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File metadata and controls

110 lines (72 loc) · 3.57 KB


A plugin for Django CMS, which renders restructured text into html, using docutils.



Install cmsplugin_rst using pip or your favorite method, using a virtualenv or not.

$ pip install cmsplugin_rst

Add 'cmsplugin_rst' to your INSTALLED_APPS, in your django settings.

And then migrate the DB:

$ python migrate

Beware, if you upgrade from cmsplugin_rst v0.1.1, which didn't use django migrations but South, you may have to skip the initial migration (eg. if you get the "OperationalError: table "cmsplugin_rst_rstpluginmodel" already exists" error):

$ python migrate --fake-initial cmsplugin_rst

To speed up the (potentially heavy) rendering of cmsplugin_rst plugins, consider using the cache framework of django.


The behaviour of cmsplugin_rst can be tweaked with these Django settings (all are optional).

The plugin disallows, by default, insecure features like *file insertions* and *raw* directive, in the restructured text renderer.

Name of the docutils writer to be used for rendering HTML (default: "html4css1")
A restructuredtext string wich will be prepended to all your RST plugin contents, before rendering. Useful to define replacement blocks, custom roles, etc.
A restructuredtext string wich will be appended to all your RST plugin contents, before rendering.
A dict of settings which will be merged over plugin defaults, and passed to the docutils renderer. See docutils publish_parts() and its settings_overrides parameter ( Amongst interesting settings are "initial_header_level" and "report_level".
If and only if BeautifulSoup is installed, these postprocessors are applied to the rendered HTML before displaying it. It must be a list of qualified function names, eg. ["mymodule.mysubmodule.myfunction"]. Each of these functions must expect a beautifulsoup tree as unique argument, and modify it in-place.

Specific Roles and Replacements

The restructured text is not evaluated by the django template engine, so you can't use django/djangocms tags and filters.

But some specific replacements take place:

  • {{ MEDIA_URL }} and {{ STATIC_URL }} tags are replaced, before html rendering, by corresponding django settings.
  • {{ BR }} and {{ NBSP }} are replaced, after html rendering, by corresponding html tags/entities.

Additionally, you can create links to other CMS pages with the custom "cmspage" role provided, using the "reverse IDs" that you'll have set previously in advanced page parameters:

:cmspage:`My-Reverse-Id`   // the menu title will be use as the link name

:cmspage:`My Link Name <My-Reverse-Id>`   // here the link name is embedded in role

Reverse IDs must exist and be unique in the djangocms DB, else the rendering of the link fails.

Test Project

A demo project with a sqlite DB is included in repository, as a git submodule (

Its django admin credentials are test/test.