +- https://www.linkedin.com/in/dario-bossy/ +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/davudmusic/data.yml b/_directory/data/davudmusic/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58e28b13 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/davudmusic/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Davud Music + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 49.004829 +longitude: 8.429527 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Programmierer seit 2017 und bei Redaxo seit 2019.Angestellt bei Raumkontakt und hauptsĂ€chlich in der Addon-entwicklung tĂ€tig. Eigene Addons: Formular-Download, Rk-Modulsammlung." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: davudm.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.raumkontakt.de/ + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/davudmusic/davudm.jpg b/_directory/data/davudmusic/davudm.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f8cf18a1 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/davudmusic/davudm.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/design-to-use/data.yml b/_directory/data/design-to-use/data.yml index 0e12d6f3..49db13f5 100644 --- a/_directory/data/design-to-use/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/design-to-use/data.yml @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ name: Tobias Krais latitude: 47.63720 longitude: 7.69289 -bio: "Beruf: Wirtschaftsinformatiker. Redaxo ist mein CMS seit 2003. Seit 2009 hauptberuflicher Redaxo Entwickler. Spezialisiert auf Addonentwicklung - darf auch mal etwas komplexer sein." +bio: "Beruf: Wirtschaftsinformatiker. REDAXO ist mein CMS seit 2003. Seit 2009 hauptberuflicher REDAXO Entwickler. Spezialisiert auf Addonentwicklung - darf auch mal etwas komplexer sein." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/despecial/data.yml b/_directory/data/despecial/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9175e9e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/despecial/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--- +# name (required) +name: Lars Lehner + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 53.553950 +longitude: 9.961850 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Front End Designer & Developer from Hamburg with a passion for simple designs and clean coding." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: despecial_avatar_2015.png + +# links +links: +- https://despecial.com + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/despecial/despecial_avatar_2015.png b/_directory/data/despecial/despecial_avatar_2015.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..31d8910b Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/despecial/despecial_avatar_2015.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/dpf-dd/data.yml b/_directory/data/dpf-dd/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..805f9902 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/dpf-dd/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Stefan Dannfald (dpf.dd) + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 51.038373 +longitude: 13.681850 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Als gelernter Mediengestalter (Digital/Nonprint) und leidenschaftlicher Autodidakt arbeite ich seit 2007 vorwiegend mit REDAXO. Individuelle Module, Templates, AddOns usw. gehen gut von der Hand und sorgen fĂŒr eine zuverlĂ€ssige und schnelle Umsetzung aller KundenwĂŒnsche. Ich liebe es :)" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://ca.slack-edge.com/T1BCPLXEE-U41RYAUSJ-b086861ca1a9-512 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.einradpioniere.de +- https://github.com/dpf-dd +- https://www.facebook.com/stefan.dannfald + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/dtpop/data.yml b/_directory/data/dtpop/data.yml index 0a84b65b..c84d8183 100644 --- a/_directory/data/dtpop/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/dtpop/data.yml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ longitude: 11.3187910 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "I'm Wolfgang. Web development with REDAXO since 2005, working in home office for customers in Mecklenburg and the rest of the world. Some coding for the multi_glossar AddOn and working on REDAXO documentation." +bio: "I'm Wolfgang. Web development with REDAXO since 2005, working for customers in Mecklenburg and the rest of the world. Some coding for several AddOns and working on REDAXO documentation." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ bio: "I'm Wolfgang. Web development with REDAXO since 2005, working in home offi # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. # 4 links, tops! links: -- http://agile-websites.de +- https://agile-websites.de --- diff --git a/_directory/data/dweingart/d-weingart.png b/_directory/data/dweingart/d-weingart.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c7393c4d Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/dweingart/d-weingart.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/dweingart/data.yml b/_directory/data/dweingart/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..be82de03 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/dweingart/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Daniel Weingart + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 52.27218 +longitude: 8.03078 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Webdesigner & Medien Allrounder" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: d-weingart.png + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.danielweingart.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/ebro/data.yml b/_directory/data/ebro/data.yml index 1d4f92ef..054db820 100644 --- a/_directory/data/ebro/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/ebro/data.yml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ longitude: 8.5219172 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hinter ebro Web Development steht Diego Brauchbar mit langjĂ€hriger Redaxo Erfahrung..." +bio: "Hinter ebro Web Development steht Diego Brauchbar mit langjĂ€hriger REDAXO Erfahrung..." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/ebro/ebro-e.gif b/_directory/data/ebro/ebro-e.gif index ba6b3967..661b7b0e 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/ebro/ebro-e.gif and b/_directory/data/ebro/ebro-e.gif differ diff --git a/_directory/data/elmono/data.yml b/_directory/data/elmono/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..38bec068 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/elmono/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Christoph Young + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 24.8800950 +longitude: 102.8328910 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hi, I'm Chris. Living in China since 2011. ææŻChris,æäœćšææă" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: http://coolandeasy.de/media/head.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://coolandeasy.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/erraiva/data.yml b/_directory/data/erraiva/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8aa1c97f --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/erraiva/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: erraiva + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 50.7246382 +longitude: 7.0995335 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Seit 2000 EinzelkĂ€mpfer fĂŒr Webseiten in einer Bonner Werbeagentur. Mit REDAXO gelang es von Anfang an, auch frei designte Weblayouts zu realisieren. FlexibilitĂ€t ist mir wichtig, deshalb REDAXO!" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: hz.png + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://github.com/erraiva + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/erraiva/hz.png b/_directory/data/erraiva/hz.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c76ec2d7 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/erraiva/hz.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/erwin-oertel/data.yml b/_directory/data/erwin-oertel/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f74f6c06 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/erwin-oertel/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Erwin Oertel + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 51.955929 +longitude: 7.643227 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hallo, ich bin Erwin Oertel. Nach Projekten mit Typo3, Joomla und Wordpress wurde mir 2011 REDAXO empfohlen. Und das fand ich so ĂŒberzeugend, dass ich dabei geblieben bin. Ich realisiere REDAXO Projekte im Rahmen meiner Arbeit bei der terresâagentur GmbH in MĂŒnster." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/be26f5cbb0d9bafe9241d7a1b3a4f1be?s=300 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.terresagentur.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/explorit/data.yml b/_directory/data/explorit/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d46f233b --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/explorit/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +name: Tobias Daeschner + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 48.0246254 +longitude: 11.0825167 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hi there, I work with and love REDAXO since version 2.7 and use it for almost any kind of web projects for more than 15 years now - thank you REDAXO team!" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (like 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{HASH}') +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: td.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.explorit.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/explorit/td.jpg b/_directory/data/explorit/td.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f42426fc Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/explorit/td.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/f5alex/data.yml b/_directory/data/f5alex/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..39967ffc --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/f5alex/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Alexander DeĂ + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 49.794020 +longitude: 9.917044 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Ich verstehe und gestalte Kommunikation - wissbegierig, leidenschaftlich, zielgerichtet." