A collection of notes, scripts, applications, frequencies, etc... for the Flipper Zero device.
Notes and Documentation
A collection of useful notes and documentationSD Card Resources
A collection of useful resources for your SD Card (BadUSB, NFC, IR, SubGHZ)
Awesome Flipper Zero
An index of helpful repos and informationOfficial Flipper Wiki
The Official Flipper WikiUnofficial Flipper Wiki
The Unofficial Flipper WikiAtmanos' Documents
A collection of guides for the Flipper ZeroUberGuidoZ Flipper Resources
A collection of resources for Flipper ZeroPingywon's Repository
A collection of resources and guides for the Flipper Zero
Official FW
The Official Flipper Zero FirmwareKokoe FW
Frog's Firmware a fork of Unleashed. Primarily for my personal testing/changesUnleashed/Plugins FW
RogueMaster's Firmware a fork of MuddleBox/Unleashed with additional pluginsUnleashed FW
The Unleashed Firmware (No Legal Limitations)
A Plugin/Driver for mousejacking, requires an NRF24L01 radio chip (Wiring Diagram Below)Spectrum Analyzer
A simple Sprectrum AnaylzerMouse Jiggler
A mouse jiggler to keep a connected PC Active
The game of TetrisFlappy Bird
The game of Flappy Bird, collision is nonfunctional/duplicate walls or artifcating occursFlooper Blooper
A game of exploration and platforming
Wifi Devboard Case
A case for the Wifi Dev BoardMuddleBox's Flipper Cases
A Repo of 3D Printable Cases for Flipper ZeroHard Cases
Two hard shell cases by warpedrenegadeTacticool Case
A tacticool case by s0ko1exHardEdgy Case
A "HardEdgy" case by s0ko1exFlipper Zero 3D Model
A 3D .GBL model of the Flipper ZeroProtoBoards KiCad
A KiCad for printing Flipper Zero Protoboards
Below is a library of helpful documentation, or useful notes that I've either written or collected.
Windows Development Environment
An overview of how to setup a Windows development environmentChange Flipper's Display Name
Step by step instructions to change the Flipper Zero's display nameUsing The Bluetooth Remote Plugin
How to use the Bluetooth Remote Plugin
Flipper Zero Disassembly
How to disassemble the Flipper ZeroHow To Run Marauder on the WiFi Dev Board
An overview of how to run Marauder on the Wifi Devboard, compliements of justcallmekoko
Flipper Battery Self Repair Guide
A guide on how to dissassemble and troubleshoot battery problems with the Flipper ZeroOfficial Firmware Recovery Guide
A guide from the official Flipper documents for firmware recoveryiFixIt Flipper Disassembly Guide
A guide on how to completely disassemble the Flipper Zero
Screw Dimensions
A reference/measurements of the screws used for the Flipper ZeroScreen Protector Dimensions
An image that shows the appropriate dimensions for a Screen Protector
GPIO PIN Reference
An image which overviews the GPIO pinsNRF24L01 Wiring Diagram
A visual reference for wiring the NRFL24L01 Radio
Flipper SW/HW Keynote
A collection of slides that overview the basics of software and hardware developmentQFlipper All Builds
All available QFlipper Builds
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You can Edit this file and open a Pull Request, or Start a discussion with your ideas.
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