It solves Sudokus (fast?). All sudokus I use for testing are solved in less than 500µs on my machine.
- fast Sudoku solving
To solve a Sudoku run:
./sudoku [file]
For the dataformat of the file, see the examples in: ./test-sudokus/text/
It's Rust. Just run: cargo build
or cargo build --release
in the directory
The field is a standard 2D-Array of integers. Set numbers and possible numbers (used in all solving strategies) are set in the same array. A simple Bitshift is used for storage.
0b1: 1 is set
0b10: 2 is set
0b100: 3 is set
0b100_000_000: 9 is set
0b101: 1 and 3 are possible numbers
0b111_111_111: All numbers are possible
The reason is that nearly all calculations can be done with simple Bit-Operations.
To support other sudoku variants I implemented a trait SudokuRule. With this it is possible to easily implement some sudoku variants with minimal change in the underlying solving strategies.
for more details.
Currently only 3 Strategies are implemented:
Set missing: Sets the numbers that are possible. If it is a single number, a new cell is set
Set alone: If a cell of row 1 is the only one where number 4 is possible, than this cell can be set to 4.
Brutforce: Set a randome unset cell to a possible number. If it than can be solved, it is sovled. Otherwise try the next candidate.
Those 3 Strategies are used from top to bottom. If "Set missing" doesn't set a number, "Set alone" is used. So Brutforce is only used if it is neccassary.
Those 3 are enogh to solve all sudokus fast enough. See ToDo-Section for ideas to make it better and maby faster.
This is a explorative project. I used it to learn about Rust and some of the features of the build process. That is the reason why some features are excessivly used, others not at all and a few probably wrong. So don't take it as an example for good Rust code.
- Better Docs
- More Sudokus for testing and benchmarking
- More solving strategies for solving (e.g. twins, dripples, X-Wing)
MultithreadingAfter I quick test, I don't think that it is worth it. The overhead is to mouch and the parallism to short. It is better/cleaner/easier to just useRUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"
for the speed up. - Support for other Sudoku variant
- X Sudoku
- Killer Sudoku
- Hyper Sudoku
- Even-Odd Sudoku
- Comparison Sudoku
- Player Moves aren't counted as aspected
I still need to learn a lot about Rust, good documentation, naming, programm structure and more. So if you have any suggestions please open an issue.