Releases: FRCTeam4855/4855scout
Version 2020.5.1
This version introduces some minor additions and fixes from the previous version after testing.
- The match simulator was favoring two climbing robots and a balance over three climbing robots, resulting in a loss of points. This has been fixed
- Some forms couldn't be deleted by the user and the program regarded them as missing
- Added a button to delete forms for an entire team
- The match simulator now details which teams completed the autocross objective
- Event key box is now a drop-down list of all official FRC events
Version 2020.5
Hey scouts! This version should be the last one released before week 1 really kicks into high gear. The major updates are the new form controls that have been added.
Match form:
- Checkbox for if teams scored a significant number of goals into the inner port while shooting
- Checkbox for if teams attempted to climb but failed while doing so
Verbal form:
- Checkbox for if teams are able to drive underneath the control panel
Additionally, some bugs when editing forms have been patched. Some checkboxes were not being recorded or weren't being displayed correctly. The scale for RPI has also been slightly adjusted.
Most of your scouting data from previous versions of this scouter will likely be fully compatible, so you can ignore the out-of-date warnings when importing older data.
Version 2020.4.1
This is a minor release that notifies a user if they're importing files into the master scouter while the regular scouter hasn't been reset. In addition, the autocross input has been changed to a checkbox.
Version 2020.4
Version 2020.4 introduces the ability to edit forms. If you accidentally misspelled something or would like to add another comment to your forms, you can now seamlessly edit each form from within the app. In addition, if a match has two forms from different scouters and the same match, a notification is now displayed. The scouter's calculations differentiate by form instead of specifically by match, so duplicate matches can swing the averages of some data points. The notification is cleared once one of the duplicates is deleted (if you want to keep info from both, edit one of the forms to include the info and delete the other).
It was reported that the up and down arrows on the scouting form controls for power cell counting were not being displayed in all browsers. This has been corrected and custom buttons have been added. Finally, some other miscellaneous changes, adjustments, and fixes have been made.
Version 2020.3.2
This version removes some form controls that weren't being used to calculate anything. Some more tooltips were added and some labels were adjusted. Forms made in previous versions of the scouter should still be perfectly compatible with this version.
Version 2020.3.1
This release of the scouter adds tooltips to make navigating the program simpler and easier to understand. In addition, a file named settings.js has been added. All it does at the moment is allow a master scouter to prefill the event key field for all their normal scout's forms so that they don't perform any incidental typos while scouting at an event.
Some minor fixes, adjustments, and behind-the-scenes changes were also made to smooth the scouting experience.
Version 2020.3
This latest version of the 4855 Scouter introduces the capability to create a custom picklist based off of your data. Choose from some preset sort methods to rank every team or create your own by adjusting sliders for how important each robot stat is to your team.
In addition to this, the individual team view has been adjusted to display average stats from across all a team's forms instead of only displaying their RPI. A rankings list for the number of forms put out by every scouter has also been added to the master scouter's main menu.
If you're from another team and you've stumbled upon this software, message me on Chief Delphi (Acr515) or contact our team at our website ( and tell us where you're scouting from!
Version 2020.2
Welcome to version 2020.2! This version adds the functionality for the match simulator to pick teams to play defense. It also adds crucial match insights to the simulator, such as the endgame status of each robot and some key turning point information (i.e. which stats will make or break matches). There are also a number of minor adjustments and fixes from the prior version.
Version 2020.1
This release introduces the individual team scoring breakdown feature, allowing users to see which teams produced how many points during a simulated match. It also provides insight on how likely a team is to play defense and how strong their defensive abilities really are.
Future releases will take this defensive information into account when determining scores. This feature is not ready yet.