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: tv_icon_700.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.alexander-dess.de/ +- http://frankfurter5.de/ + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/f5alex/tv_icon_700.jpg b/_directory/data/f5alex/tv_icon_700.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..03886d9e Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/f5alex/tv_icon_700.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/falkomueller/data.yml b/_directory/data/falkomueller/data.yml index 36dc0d40..afee07cf 100644 --- a/_directory/data/falkomueller/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/falkomueller/data.yml @@ -13,20 +13,19 @@ longitude: 13.319603 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: Hallo, ich bin Webentwicker/-designer und selbstĂ€ndiger Fotograf. Redaxo wird seit 2007 intensiv bei Kundenprojekten genutzt und mit eigenen Erweiterungen ausgebaut. +bio: Hallo, ich bin Webentwicker/-designer und selbstĂ€ndiger Fotograf. REDAXO wird seit 2007 intensiv bei Kundenprojekten genutzt und mit eigenen Erweiterungen ausgebaut. # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) # should be square and about 200-300 px size! -image: +image: falkomueller.jpg # links # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. # 4 links, tops! links: -- http://www.falkomueller.com +- https://www.falkomueller.com - https://www.facebook.com/falkom360 - https://de.linkedin.com/in/fotodesign360 -- https://plus.google.com/+FalkoM%C3%BCller-fotodesign ---- \ No newline at end of file +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/falkomueller/falkomueller.jpg b/_directory/data/falkomueller/falkomueller.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4656aa73 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/falkomueller/falkomueller.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/fanello73/data.yml b/_directory/data/fanello73/data.yml index 33371932..97b03b9b 100644 --- a/_directory/data/fanello73/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/fanello73/data.yml @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ name: Stefano Cardinale | fanello73 # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 47.55 -longitude: 9.30 +latitude: 47.57 +longitude: 9.37 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hi, bin Webdesigner bei der ViDYO GmbH und benutze Redaxo seit der Version 3.2." +bio: "Hi, bin Webentwickler, Interactive Media Designer und Ausbildner bei Advery und benutze REDAXO seit der Version 3.2." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ image: stefano.jpg # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. # 4 links, tops! links: -- https://www.vidyo.ch +- https://www.advery.ch - https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefano-cardinale/ --- diff --git a/_directory/data/fanello73/stefano.jpg b/_directory/data/fanello73/stefano.jpg index 274641e1..45e0b28b 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/fanello73/stefano.jpg and b/_directory/data/fanello73/stefano.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/fietstouring/data.yml b/_directory/data/fietstouring/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1916e4c --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/fietstouring/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Philipp HofstĂ€tter + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 48.22 +longitude: 16.36 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Ich bin Webdesigner und Frontend-Entwickler seit 2005 und verwende liebend gerne Redaxo." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: philipp_hofstaetter.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.webdesignwien.co.at + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/fietstouring/philipp_hofstaetter.jpg b/_directory/data/fietstouring/philipp_hofstaetter.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f7a5712 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/fietstouring/philipp_hofstaetter.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/florian-walter/data.yml b/_directory/data/florian-walter/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b1668bf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/florian-walter/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Florian Walter (FW-Design) + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.720250 +longitude: 10.320280 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hi, iâm Florian. I am working as Freelance Art Director in Bavaria with over 80 customers in Germany. I am developing REDAXO websites for now 10 years. Feel free to contact with your REDAXO project." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: florian-walter.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://fw-kommunikation.de +- https://www.instagram.com/fw.branddesign/ +- https://www.xing.com/profile/Florian_Walter9 + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/florian-walter/florian-walter.jpg b/_directory/data/florian-walter/florian-walter.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9c2d5ac7 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/florian-walter/florian-walter.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/gege/data.yml b/_directory/data/gege/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff1517c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/gege/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Gege Heusel + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 49.001900 +longitude: 9.104990 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Inhaber der Agentur digtive. Seit 20010 erstelle ich mit meiner Agentur Internetauftritte in REDAXO." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: digtive.png + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.digtive.de +- https://www.facebook.com/digtive +- https://www.instagram.com/digtive_social/ + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/gege/digtive.png b/_directory/data/gege/digtive.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2f22db39 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/gege/digtive.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/geri/data.yml b/_directory/data/geri/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4b517d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/geri/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Geri + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 50.9961309 +longitude: 6.8076551 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hey, ich bin Geri und ich liebe REDAXO! Es ist einfach genial und genial einfach. Der modulare Aufbau, die strikte Trennung von System und Design, etc." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! + + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/gorkarod/data.yml b/_directory/data/gorkarod/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a809374b --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/gorkarod/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +name: Hartmut Junker +latitude: 53.57155 +longitude: 9.95993 +image: gorkarod.jpg +links: +- https://www.linkedin.com/in/hartmutjunker +- https://github.com/gorkarod +- https://twitter.com/hartmutjunker + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/gorkarod/gorkarod.jpg b/_directory/data/gorkarod/gorkarod.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a2f3359b Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/gorkarod/gorkarod.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/greatif/profil.jpg b/_directory/data/greatif/profil.jpg index f85aeb66..5d2181cc 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/greatif/profil.jpg and b/_directory/data/greatif/profil.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/gseilheimer/gseilheimer.png b/_directory/data/gseilheimer/gseilheimer.png index 193c6f6e..9dc349b9 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/gseilheimer/gseilheimer.png and b/_directory/data/gseilheimer/gseilheimer.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/guentertrapp/guentertrapp.jpg b/_directory/data/guentertrapp/guentertrapp.jpg index 76419ac1..a65a528f 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/guentertrapp/guentertrapp.jpg and b/_directory/data/guentertrapp/guentertrapp.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/hasenmeister/hasenmeister.png b/_directory/data/hasenmeister/hasenmeister.png index e937a4b7..4075e273 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/hasenmeister/hasenmeister.png and b/_directory/data/hasenmeister/hasenmeister.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/heidecke/data.yml b/_directory/data/heidecke/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a24c867c --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/heidecke/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Felix Heidecke + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 49.443970 +longitude: 11.089761 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "SelbststĂ€ndiger Frontend-Entwickler/-Engineer. Nutze REDAXO schon seit ĂŒber 10 Jahren und bin und bleibe glĂŒcklich damit :-)" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f77c416854a07b0987153aee90b5931 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://github.com/felixheidecke/ + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/heikeblum/heikeblum.jpg b/_directory/data/heikeblum/heikeblum.jpg index 65bd4b54..5d89c78c 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/heikeblum/heikeblum.jpg and b/_directory/data/heikeblum/heikeblum.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/hommel/hommel.jpg b/_directory/data/hommel/hommel.jpg index 3496c47c..f43b6a5a 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/hommel/hommel.jpg and b/_directory/data/hommel/hommel.