It handles requests for measurements, buckets, organizations, subscriptions management (CRUD) and fetching of WEB pages.
It processes and uploads incoming data from Orion Context Broker subscriptions into Influx-db.
Interface for users consisting of WEB pages to control Measurements, Buckets, Organizations and Subscriptions.
Time-series database used as storage end-point by the ROSE-AP for desired historical data that is defined with measurements.
Database to store and persist between workers measurement, bucket and organization data and their relationships.
Data source of the desired information from entities. Subscriptions and entities management.
Sends measurement subscription data into ROSE-AP end-point.
Using the exposed API, 3rd party software can interface with the ROSE-AP to control and automate measurement, bucket and organizations creation. It also can create, delete and manipulate subscriptions, providing a flexible way to gather desired data.
- FastAPI (Python).
- Redis.
- Influx-db.
- Orion Context Broker.
- Bootstrap studio (UI builder).