Are you writing cool apps? Want to crash report like the big G but don't want to bother setting up a build environment just for Crashpad?
Unidentified Developer got you covered!
This repo contains everything you need to build Crashpad in a CMake environment, making integration in your own project much easier.
We also provide pre-built native binaries on NuGet so you can get started even easier!
Install the NuGet package.
λ nuget install UnidentifiedDeveloper.Crashpad.vc142
Add the include directories and libraries to your project - this will differ between development environments.
Next up, initialize Crashpad using any available example. Here's one. Remember to add error handling as well - refer to the Crashpad documentation.
#include <client/crash_report_database.h>
#include <client/settings.h>
#include <client/crashpad_client.h>
void InitializeCrashpad()
crashpad::CrashpadClient client;
{ },
{ "--no-rate-limit" },
Initialize Git submodules (crashpad, mini_chromium and zlib).
λ git submodule update --init
Generate the build.
λ cmake -A [Win32|x64] -S . -B build/[x86|x64]
Run the build.
λ cmake --build build/[x86|x64] --config [Debug|Release]
Make sure you have built all four configurations (Debug-x86, Debug-x86_64, Release-x86, Release-x86_64).
λ nuget pack package.nuspec -Version <Version>