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/hut/data.yml b/_directory/data/hut/data.yml index 7b8877e4..1938ab43 100644 --- a/_directory/data/hut/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/hut/data.yml @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ name: Michael Hut # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 51.566 -longitude: 14.567 +latitude: -33.101804 +longitude: 151.875 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hey, Iâm Michael - Webdesigner and REDAXO Developer since 03/2016 - i hope to meet you @ redaxotag " +bio: "Gâday! Iâm Michael - Webdesigner and REDAXO Developer since 03/2016 - i hope to meet you @ redaxotag " # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/ingowinter/johndoe.jpg b/_directory/data/ingowinter/johndoe.jpg index 1ef43197..07801923 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/ingowinter/johndoe.jpg and b/_directory/data/ingowinter/johndoe.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/internetmacher/internetmacher.jpg b/_directory/data/internetmacher/internetmacher.jpg index 35b3a346..285907f4 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/internetmacher/internetmacher.jpg and b/_directory/data/internetmacher/internetmacher.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/interweave-media/interweave-media.png b/_directory/data/interweave-media/interweave-media.png index 43503438..c5520995 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/interweave-media/interweave-media.png and b/_directory/data/interweave-media/interweave-media.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/jackomono/data.yml b/_directory/data/jackomono/data.yml index 4d475b2f..12e324b9 100644 --- a/_directory/data/jackomono/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/jackomono/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 10.02 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Moin, ich bin Jakob - Designer/Frontend-Entwickler bei wigital in Kiel. Mit Redaxo arbeite ich seit Version 3." +bio: "Moin, ich bin Jakob - Designer/Frontend-Entwickler bei wigital in Kiel. Mit REDAXO arbeite ich seit Version 3." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/jan-christoph-baerje/data.yml b/_directory/data/jan-christoph-baerje/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..19bd8825 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/jan-christoph-baerje/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Jan-Christoph BĂ€rje + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 53.19 +longitude: 8.76 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Moin, ich arbeite seit 2003 als selbststĂ€ndiger Webdesigner und realisiere seit 2007 Webseiten fĂŒr Unternehmen, Vereine und gelegentlich Einzelpersonen hauptsĂ€chlich mit dem CMS REDAXO." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: jan-christoph-baerje.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.wedosys.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/jan-christoph-baerje/jan-christoph-baerje.jpg b/_directory/data/jan-christoph-baerje/jan-christoph-baerje.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..708992fc Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/jan-christoph-baerje/jan-christoph-baerje.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/jankern/jk.jpg b/_directory/data/jankern/jk.jpg index 0da6fd07..646557f8 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/jankern/jk.jpg and b/_directory/data/jankern/jk.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/javanita/anita2.jpg b/_directory/data/javanita/anita2.jpg index 53c653a0..47582870 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/javanita/anita2.jpg and b/_directory/data/javanita/anita2.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/javanita/data.yml b/_directory/data/javanita/data.yml index d3fcc2a0..822d9e9d 100644 --- a/_directory/data/javanita/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/javanita/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 13.691052 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hallo, ich bin Anita KrĂŒger, freiberufliche Webentwicklerin seit 2004. Am liebsten entwickle ich individuelle Webanwendungen auf der Basis von Redaxo." +bio: "Hallo, ich bin Anita KrĂŒger, freiberufliche Webentwicklerin seit 2004. Am liebsten entwickle ich individuelle Webanwendungen auf der Basis von REDAXO." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/jelleschutter/data.yml b/_directory/data/jelleschutter/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8bc744c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/jelleschutter/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +name: Jelle Schutter +latitude: 47.47853 +longitude: 8.30852 +bio: "Hi! I've been working with REDAXO since 2019. I try to assist the FriendsOfREDAXO project whenever I can in the Slack Channel and on GitHub. I currently work at BlueMouse as a Web Developer." +image: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/299c95b613a08476a654b9d379a30ae3?s=200 +links: +- https://github.com/jelleschutter +- https://jelle.schutter.xyz + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/jensfuchs/fox.jpg b/_directory/data/jensfuchs/fox.jpg index 6f72b2f9..f71c1b58 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/jensfuchs/fox.jpg and b/_directory/data/jensfuchs/fox.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/joachimdoerr/data.yml b/_directory/data/joachimdoerr/data.yml index 4357456e..463e807f 100644 --- a/_directory/data/joachimdoerr/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/joachimdoerr/data.yml @@ -24,6 +24,5 @@ image: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/73fccf79dcd8e17688dc0a8ef02eb6ba?s=200 # 4 links, tops! links: - https://github.com/joachimdoerr -- https://doerr-softwaredevelopment.com --- diff --git a/_directory/data/jochenflaskamp/data.yml b/_directory/data/jochenflaskamp/data.yml index 419a89ae..e788b47f 100644 --- a/_directory/data/jochenflaskamp/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/jochenflaskamp/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 8.649730 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Ich arbeite seit 2008 mit Redaxo und nutze es inzwischen fĂŒr jedes Projekt, es ist Kundenfreundlich und flexibel im Einsatz." +bio: "Ich arbeite seit 2008 mit REDAXO und nutze es inzwischen fĂŒr jedes Projekt, es ist Kundenfreundlich und flexibel im Einsatz." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/jochenflaskamp/jochenflaskamp.jpg b/_directory/data/jochenflaskamp/jochenflaskamp.jpg index e0fd6dac..46e93e87 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/jochenflaskamp/jochenflaskamp.jpg and b/_directory/data/jochenflaskamp/jochenflaskamp.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/juergeneggers/data.yml b/_directory/data/juergeneggers/data.yml index 0439d0af..29331473 100644 --- a/_directory/data/juergeneggers/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/juergeneggers/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 10.083484 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Websites und Webanwendungen - Entwicklung von Addons und Modulen fĂŒr Redaxo seit 2010." +bio: "Websites und Webanwendungen - Entwicklung von Addons und Modulen fĂŒr REDAXO seit 2010." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) @@ -24,6 +24,5 @@ image: juergeneggers.jpg # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. # 4 links, tops! links: -- https://www.innovative-internetloesungen.de/ - +- https://www.netzbau.net --- diff --git a/_directory/data/juergeneggers/juergeneggers.jpg b/_directory/data/juergeneggers/juergeneggers.jpg index c1a43603..4de0639e 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/juergeneggers/juergeneggers.jpg and b/_directory/data/juergeneggers/juergeneggers.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/justdun/data.yml b/_directory/data/justdun/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f0c4da7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/justdun/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Just Dun + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 52 +longitude: 13 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "I'm a junior web developer with not much experience but I'm learning every day. I'm currently using REDAXO for my work and I'm quite happy with the community and the CMS itself." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: glasses-cat.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://github.com/dunnodun + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/justdun/glasses-cat.jpg b/_directory/data/justdun/glasses-cat.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd2c3de4 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/justdun/glasses-cat.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/juttaschumann/data.yml b/_directory/data/juttaschumann/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..11f5c510 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/juttaschumann/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +--- + +# name (required) + +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. + +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! + +name: Jutta Schumann + + + +# geo location (required) + +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) + +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location + + +latitude: 53.637952 + +longitude: 10.204700 + + +# bio + +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. + +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! + +bio: "Hauptberuflich bin ich mit Java unterwegs. Dort, wo Ebbe und Flut gemacht werden ;) REDAXO kenne ich von Peter (Polarpixel) - super Sache. Ich betreue ein paar Webseiten, die sind alle mit REDAXO erstellt." + + +# image or gravatar + +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) + +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! + +image: js.jpg + + + +# links + +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. + +# 4 links, tops! + + + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/juttaschumann/js.jpg b/_directory/data/juttaschumann/js.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..92151337 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/juttaschumann/js.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/kabelwelten/kabelwelten.jpg b/_directory/data/kabelwelten/kabelwelten.jpg index eca01d53..87081395 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/kabelwelten/kabelwelten.jpg and b/_directory/data/kabelwelten/kabelwelten.