Welcome to FreeCAD-Plot!
FreeCAD-Plot is a workbench for FreeCAD which provides some additional tools to edit the plots made within FreeCAD.
It currently offers the following tools:
An extended version of the default saving tools, which offers a plethora of outut formats, allowing also to set the image size.
Enhaces the configure subplots default tool adding the possiblity to add/remove axes, edit each axes independently or all of them at once.
With this tool you can remove plotted series, or edit their style.
Enable/disable the plot grid.
Enable/disable the plot legend.
Allows you to set the plot title and the axes labels.
Allows you to move and resize some plot elements, like the title, the labels of the axes and the legend.
This workbench is available for download via the FreeCAD Addon Manager
Documentation for this workbench is available on the Plot Workbench wiki page
Discuss bugs, feedback, thoughts etc.. on the official FreeCAD forum thread
Please open tickets in the issue queue
Jose Luis Cercós Pita jlcercos@gmail.com