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File metadata and controls

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angular starter

This is a boilerplate for an angularjs application which should implement some structure for services and directives. I'm trying to improve it from time to time and would be glad to get some input to it. I'm pretty new to angularjs and try to get a common starting point for my next projects with angularjs.

I used the phone application example directly from angular as an example to build up this.

start up

To start the application you can simply use the command: npm start If you are using the scss capabilities of the template you have to compile the scss to css with the command: npm run build-css or start the watcher for this purpose with the command: npm run watch-css

file structure


Inside the app folder all files which are directly related to the application itself will be stored. Within this folder there are different files and subfolders. The app.config.js stores the relevant configuration informations like routing informations. The app.module.js and nearly all other module files in this boilerplates store the dependency informations of the modules. The app.config.js especially stores the dependency informations of the whole application. The index.html references all files which are needed for this project.

Inside the core folder are the kind of modules which are useful everywhere in the application like services. The core.module.js implements all util modules inside the core folders. In the core folder is an subfolder service this represents a typical service. How this is implemented will be described in an own section. Inside the service folder are two files. The service.module.js file is the standard module file which already explained. The service.service.jsfile implements the logic of the service.

The hello-world contains the first component of this boilerplate. It consists of three files, the obligatory module file which is already explained. Additional there are two further files hello-world.component.js which implements the logic of the module and the controller for this component and additional javascript stuff. The hello-world.template.html is the template of the injected component and contains the html code which will be displayed.

new component creation

To create a new component the following steps are necessary:

  1. Create a folder within the app folder with the name of the component written in kebab-case

  2. Inside this folder create three files and replace the <name> with the name of the component written in kebab-case: <name>.module.js, <name>.component.js, <name>.template.html and <name>.style.scss

  3. Add the following into the <name>.module.js:

'use strict';

angular.module('<name in camel-case>', ['<dependency>']);
  1. Add the following into the <name>.component.js:
'use strict';

  module('<name in camel-case>').
  component('<name in camel-case>', {
    templateUrl: '<name in kebab-case>/<name in kebab-case>.template.html',
    controller: ['<dependency>',
  1. Inside the <name>.template.html file is just the html code for the visualization stored

  2. Add the new module into the dependencies of the main application module inside app.module.js

  3. Add a route to new component into the routeProvider inside the app.config.js file like the following:

  .when('/<url>', {
    template: '<<name in kebab-case>></<name in kebab-case>>'
  1. Now you have to add the injection of the new created files into the index.html so that the modules can be known from the application.
<script src="<name in kebab-case>/<name in kebab-case>.module.js"></script>
<script src="<name in kebab-case>/<name in kebab-case>.component.js"></script>
  1. As the last step you have to add the style file to the app/scss/app.core.scss file as an import.
@import "../hello-world/";


This section explains how to use services and how you can expand the example service. How you add a new module to the application is already explained in the section about a new component. The basic structure of a service is the following and kind of obvious.

'use strict';

  factory('<service-name>', function (<dependencies e.g. ($http, $q)>) {
       return {
           <method-name>: function(<parameters>) {
               //request logic
              return <return>


<method-name>: function(<parameters>)  {
    return $'<api-url>', {
        <request-body as json>


<method-name>: function(<parameters>)  {
    return $http.get('<api-url>');

Other request methods are quiet similar.

use of a promise

.success(function(<result if request was successfully>){
    //success handling
.error(function(<result if request failed>){
    //error handling