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双接口型PCAN-USB驱动 | Dual-interface PCAN-USB driver

简介 | Introduction

  • 若想了解什么是PCAN-USB,可自行搜索或访问其官网

    To know what PCAN-USB is, Google it, or visit the official website.

  • 官方驱动支持网络字符设备两种接口,但同一时间内只能使用其中一种接口, 且要重新编译、加载驱动。本项目的目标是可同时使用两种接口, 或最低限度不必重新编译和切换驱动。

    The official driver supports two types of interface: network and chardev, but only one is available at a time, and the user has to re-compile and re-load the driver. The goal of this project is to make both interfaces available simultaneously, or at least remove the need of re-compiling and switching driver.


    For PCAN-USB only, not for PCAN-USB FD, PCAN-USB Pro, PCAN-PCI and other hardware products.

  • 本项目仅供学习和测试强烈不建议在生产环境使用

    This project is for STUDYINIG and TESTING ONLY! Use in PRODUCTION environment is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED!

安装 | Installation

$ make prepare # Only needed at the first time
$ sudo -E make install

卸载 | Uninstallation

$ sudo -E make uninstall

更新 | Update

$ git pull && git checkout vX.Y.Z # For example: v0.8.0
$ sudo -E make update

使用 | Use

  • 网络接口:使用candump,或自行编写应用程序(推荐使用SocketCAN应用编程接口)。

    Network interface: Use candump, or write an application program yourself (SocketCAN API is recommended).

  • 字符设备接口:使用pcanview

    Chardev interface: Use pcanview.

许可证 | License
