Releases: FrSkyRC/ETHOS-Feedback-Community
Releases · FrSkyRC/ETHOS-Feedback-Community
Ethos 1.5.10
- Improved Keyboard for numbers, with room for some help text
- More contrast on fields which have the focus
- More side panels added to Model pages to display more information
- Comment allowed in Vars
- Graph displayed in FreeMix sub-dialogs
- More home screen layouts
- Image Viewer added
- Better display of errors in System / Information, especially for Lua errors
- Logic Switches delays and durations can go up to 60.0s instead of 25.0s
- Audio play repeat can go up to 10 minutes instead of 2 minutes
- GPS now written in only one column in log files, for compatibility with Google Maps
- Model RF layout fixed
- Competition / Bluetooth telemetry automatically reset to OFF
- Trim checkbox taken into accoount in the Elevator mix
- FreeMix doesn't add a blank line when inserting a new action
- Some telemetry callouts were not played (path too long)
- "Ignore range" option added to Vars to avoid the range conversion
- Ethos logo hidden when the page title is too long and covers it partially
- Trim default value is reset to 0 when using the Trim Mode "Custom"
- Markdown file limit increased to 16K
- SD Card error fixed in USB mode
- Var range fix
- [simulator] Windows / Linux user directory modifed:
- [lua] Preemption added for all
functions (instead of killing the function) - [lua] Fix for
if the sensor is a TextSensor - [lua]
added to allow the user to add his own layouts - [lua]
new syntax, withwakeup
handlers - [lua]
- [lua] new event
sent when pressing the Back button - [lua]
can now modify the value / internal unit and decimals of a DIY telemetry sensor - [lua]
can now remove a sensor - [lua]
now allows 30 chars instead of 15 - [lua]
deprecated - [lua]
Ethos Suite 1.5.7
- Change the download path for auto update to the system's temporary directory
- Provid all available manuals for download
- Add buttons that link to the receiver and sensor FrSky websites
- Improve the speed of detecting connected USB devices on Windows
- Fix the issue where the Suite can't connect to the radio after repeatedly entering and exiting debug mode
Ethos 1.5.9
Ethos 1.5.8
- RAM Backup max size changed from 4K to 32K
- Performance improved
- Asterisk icon in the top bar to show Lua / Radio errors
- EM loads the model from SD if it cannot be loaded from RAM
- Allow the user to test the Emergency Mode
- Logic Switches may request a Confirmation (ON / OFF) in addition to the Delay (ON / OFF)
- Support added for the new AES and high precision current sensors
- Swap channels function added to Model / Outputs
- [MarkDown] Badly displayed multi-line indentation
- Changing Free Mix Action doesn't reset the Active condition anymore
- [ELRS] GPS Speed wrong by factor 10
- Colors inverted on Light Mode
- When selecting "Always on" as "Display / Wake up" option, the Sleep option is now greyed out
- [Logs] UTF-8 encoding used in headers
- UI bugfixes in the Model / Telemetry screen
- TextViewer fixes (blank lines, scrolling)
- Scrollbar in the FreeMix actions was missing
- Clones of models with long names could disappear
- Reset / Flight data can be global
- Presentation improved in the Curves screen
- Presentation improved in the Mixes screen
- [Multimodule] Bad display of the "11ms" option
- Callouts (RSSI low / etc.) correctly played for External modules
- Throttle cut fix when trigger is 100%
- RSSI Low event stayed on only once and for short time only
- [lua]
added to get the channel output value, rather than the mixer output value - [lua] More type allowed in
to filter files - [lua]
improved for Timers - [lua]
available in widget create() - [lua]
bugfix (when text was longer than 256 chars) - [lua]
now allows LEFT aligned text - [lua]
separator is now optional - [lua]
will work with paths including a drive name
Ethos Suite 1.5.6
- Fix the issue when reading the local translation files
- English i18n is selected on default when updating the ETHOS i18n component
- Fix the file operation error when updating radio components
- Prevent hyperlinks redirecting outside the app
Ethos Suite 1.5.5
- Fix and enhancement for auto updater (Will work when you update Suite from 1.5.5 to a higher version)
- Fix the crash when switching radio between Suite mode and Serial port mode
- Will check the file unzipped, copied or written to the radio before it is used to flash
- Decrease the possibility that Suite cannot detect the drives on macOS
- Show English display language (But cannot be changed)
- Fix the radio restore function
Ethos 1.5.7
- Select model at power on now remembers the last selected model
- RF not started when changing the current model with a Special Function
- Trim mix conversion fix
- Logs timestamp ms part was not correct after a Radio clock modification
- New event "Flight start" added
- Add the option "Non stabilized receiver" instead of "---" in the Wizard
- Sources can be used in Outputs Min / Max / Subtrim / Slow Up / Slow Down
- Option "Half source" introduced when using a 2-POS Switch as a source: range [0-100%] instead of [-100%-100%]
- Var actions limit moved from 100% to 500%
- Logic switch Edge did not trigger in Vars actions when duration is 0
- PlayText not proposed on non TTS radios
- Skip on startup audio was not correctly working after "Flight reset"
- Throttle active event fix (when Throttle cut disabled, but Throttle idle)
- Markdown fix
- [lua] Form fixes
- [lua]
added - [lua]
- Fonts adjusted
Ethos 1.5.6
- Vars maximum range increased to [-500%:+500%]
- Vars action "Repurpose Trim" can now have a configurable step
- Internal module restarted after Suite is disconnected
- Distance and Custom sensors not correctly initialized
- "Thr=>Ele" mix fixed (when a switch used a Throttle source)
- Throttle events (cut / active / hold) fixed
- Conversion issue when coming from 1.4.X with negative weight in a Free Mix
- Switch from DEBUG mode to MASSSTORAGE mode in Ethos Suite did not unload everything correctly and made some Lua scripts crash
- Option "Half source" introduced when using a Logic Switch as a source: range [0-100%] instead of [-100%-100%]
- Removing an extra trim renumbers trims uses correctly
- [lua]
bug which made the radio enter in Emergency Mode - [lua]
fixed - [lua]
returns an integer if it deals with a flight mode index - [lua]
added - [lua]
added - [lua]
[X18(S), X14(S), Horus]
- Restart (with F12 key) memory corruption fix
Ethos Suite 1.5.4
- Model backup will include .txt file
- Reduce the crashes on Suite startup
- Fix the traces display issue in LUA debug tool
- Fix the storage location loading issue for XE
Although the possibility of the crashing on startup has been reduced, it may result in the Suite being unable to detect the radio. If such a situation occurs, please include the log file starting with "main-" from the crash path, and open a new issue.
Ethos 1.5.4
- Model read error on Emergency Mode
- Range issue in FreeMix Offset action - Fixes #3734
- New "Full range" option added to Trim sources - Fixes #3724
- Colors added to Outputs in Mixes, to mach the graph colors - Fixes #3700
- Inverting left and right sliders in System / Hardware is again possible - Fixes #3691
- Wrong switch move detected on non enabled switches in System / Hardware
- [elrs] Model Match fixed - Fixes #3682
- [lua]
added - Fixes #3721 - [lua]
lcd.setClipping(...) is restored
- Fixes #3720 - [lua]
lcd.isVisible(...) was returning wrong results
- Fixes #3695 - [lua] Memory leak fixed on each error
- [lua] XXS font added
- [lua]
added - [es] Counting fix on "100" - Fixes #3685
- Display issue in Model / Trims (out of screen fields) - Fixes #3688