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/klar/data.yml b/_directory/data/klar/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17fbd8eb --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/klar/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Christian Klar | MINDSTREAM + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.267034029000335 +longitude: 11.393987573353686 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hi, I'm Christian, founder and CEO of MINDSTREAM. We work with REDAXO since version 3 and use it for small and huge projects. Standalone or headless in combination with React, Vue or Nuxt.js." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +# image: + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.mindstream.at/ +- https://www.facebook.com/mindstream + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/koala/data.yml b/_directory/data/koala/data.yml index 7acafdee..ed3cff69 100644 --- a/_directory/data/koala/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/koala/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 14.34058 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Seit Redaxo < 3.2 unheilbar mit dem Rex-Virus infiziert." +bio: "Seit REDAXO < 3.2 unheilbar mit dem Rex-Virus infiziert." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/kraft/andreas_kraft.jpg b/_directory/data/kraft/andreas_kraft.jpg index 3f6ebce6..3bbb12ba 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/kraft/andreas_kraft.jpg and b/_directory/data/kraft/andreas_kraft.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/krisse85/kristof.jpg b/_directory/data/krisse85/kristof.jpg index 412b859c..8fda50a6 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/krisse85/kristof.jpg and b/_directory/data/krisse85/kristof.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/larsen/data.yml b/_directory/data/larsen/data.yml index 572b7693..13c41be3 100644 --- a/_directory/data/larsen/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/larsen/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 9.4419 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hi I'm Lars and been using Redaxo since version 3.2, I guess. I developed some websites with Wordpress and Drupal until I stumbled upon Redaxo and fell in love :)." +bio: "Hi I'm Lars and been using REDAXO since version 3.2, I guess. I developed some websites with Wordpress and Drupal until I stumbled upon REDAXO and fell in love :)." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/lenathiele/lenathiele.jpg b/_directory/data/lenathiele/lenathiele.jpg index 4be00d67..6033733b 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/lenathiele/lenathiele.jpg and b/_directory/data/lenathiele/lenathiele.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/lexplatt/data.yml b/_directory/data/lexplatt/data.yml index 57687c57..4a4ca8d7 100644 --- a/_directory/data/lexplatt/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/lexplatt/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 11.331909298896791 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hi, I'm Alex, a freelance web developer and started with Redaxo 4 in 2015." +bio: "Hi, I'm Alex, a freelance web developer and started with REDAXO 4 in 2015." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/lux/data.yml b/_directory/data/lux/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9b79bf8f --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/lux/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Felix Lux + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 63.812564 +longitude: 20.318395 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Ich bin begeisterter Redaxo-Nutzer und nitze das CMS fĂŒr fast alle meiner groĂen und kleinen Projekte. Meine erfahrung der letzten Jahre: es gibt kaum etwas, das Redaxo nicht kann!" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: lux.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://luxus-media.de +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/lux/lux.jpg b/_directory/data/lux/lux.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9dd8d6f0 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/lux/lux.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/madiko/data.yml b/_directory/data/madiko/data.yml index 0af2265c..04475f1b 100644 --- a/_directory/data/madiko/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/madiko/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 9.174320 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "REDAXO rockt! Frisch gegrĂŒndet baute ich im Juli 2009 mein erstes Internet-Portal fĂŒr madiko - damals noch mit REX4. Ich schĂ€tze die Community und das, was wir gemeinsam aus dem System machen. NĂ€chster Schritt: Ein Multi-Domain-Portal fĂŒr meine Initiative EnjoyWork. Ich freue mich drauf! :-)" +bio: "REDAXO rockt! Frisch gegrĂŒndet baute ich im Juli 2009 mein 1. Web-Portal fĂŒr madiko - damals noch mit REX4. Ich schĂ€tze die Community und das, was wir gemeinsam aus dem System machen. Aktuelle Herausforderung: EnjoyWork (Online)Marktplatz inkl. Community. Ich freue mich auf das, was entsteht! :-)" # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/madiko/madiko_fk.jpg b/_directory/data/madiko/madiko_fk.jpg index d55e75b4..44b11209 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/madiko/madiko_fk.jpg and b/_directory/data/madiko/madiko_fk.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/madita/data.yml b/_directory/data/madita/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..867c4cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/madita/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Madita Grassl + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.944035 +longitude: 10.245541 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Wenn man durch Corona plötzlich alle möglichen Projekte annimmt und so zu Redaxo kommt... Zum GlĂŒck gibt es die wirklich gute Slack Community :)" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! + + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.xing.com/profile/Madita_Grassl/cv + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/mahribar/data.yml b/_directory/data/mahribar/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c6ad47c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/mahribar/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Mahribar + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 50.48146009 +longitude: 12.1392864 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Mein Name ist Rico und ich nutze REDAXO fĂŒr meine Ultima Online Community \"Die Neue Welt\"." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +# image: + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.dieneuewelt.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/maikwagner/maikwagner.jpg b/_directory/data/maikwagner/maikwagner.jpg index 3657c0c1..49cecd67 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/maikwagner/maikwagner.jpg and b/_directory/data/maikwagner/maikwagner.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/manuel/data.yml b/_directory/data/manuel/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e271238b --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/manuel/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Manuel Seipel + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 50.252406 +longitude: 9.318756 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! + + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.mx-hessencup.de/ +- https://www.msc-aufenau.de.de/ +- https://www.eds-gastrostyle.de/ +- https://www.dorf-alm.eu/ + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/maple-park/data.yml b/_directory/data/maple-park/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e27c8cfd --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/maple-park/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Jan-Peter Wahlmann + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.807714 +longitude: 7.629665 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Moin Moin von Jan-Peter aus MĂŒllheim (Baden). Ich arbeite als Webdesigner und Fotograf und habe seit 2006 einige Hundert Websites mit REDAXO erstellt. Meine Kunden sind Unternehmen (Webdesign und dessen Umsetzung) und Webdesigner (Umsetzung eines gelieferten Designs) im Bundesgebiet und der Schweiz." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: jan-peter-wahlmann.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.maple-park.de +- https://www.breitbandbild.de +- https://www.facebook.com/maple.park +- https://github.com/maple-park + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/maple-park/jan-peter-wahlmann.jpg b/_directory/data/maple-park/jan-peter-wahlmann.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..216b36db Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/maple-park/jan-peter-wahlmann.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/marcelscherkamp/data.yml b/_directory/data/marcelscherkamp/data.yml index 8ade5bc9..4b75ff69 100755 --- a/_directory/data/marcelscherkamp/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/marcelscherkamp/data.yml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ longitude: 11.5398110 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hallo, ich bin ein Entwickler mit Schwerpunkt Redaxo aus MĂŒnchen." +bio: "Hallo, ich bin ein Entwickler mit Schwerpunkt REDAXO aus MĂŒnchen." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like âjohndoe.jpgâ) or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/marcohanke/data.yml b/_directory/data/marcohanke/data.yml index b3c78cd1..635801cf 100644 --- a/_directory/data/marcohanke/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/marcohanke/data.yml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ longitude: 9.81033 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Mein Name ist Marco Hanke, ich arbeite seit 2009 ausschlieĂlich mit Redaxo und freue mich auf jedes neue Projekt. Ganz ehrlich ohne Redaxo und die Community hĂ€tte ich wesentlich weniger SpaĂ ;-)" +bio: "Mein Name ist Marco Hanke, ich arbeite seit 2009 ausschlieĂlich mit REDAXO und freue mich auf jedes neue Projekt. Ganz ehrlich ohne REDAXO und die Community hĂ€tte ich wesentlich weniger SpaĂ ;-)" # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like âjohndoe.jpgâ) or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) # should be square and about 200-300 px size! diff --git a/_directory/data/marie/mariedostmann.jpg b/_directory/data/marie/mariedostmann.jpg index f1b4b906..9695f8eb 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/marie/mariedostmann.jpg and b/_directory/data/marie/mariedostmann.