- Add Book
- SignUp/SignIn separated for both Admin and User
- Issue Book to User
- Kotlin
- Google Material 3
- Google Firebase
- This is a simple library management app.
- This app requires a Firebase project to be created and the google-services.json file to be added to the app module.
- This app was built for learning purposes only. If you want to use it for production, you are responsible for it.
- The Student Sign-In section is designed with regex to accept values like 'UG/02/BTCSEAIML/2021/003'. For further inspection check -> app/src/main/java/com/example/librarymanagement/Signup.kt
val isRollNumber = rollNumber.text.toString().trim().matches(Regex("([A-Z])+/[0-9]+/[A-Z]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+"))