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Francois Vancoppenolle edited this page Jul 14, 2014 · 16 revisions

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Math functions

It's possible to compute math values like standard deviation using the chart data and itegrate the value into the chart with annotateLabel or inGraphDataTmpl.

Integrated math functions

  • mean
  • varianz
  • stddev (Standard deviation)
  • cv (Coefficient of variation)

If you want to add the difference between the current value and a math function you can add a Dif after the name of the math function. For example:
inGraphDataTmpl: '<%=meanDif()%>' inGraphDataTmpl: '<%=v3-mean()%>'
If you want to have the varianz over each data point:
inGraphDataTmpl: '<%=varianz()%>'
And it's possible to round the data using inGraphDataTmpl: '<%=varianz(3)%>'
The default number of decimal places is 2
inGraphDataTmpl: '<%=varianz(2)%>' = inGraphDataTmpl: '<%=varianz()%>'

Line and Bar charts

Standard deviation

It's possible to add deviation lines into line and bar charts.(math.html)
You can specify which datasets should use a math function using drawMathDeviation. Every deviation has a

  • deviationStrokeColor (default: rgba(220,220,220,1))
  • deviationWidth which is the length of the horizontal lines at the top and bottopm of the vertical line (default: 0px)
var LineData = {
	labels : ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July"],
	datasets : [
			fillColor : "rgba(129, 172, 123, 0.5)",
			strokeColor : "rgba(129, 172, 123, 1)",
			pointColor : "rgba(129, 172, 123, 1)",
			pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
			drawMathDeviation: "stddev",
			deviationStrokeColor: "#000",
			deviationWidth: 5,
			data : [60,70,75,65,75,80,65],
      title : "line 1"

![image]( ``` var BarData = { labels : ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July"], datasets : [ { fillColor : "rgba(129, 172, 123, 0.5)", strokeColor : "rgba(129, 172, 123, 1)", pointColor : "rgba(129, 172, 123, 1)", pointStrokeColor : "#fff", drawMathDeviation: "stddev", deviationStrokeColor: "#000", deviationWidth: 5, data : ["60","70","75","65",,"80","0"], title : "bar 1" }, { fillColor : "rgba(29, 72, 223, 0.5)", strokeColor : "rgba(29, 72, 223, 1)", pointColor : "rgba(29, 72, 223, 1)", pointStrokeColor : "#fff", drawMathLine: "mean", mathLineStrokeColor: "#f00", data : [10,20,30,40,50,60,70], title : "bar 2" } ] } ``` It's also possible to draw horizontal lines for the mean or some other math function.
**Important**: It's not possible to draw a math function line which isn't horizontal for example `meanDif`.

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