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/mawiwa/data.yml b/_directory/data/mawiwa/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..22c62ff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/mawiwa/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Mario Wiesner + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 50.7932 +longitude: 6.9478 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Seit 2010 programmiere ich Webseiten fĂŒr Kunden. Mit REDAXO habe ich mein lieblings CMS gefunden und schon ĂŒber 100 Kundenwebseiten damit umgesetzt." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: mariowiesner.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.mawi-web.com +- https://www.dreisprung.net + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/mawiwa/mariowiesner.jpg b/_directory/data/mawiwa/mariowiesner.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..97824ff9 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/mawiwa/mariowiesner.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/mbodon/mbodon.jpg b/_directory/data/mbodon/mbodon.jpg index 2b8a6774..ad82c4ee 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/mbodon/mbodon.jpg and b/_directory/data/mbodon/mbodon.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/mg-gundb/data.yml b/_directory/data/mg-gundb/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fd9e2436 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/mg-gundb/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Matthieu Gerber + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 46.93832 +longitude: 7.78957 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hallo aus dem Emmental/Schweiz â bin Partner in der Agentur Gerber & BrechbĂŒhl â REDAXO begeistert seit Ende 2007. Genauso zurĂŒckhaltend wie die Agentur-Website ⊠freue mich jedoch auf jede Kontaktanfrage." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +# image: johndoe.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.g-b.ch + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/michaelziem/data.yml b/_directory/data/michaelziem/data.yml index 6799c5c5..3220e734 100644 --- a/_directory/data/michaelziem/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/michaelziem/data.yml @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ name: Michael Ziem # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 52.530831 -longitude: 13.408313 +latitude: 52.53111 +longitude: 13.42211 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Guten Tag! Ich arbeite seit etwa 2009 mit Redaxo und habe schon schĂ€tzungsweise 100 kleinere und mittlere Internetauftritte damit umgesetzt." +bio: "I have been working with REDAXO since 2009 always appreciating its flexibility." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/michelle/data.yml b/_directory/data/michelle/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d074ecc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/michelle/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Michelle Schmidt + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 49.3489150 +longitude: 9.1293830 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hi there, Iâm Michelle, German graphic designer just discovering REDAXO. Already loving the community. :)" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: + + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/mschnieder/data.yml b/_directory/data/mschnieder/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..43b1a99e --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/mschnieder/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +name: Markus Schnieder + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 51.83 +longitude: 7.28 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hi, Iâm Markus and I'm using REDAXO since version 4.0." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/33157452?s=460&v=4 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://github.com/mschnieder + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/muentel/muentel.jpg b/_directory/data/muentel/muentel.jpg index 08fa117d..8f95489d 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/muentel/muentel.jpg and b/_directory/data/muentel/muentel.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/nassedesign/Daniel_Nasse_2018.png b/_directory/data/nassedesign/Daniel_Nasse_2018.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3393aa16 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/nassedesign/Daniel_Nasse_2018.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/nassedesign/data.yml b/_directory/data/nassedesign/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..752fdcc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/nassedesign/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Daniel Nasse + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 49.1429580 +longitude: 9.2271730 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Gelernter Fotograf, leidenschaftlicher Programmierer, GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer von Nasse-Design KG" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: Daniel_Nasse_2018.png + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- http://www.nasse-design.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/ng-websolutions/data.yml b/_directory/data/ng-websolutions/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32562f1c --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/ng-websolutions/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Nico Geisler + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 52.19 +longitude: 8.72 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hi! Ich arbeite seit 2008 mit Redaxo und biete alle Services rund um dieses CMS an (Entwicklung von Addons, Modulen, Templates etc)." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +#image: johndoe.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://ng-websolutions.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/nhaessig/data.yml b/_directory/data/nhaessig/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b088f718 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/nhaessig/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Nicolas HĂ€ssig + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.37 +longitude: 8.55 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hey, mein Name ist Nicolas und ich wohne in der schönen Schweiz, arbeite seit 2018 mit REDAXO bei walder, werber werbeagentur ag." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +#image: johndoe.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.walderwerber.ch/ +- https://github.com/nhaessig + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/nicomulitze/nico-mulitze.jpg b/_directory/data/nicomulitze/nico-mulitze.jpg index 861ece10..a9928d92 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/nicomulitze/nico-mulitze.jpg and b/_directory/data/nicomulitze/nico-mulitze.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/novinet/danielsteffen.jpg b/_directory/data/novinet/danielsteffen.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..104d190e Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/novinet/danielsteffen.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/novinet/data.yml b/_directory/data/novinet/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5877c082 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/novinet/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +name: Daniel Steffen + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 48.8114293 +longitude: 11.5032357 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hallo, ich bin Daniel, GrĂŒnder und GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer der Digitalgentur novinet. Wir erstellen Webseiten seit 2003. Mit REDAXO sind unsere Kunden so leicht zu bedienen wie mit keinem anderen CMS zuvor." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (like 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{HASH}') +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: danielsteffen.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.novinet.de +- https://github.com/novinetde + + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/nuess/T1BCPLXEE-U1FNQ1JQ4-3fad975af8df-1024.jpg b/_directory/data/nuess/T1BCPLXEE-U1FNQ1JQ4-3fad975af8df-1024.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1be06720 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/nuess/T1BCPLXEE-U1FNQ1JQ4-3fad975af8df-1024.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/nuess/data.yaml b/_directory/data/nuess/data.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..47bd7361 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/nuess/data.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Dirk van NĂŒss + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 50.91 +longitude: 6.94 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "I love REDAXO!!! REDAXO developer Seit version 4. AddOns, Frontend, SEO, Speed..." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: T1BCPLXEE-U1FNQ1JQ4-3fad975af8df-1024.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://almoe.