A scenario-like mod where Nauvis is unstable and set to implode. This is a race to go off-planet.
At game start, begins an 8 hour (customizable) countdown to Nauvis imploding. This timer is sped up by active use of miners on Nauvis (also customizable).
Be out of Navis by the time it implodes and scramble onto another planet to rebuild. Eventually, you will find yourself asking, how do I proceed without Nauvis resources? Enter: Gehenna
Gehenna is a hellworld inspired planet where even establishing a base will be difficult. It has all the resources of Nauvis (Importantly Uranium and Fish), but also an incredibly high amount of alien biter presence. Establish a front by inching closer and closer to resources while surviving an onslaught of aliens.
Known bugs:
- Do not drop to planet after Nauvis has imploded, you will disappear, as well as any resource you drop to planet. (Need to disable this behavior)
Planned features (some of which are hard with the some current mod API limitations):
- Changing the asteroids around Nauvis after implosion
- Adding stone asteroids (stone, advanced drop uranium) and biter asteroids (strong, biter egg) around Gehenna