Explore my dotfiles and add what you like into your own X11 Arch setup.
Enjoy this configuration! 🙂 🚀
- i3 - Tiling window manager.
- picom - Xorg display compositor.
- Polybar - Highly customizable status bar.
- alacritty - fast GPU-accelerated terminal.
- fish (shell) + oh-my-fish + starship (customizable prompt).
- Neovim - Vim fork (Fully configured with LSPs, Linters, Parsers, Auto-Complete, and a bunch of plugins).
- rofi - Application launcher and dmenu replacement.
- ranger - Terminal file manager.
These are some of the tools that I use and have customized for my development workflow.
Some of the configured files require external dependencies.
Make sure to carefully review the files you want to use.
$ git clone https://github.com/Fatjon-Gash1/Dotfiles.git ~/.Dotfiles
$ ~/.Dotfiles/install.sh
Before executing the script make sure that you have removed the specific folders from the ~/.config