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/olien/data.yml b/_directory/data/olien/data.yml index a8831f71..d7e5dc34 100644 --- a/_directory/data/olien/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/olien/data.yml @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ name: Oliver Kreischer # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 51.399 -longitude: 7.190 +latitude: 51.36440105944344 +longitude: 7.13858446968292 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. @@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ image: https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/330516?s=300&v=4 links: - https://github.com/olien - https://github.com/FriendsOfREDAXO -- https://redaxo.org -- https://concedra.de +- https://getaweb.de +- https://kreischer.de diff --git a/_directory/data/omoses/data.yml b/_directory/data/omoses/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a137906a --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/omoses/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Oliver Moses + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 50.2921263 +longitude: 8.5032359 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Ich bin seit fast 20 Jahren selbstĂ€ndig tĂ€tig, ich programmiere PHP, Javascipt, HTML und CSS. In meiner Freizeit gehe ich gerne mit meinen Hunden wandern." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: omosesXS.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://moses-computerservice.de +- https://korsika.moses-anspach.de +- https://olis-hundeschule.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/omoses/omosesXS.jpg b/_directory/data/omoses/omosesXS.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b340d3aa Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/omoses/omosesXS.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/omphteliba/data.yml b/_directory/data/omphteliba/data.yml index 0ebe81c4..9df0a4d4 100644 --- a/_directory/data/omphteliba/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/omphteliba/data.yml @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ name: Oliver Hörold # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 49.34 -longitude: 8.68 +latitude: 49.63 +longitude: 8.28 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hej, I programm PHP for money, so I can brew my own beer. Redaxo since 2009!" +bio: "Hej, I programm PHP for money, so I can brew my own beer. REDAXO since 2009!" # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ image: https://de.gravatar.com/userimage/434937/2f51e3eaeddb0170f249eecd4b95adb0 # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. # 4 links, tops! links: +- https://www.youtube.com/c/OliverH%C3%B6rold - http://www.hoerold.de - https://github.com/omphteliba diff --git a/_directory/data/palber/data.yml b/_directory/data/palber/data.yml index 0df8e93b..844def45 100644 --- a/_directory/data/palber/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/palber/data.yml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ longitude: 11.331909298896791 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Heyho, I'm working with Redaxo since 2011. With my agency kreatif.it we make small one-pagers till large company websites everything in Redaxo." +bio: "Heyho, I'm working with REDAXO since 2011. With my agency kreatif.it we make small one-pagers till large company websites everything in REDAXO." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (like 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{HASH}') diff --git a/_directory/data/palber/palber.png b/_directory/data/palber/palber.png index 7c0510f3..69fc8286 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/palber/palber.png and b/_directory/data/palber/palber.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/muenzberg-me/data.yml b/_directory/data/paolo-reininghaus/data.yml similarity index 68% rename from _directory/data/muenzberg-me/data.yml rename to _directory/data/paolo-reininghaus/data.yml index 107156a8..d468f0fd 100644 --- a/_directory/data/muenzberg-me/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/paolo-reininghaus/data.yml @@ -2,31 +2,28 @@ # name (required) # may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. # teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! -name: Tony MĂŒnzberg +name: Paolo Reininghaus # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 51.072 -longitude: 13.744 +latitude: 47.1109 +longitude: 14.1775 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hallo, ich bin selbstĂ€ndiger Fotograf und Webentwicker/-designer. Seit ca. einem Jahr bin ich nun bei Redaxo und absolut begeistert." +bio: "More designer & strategist than developer, but nevertheless fascinated and successful working with REDAXO since 2006." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) # should be square and about 200-300 px size! -image: https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/4945962?s=200 +image: paolo.jpg # links # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. # 4 links, tops! links: -- https://muenzberg.me -- https://github.com/muenzberg-me -- https://facebook.com/muenzberg.me -- https://xing.to/muenzberg_me +- http://www.pixelgold.com --- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/_directory/data/paolo-reininghaus/paolo.jpg b/_directory/data/paolo-reininghaus/paolo.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d1db4a8c Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/paolo-reininghaus/paolo.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/paulgoetz/data.yml b/_directory/data/paulgoetz/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3fbaea00 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/paulgoetz/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +--- +name: Paul Götz +latitude: 49.162068 +longitude: 9.229243 +bio: "SelbstĂ€ndiger Webentwickler und Webentwickler bei Pixelfirma." +image: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/442ef907f7bde39f8222493a93bba7c1?s=200 +links: +- https://www.paulgoetz.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/phoebusryan/data.yml b/_directory/data/phoebusryan/data.yml index 9267c97f..97498914 100644 --- a/_directory/data/phoebusryan/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/phoebusryan/data.yml @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ name: phoebusryan # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 47.3696 -longitude: 8.86935 +latitude: 47.389648 +longitude: 8.891735 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. @@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ bio: "Hey guys! I'm the developer of many r5-addons (e.g. redactor2, markitup an # 4 links, tops! #links: ---- \ No newline at end of file +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/pmoeller/data.yml b/_directory/data/pmoeller/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..03c127cf --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/pmoeller/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +--- +name: Phillip Möller +latitude: 53.623420 +longitude: 11.410480 +bio: "Moin! Ich bin Webentwickler und Gesellschafter bei einer kleinen Agentur in Schwerin, in erster Linie aber REDAXO-Nutzer aus tiefster Ăberzeugung weil eben Einfach - Flexibel & Sinnvoll!" +links: +- https://www.phillip-moeller.de/ +- https://mediaconstructor.de/ +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/pschuchmann/data.yml b/_directory/data/pschuchmann/data.yml index 58b450cc..e04611c0 100644 --- a/_directory/data/pschuchmann/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/pschuchmann/data.yml @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ bio: "Developing with REDAXO since 2017." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) # should be square and about 200-300 px size! -image: https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/35096518?s=40&v=4 +image: https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/35096518?s=300&v=4 # links # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. diff --git a/_directory/data/pschulze/pschulze.jpg b/_directory/data/pschulze/pschulze.jpg index f5dd033a..b6684844 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/pschulze/pschulze.jpg and b/_directory/data/pschulze/pschulze.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/ritzfritz/data.yml b/_directory/data/ritzfritz/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d1d2ec9 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/ritzfritz/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Fritz Ritzinger + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 48.435931 +longitude: 12.949224 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Ich liebe REDAXO" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: ritzfritz.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.ritzfritz.de + + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/ritzfritz/ritzfritz.jpg b/_directory/data/ritzfritz/ritzfritz.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..772d8f2d Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/ritzfritz/ritzfritz.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/rkemmere/data.yml b/_directory/data/rkemmere/data.yml index e09f03f3..457613d4 100644 --- a/_directory/data/rkemmere/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/rkemmere/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 8.7504448 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Holder of ManĂ©tage. Working with Redaxo since 2007 and I have implemented hundreds of projects with Redaxo. Core industries are the real estate, travel and tourism sectors." +bio: "Holder of ManĂ©tage. Working with REDAXO since 2007 and I have implemented hundreds of projects with REDAXO. Core industries are the real estate, travel and tourism sectors." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/rlisac/data.yml b/_directory/data/rlisac/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d188e6a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/rlisac/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Robert Lisac + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 47.384200 +longitude: 8.493640 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Head of Digital Solutions bei der Geyst AG, einem Kreativ-Studio fĂŒr Design. Mein Team entwickelt ausschliesslich mit REDAXO als CMS â und das mit grosser Begeisterung seit Version 4.0.1." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: rlisac.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.geyst.ch +- https://www.facebook.com/geyst.ch +- https://www.instagram.com/geyst_agency/ + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/rlisac/rlisac.jpg b/_directory/data/rlisac/rlisac.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea77307a Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/rlisac/rlisac.