A PiHAT for converting the Raspberry Pi I²C Signals from 3.3V levels to 5V levels, which is usefull if you want to interface with I²C-components that use 5V voltage levels. The project aims to save time in wiring up an external level-shifter and just plug a shield on top of the gpio pins of the Raspberry Pi.
This is how the module is supposed to be used:
On Raspberry Pi 3B+:
On Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO Board:
I tested the pcb, however I hand-soldered everything (which I can definitely not recommend). Everything is soldered exactly like in the schematic, even though I placed some parts differently.
Here is how my prototype looks like:
And here are my oscilloscope measurements on level shifting a rectangular pulse with the following frequencies:
500kHz (from here on it doesn't seem to be able to reach the full 5V):
This behaviours is confirmed by simulation.
And here a screenshot of the included LT-Spice simulation:
And here a simulation of high frequencies. This shows (as the real graph above) that the mosfet is too slow for MHz frequencies. Replace the mosfet with a faster one if you have to a high frequency application.
2N7002 MOSFET library (lbr/transistors_gaui.lbr):
The project is licensed under the MIT-License. For further information see LICENSE.md