🔭 I’m currently working on Vocabulary Notebook
🌱 I’m currently learning Android Studio (Java)
👨💻 All of my projects are available at repositories
📫 How to reach me filayeng@gmail.com
Popular repositories Loading
Arduino-Rotary-Encoder-TM1637 PublicWhen the Rotary Encoder rotates, the Arduino reads the data and sends it to the TM1637.
C++ 7
Insagram-Filayeng-Post-Codes PublicThese codes are codes in Instagram posts.
Java 5
Arduino-StepMotor-4x4Keypad-LCD-I2C-USING PublicNema17 Stepper Motor Control and Positioning (A4988 Driver) using Arduino Uno with PCF8574 I/O Expander 4x4 Keypad and I2C LCD Display.
C++ 4
Python-Multi-Calculator-PyQt5 PublicI developed a Calculator that calculete foctoriyal , square root , exponentiation etc using Python Programming Language.
Python 4
Python-Rock-Paper-Scissor-Game PublicIt is a simple game that I developed using the PyQt5 library in Python.
Python 4
Python-Youtube-Video-Downloader-PyQt-PyTube PublicIt is a Video Downloader from YouTube that I developed using the PyQt5 and PytTube libraries in Python.
Python 4
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