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/royalemotions/data.yml b/_directory/data/royalemotions/data.yml index 792ab3b4..9743424f 100644 --- a/_directory/data/royalemotions/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/royalemotions/data.yml @@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ bio: "Passionated female webdesigner, successful self-employed since 2006 and lo # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) # should be square and about 200-300 px size! -image: http://www.royalemotions.de/regina3_profil.jpg +image: regina3_profil.jpg # links # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. # 4 links, tops! links: -- http://www.royalemotions.de +- http://www.royalemotions.com --- diff --git a/_directory/data/royalemotions/regina3_profil.jpg b/_directory/data/royalemotions/regina3_profil.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4a29a9f5 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/royalemotions/regina3_profil.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/rsee/data.yml b/_directory/data/rsee/data.yml index f0f6f243..de330439 100644 --- a/_directory/data/rsee/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/rsee/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 11.377970 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hi, I am web developer for more than twenty years. I am working with Redaxo since version 4.2." +bio: "Hi, I am web developer for more than twenty years. I am working with REDAXO since version 4.2." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/rsee/rsee.jpg b/_directory/data/rsee/rsee.jpg index 45e65940..60739280 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/rsee/rsee.jpg and b/_directory/data/rsee/rsee.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/ruerob/data.yaml b/_directory/data/ruerob/data.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1c1870bc --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/ruerob/data.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Robert RĂŒdiger + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 53.31 +longitude: 13.85 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hey, Iâm Robert, and I just finished my first project in REDAXO! I really learned to like it!" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +#image: johndoe.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +#links: +#- https://johndoe.me +#- https://github.com/johndoe +#- https://twitter.com/johndoe + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/sandra/sandra.jpg b/_directory/data/sandra/sandra.jpg index 58f3c53e..fe285c1c 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/sandra/sandra.jpg and b/_directory/data/sandra/sandra.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/serhansidan/data.yml b/_directory/data/serhansidan/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd5a2fcf --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/serhansidan/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Serhan Sidan + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 48.0469948 +longitude: 8.462816699999962 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer der .mattomedia KG in Villingen-Schwenningen. Wir sind gerne und viel mit REDAXO unterwegs :-)" + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: serhan-sidan.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.mattomedia.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/serhansidan/serhan-sidan.jpg b/_directory/data/serhansidan/serhan-sidan.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7925be8d Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/serhansidan/serhan-sidan.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/shauste/data.yml b/_directory/data/shauste/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9567dc25 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/shauste/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +--- +name: Sven Haustein +latitude: 50.582010 +longitude: 8.679606 +bio: "Frontend designer & developer â verortet in der Rhein-Main-Region, GieĂen. Realisierung von Webseiten mit REDAXO seit mehr als 10 Jahren in zahlreichen Projekten." +image: shauste.jpg +links: +- https://svenhaustein.de +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/shauste/shauste.jpg b/_directory/data/shauste/shauste.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a551d71e Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/shauste/shauste.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/silkehachmann/logo_hachmann.png b/_directory/data/silkehachmann/logo_hachmann.png index d20d4fd1..ab6e5cbb 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/silkehachmann/logo_hachmann.png and b/_directory/data/silkehachmann/logo_hachmann.png differ diff --git a/_directory/data/simon/data.yml b/_directory/data/simon/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2bae9c9f --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/simon/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +name: Simon Pitsch + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 48.420690 +longitude: 9.039870 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Medien- und Kommunikationsinformatiker â begeisterter REDAXO-User " + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/33377866?s=400&u=6ad05ae342a52f0e9ee32d099fbafce4258eb338&v=4 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: + +- https://github.com/mad1988 + + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/slartibartfass/data.yml b/_directory/data/slartibartfass/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b4f221c --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/slartibartfass/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick +name: Axel Kriewel + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 51.4020856 +longitude: 7.0672392 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hallo, ich bin Axel. Neben Wordpress und Drupal habe ich Dank 'Olien' auch immer wieder mit REDAXO zu tun. :-) " + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like âjohndoe.jpgâ) or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/1481796?s=300&v=4 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://github.com/slartibartfass +- https://concedra.de diff --git a/_directory/data/stefanf/data.yml b/_directory/data/stefanf/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..26358c0c --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/stefanf/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Stefan Frank + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 52.53 +longitude: 13.39 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hello everybody! I am a developer and i've been working with REDAXO since 2008." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +# image: johndoe.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://github.com/ichbeigit + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/svenkaemper/data.yml b/_directory/data/svenkaemper/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..465e113d --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/svenkaemper/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Sven Kaemper + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 49.188949 +longitude: 8.094435 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Freiberuflicher UX Designer und Informationsarchitekt. Seit 2007 ist REDAXO das CMS meiner Wahl fĂŒr kleinere (und gröĂere) Projekte." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/27efc8111cd54f557c764cabb45daf71?s=200 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://svenkaemper.de +- https://twitter.com/svenkaemper +- https://bagelkaemper.de +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/tgoellner/data.yml b/_directory/data/tgoellner/data.yml index 705fab88..6343fe82 100644 --- a/_directory/data/tgoellner/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/tgoellner/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 8.805399999999963 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Supporting Redaxo since 2006 - writing plugins, helpers, modules for small, medium and large sites." +bio: "Supporting REDAXO since 2006 - writing plugins, helpers, modules for small, medium and large sites." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/thomas-engelbrecht/data.yml b/_directory/data/thomas-engelbrecht/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0e1788b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/thomas-engelbrecht/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Thomas Engelbrecht + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 49.5280453 +longitude: 10.9039196 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Frontend und Backend-Designer und Programmierer aus Leidenschaft - und das seit 20 Jahren. REDAXO seit 3.2." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: thomas-engelbrecht.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- http://www.square-concept.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/thomas-engelbrecht/thomas-engelbrecht.jpg b/_directory/data/thomas-engelbrecht/thomas-engelbrecht.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ebda7b41 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/thomas-engelbrecht/thomas-engelbrecht.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/thorol/data.yml b/_directory/data/thorol/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..80ad04ba --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/thorol/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Thomas Rolinger + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 50.14970 +longitude: 7.70305 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Mein Name ist Thomas Rolinger, ich arbeite seit 2005 mit REDAXO! " + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +# image: johndoe.