In this client-server project, a client can request a file or a set of files from the server. The server searches for the file/s in its file directory rooted at its ~ and returns the tar.gz of the file/files requested to the client (or an appropriate message otherwise). Multiple clients can connect to the server from different machines and can request file/s as per the commands such as:
findfile filename o If the file filename is found in its file directory tree rooted at ~, the server must return the filename, size(in bytes), and date created to the client and the client prints the received information on its terminal. Note: if the file with the same name exists in multiple folders in the directory tree rooted at ~, the server sends information pertaining to the first successful search/match of filename Else the client prints “File not found” o Ex: C$ findfile sample.txt
sgetfiles size1 size2 <-u> o The server must return to the client temp.tar.gz that contains all the files in the directory tree rooted at its ~ whose file-size in bytes is >=size1 and <=size2 size1 < = size2 (size1>= 0 and size2>=0) o -u unzip temp.tar.gz in the pwd of the client o Ex: C$ sgetfiles 1240 12450 -u
o The command is transferred to the server and the client process is terminated