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This program is a implementation of a Replica Exchange Monte Carlo algorithm (REMC) described in the paper "A replica exchange Monte Carlo algorithm for protein folding in the HP model", by THACHUK C. and al.


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Conda initialization

You need module that are not install into base python. To do so, and to simplify the process, an environment src/project_mc.yml have already been create.

To used it, simply type (if you are in PROJECT_PY_MONTE_CARLO/):

conda env create -n project_mc -f env/project_mc.yml
conda activate project_mc

You are now able to launch the program.

Simplest example

To launch the program, the minimap require argument are given next (if you are in PROJECT_PY_MONTE_CARLO/):

python3 src/ -i AA -s 1 -o file.csv

Obviously, there's a lot of parameters. simply type this to have the help:

python3 src/ -h

Or this:

python3 src/ --help

Now, let's describe one by one all possible arguments:

argument description
-h, --help Display the help.
-i, --input Give the input sequence. You can type it or give a .fasta file.
-s, --step The number of MC steps to perform. You have to give an integer.
-o, --output Print a file (file.csv) with data in it from the MC algorithm.
-tmin, --minimal_temperature The minimal temperature to start the replica (from tmin to tmax, both include, with a step of 1).
-tmax, --maximal_temperature The maximal temperature to start the replica (from tmin to tmax, both include, with a step of 1).
-rp Place the given sequence randomly on a grid. Note that if this parameters is not given, the sequence will be put linearly on the grid.
-mf, --mol_file Give file.mol2 as output. You can, like this, visualize the trajectory. WARNINGS: Huge file and take time to be produce!
-remc When given, do a replica exchange MC.
-co, --cut_off Energy that serve as a cut-off. Only negative integer possible.
-ts, --total_step Number of exchange to do. Note that the number of operation when this parameter is given is -s * -ts.

Note : Argument in bold HAVE TO BE GIVEN so the program could work well.

Note : Argument in italics HAVE TO BE GIVEN if the option -remc is input.

The most full example is given next:

python3 src/
    -i sequence.fasta
    -s 10
    -o file.csv
    -tmin 20
    -tmax 30
    -mf file.mol2
    -co -5
    -ts 5

Note: Personalize error can been thrown. If you want a more detailed explanation, check doc/

To take in consideration

The REMC algorithm take way more time to be done than the MC algorithm.