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://www.muero-gbr.de +- https://www.arttec-grafik.de + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/thpet/data.yml b/_directory/data/thpet/data.yml index 7d640316..69bfcc5b 100644 --- a/_directory/data/thpet/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/thpet/data.yml @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ name: Peter Thiel # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 50.10897 -longitude: 8.70310 +latitude: 52.515919 +longitude: 13.454574 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hey, Im Peter, working with Redaxo since 2012 realising various projects and always loving it :)" +bio: "Hey, Im Peter, working with REDAXO since 2012 :)" # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (like 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{HASH}') @@ -23,9 +23,8 @@ image: https://thielpeter.com/img/uploads/thielpeter_sm.jpg # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. # 4 links, tops! links: -- https://github.com/thielpeter - https://thielpeter.com -- https://twitter.com/alsahh +- https://github.com/thielpeter - https://www.linkedin.com/in/peter-thiel-1b8347133 --- diff --git a/_directory/data/chrfickinger/data.yml b/_directory/data/thuermer/data.yml similarity index 88% rename from _directory/data/chrfickinger/data.yml rename to _directory/data/thuermer/data.yml index 87f49207..78676305 100644 --- a/_directory/data/chrfickinger/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/thuermer/data.yml @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ # name (required) # may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. # teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! -name: Christian Fickinger +name: Thomas ThĂŒrmer # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 49.27 -longitude: 7.11 +latitude: 48.5441917 +longitude: 12.1468532 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ bio: "" # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) # should be square and about 200-300 px size! -#image: johndoe.jpg +image: me.jpg # links # one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. # 4 links, tops! links: -- https://github.com/chrfickinger + --- diff --git a/_directory/data/thuermer/me.jpg b/_directory/data/thuermer/me.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f9ee4ed0 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/thuermer/me.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/tkrahmer/data.yml b/_directory/data/tkrahmer/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..40094e28 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/tkrahmer/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Thomas Krahmer + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 52.13 +longitude: 11.63 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "My name is Thomas and i am working in Magdeburg at a software company. We create most of our websites using REDAXO." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: tk201.jpg + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- https://github.com/tkrahmer +- https://twitter.com/tomcojones +- https://www.studio201.de +- https://twitter.com/studio201 + + + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/tkrahmer/tk201.jpg b/_directory/data/tkrahmer/tk201.jpg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..776f5677 Binary files /dev/null and b/_directory/data/tkrahmer/tk201.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/tomrotzek/data.yml b/_directory/data/tomrotzek/data.yml index cd2de308..607fe67b 100644 --- a/_directory/data/tomrotzek/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/tomrotzek/data.yml @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ name: Thomas Rotzek # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 49.104510 -longitude: 9.489522 +latitude: 49.124097524786194 +longitude: 9.652413402574572 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hi, I'm Thomas and redaxo is my only cms since 2006." +bio: "Seit 2006 mein einziges CMS fĂŒr weit ĂŒber 300 Internetseiten und Projekte." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like âjohndoe.jpgâ) or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/tyrant88/1277494.jpg b/_directory/data/tyrant88/1277494.jpg index a77fc11c..4d01e85c 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/tyrant88/1277494.jpg and b/_directory/data/tyrant88/1277494.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/tyrant88/data.yml b/_directory/data/tyrant88/data.yml index 0b830b21..5b3549f8 100644 --- a/_directory/data/tyrant88/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/tyrant88/data.yml @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ name: Norbert Micheel # geo location (required) # provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) # you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location -latitude: 50.10782 -longitude: 8.66717 +latitude: 50.112493 +longitude: 8.7011172 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "Hi, after 10 years in a marketing agency, I joined YAKAMARA to make a living and to have some fellow developers. In my spare time I braught the former search addOn to REDAXO Version 5 as a FOR addOn named 'search it'. I am REDAXO user since version 3.3 and still got a hang for email marketing." +bio: "I develop websites, applications and online shops. My second interest is marketing. I maintain the FOR search addOn 'search it'. I am REDAXO user since version 3.3." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (like 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{HASH}') @@ -24,6 +24,5 @@ image: 1277494.jpg # 4 links, tops! links: - https://github.com/tyrant88 -- https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NorbertMicheel --- diff --git a/_directory/data/vedatoezdemir/data.yml b/_directory/data/vedatoezdemir/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3ff42ae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/vedatoezdemir/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Vedat Ăzdemir + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 51.3765096 +longitude: 7.6960842 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Hi, I am Vedat, live in Iserlohn and work for terres'agentur GmbH in MĂŒnster. I have been using REDAXO for more than 10 years since version 4.1 and have been involved in several REDAXO projects (websites). I have realized some projects on my own and also programmed many different modules." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/bd86a7f1d847f21d857bf1366f55b91a?s=300 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- http://www.terresagentur.de +- http://www.aidem.de/ +- https://github.com/vedatoezdemir + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/wende60/data.yml b/_directory/data/wende60/data.yml index 62c5cfd8..a86b0ef1 100644 --- a/_directory/data/wende60/data.yml +++ b/_directory/data/wende60/data.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ longitude: 11.50 # bio # describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. # should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! -bio: "My Name is Joachim Wendenburg, I am living in Munich and I created some webpages with Redaxo. I also wrote the addon myEvents to display schedules." +bio: "My Name is Joachim Wendenburg, I am living in Munich and I created some webpages with REDAXO. I also wrote the addon myEvents to display schedules." # image or gravatar # provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) diff --git a/_directory/data/wende60/wende60.jpg b/_directory/data/wende60/wende60.jpg index ac2bc392..1a099be3 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/wende60/wende60.jpg and b/_directory/data/wende60/wende60.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/xbluex/iriswerner.jpg b/_directory/data/xbluex/iriswerner.jpg index eccdb603..cac6ca9a 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/xbluex/iriswerner.jpg and b/_directory/data/xbluex/iriswerner.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/xong/data.yml b/_directory/data/xong/data.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8a2ed2a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_directory/data/xong/data.yml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +--- +# name (required) +# may be your real name or your nick; not your company name. +# teams: feel free to add multiple entries for each of your members! +name: Robert Rupf + +# geo location (required) +# provide your favored level of detail by number of digits (like 50.107811 vs 50.11) +# you may use services like openstreetmap.org to find out your geo location +latitude: 51.48 +longitude: 11.97 + +# bio +# describe yourself, your involvement in the project and the community or whatever is relevant for you. +# should be 300 chars at maximum. no markup or line breaks! +bio: "Web developer. Founder and developer of RexSearch (R4)." + +# image or gravatar +# provide image file from current folder (like 'johndoe.jpg') or gravatar url (generated via https://3v4l.org/OXG7H) +# should be square and about 200-300 px size! +image: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5cb960cbbc202a822904c3d2aeb40955?s=200 + +# links +# one or more links to your website, your github profile, twitter, facebook et al. +# 4 links, tops! +links: +- http://redaxo.maumha.de/ + +--- diff --git a/_directory/data/xyzettgraphix/zeljko.jpg b/_directory/data/xyzettgraphix/zeljko.jpg index 46d68ef6..9e592773 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/xyzettgraphix/zeljko.jpg and b/_directory/data/xyzettgraphix/zeljko.jpg differ diff --git a/_directory/data/ynamite/yner.jpg b/_directory/data/ynamite/yner.jpg index adafb38f..60f00ef7 100644 Binary files a/_directory/data/ynamite/yner.jpg and b/_directory/data/ynamite/yner.jpg differ diff --git a/assets/images/redaxo-cms.svg b/assets/images/redaxo-cms.svg index 19ac832d..ec4c62e6 100644 --- a/assets/images/redaxo-cms.svg +++ b/assets/images/redaxo-cms.svg @@ -1,28 +1 @@ - - - - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/images/redaxo.svg b/assets/images/redaxo.svg index 7b7b7b4c..d19dbe92 100644 --- a/assets/images/redaxo.svg +++ b/assets/images/redaxo.svg @@ -1,20 +1 @@ - - - - + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/assets/js/script.js b/assets/js/script.js index c088c58e..8a57f0c4 100755 --- a/assets/js/script.js +++ b/assets/js/script.js @@ -47,8 +47,7 @@ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { if (directory[i]['links'][j]) { var link = directory[i]['links'][j]; var linkText = link.replace(/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)/i, ''); - content += '' + - '