This part of guide demonstrates how PhotonVision softwares should be installed on the coprocessors. For the sake of brevity and rigor, this tutorial will be using Orange Pi 5B with 8GB RAM as a demonstration.
- Coprocessor of choice
- SD/TF card with ^8GB of space
- Screens and keyboards (optional)
- Internet connectivity for the coprocessor (optional)
If the model of the coprocessor is listed among the releases page, one may safely download the corresponding image for the coprocessor and load it into Balena Etcher for etching onto the TF card.
After etching is complete, plug the TF card into the coprocessor for booting. The first boot up for the coprocessor may take a few minutes, and it is vital that one acknowledges it and does not interfere with its initialization.
If the model of the coprocessor is not listed among the releases page, it is advised not to use the prebuilt images as there may be unknown consequences. For example, the coprocessor Orange Pi 5B should not be running the Orange Pi 5 image even though 5B only features minor improvements over 5.
The solution to the installing PhotonVision should instead be using the installation script provided by official releases 1. First, download a Debian-based linux ARM image and etch it onto the SD card and either connect the coprocessor with a screen and keyboard or SSH. Then, prepare the installation script by this command.
wget -O
If you are in China Mainland or anywhere else where <> is inaccessible, you can save the
script in scripts/
to your coprocessor.
If the coprocessor runs a Debian or other Linux-based OS, you can SSH to your coprocessor for running commands and transmitting files via SFTP.
In order to do so, complete the following steps
- Connect your coprocessor to a screen and keyboard.
- Type
and activate a connection from the coprocessor to your network. Note that this could either be WLAN or LAN (wifi or earth-net cables). Also make sure that your computer for SSH connection is also connected to the same network. - (Optional) Setup your computer either with a Open SSH Client or terminal. If you are using Open SSH service, run
ssh user@machine
to connect (replaceuser
to your need) - Enter username/password as prompted. If you do not know the default account/password for your machine, see the user manuel for detailed information. For Orange Pi users, default username can be either
; password isorangepi
- Use SFTP or simply copy-paste the contents of
into your coprocessor
Then, upon completion of introducing
, run these commands.
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
sudo reboot now
The setup will be finished after rebooting is complete
After startup, visit http://photonvision.local:5800 or YourCoprocessorIP:5800 in your browser to access the coprocessor that is in the same LAN/WLAN network with the computer in use. One is not required to log in to use the vision server even when prompted.
Important: If you are using a personal hotspot or other 5GHz WiFI network, your coprocessor may not be able to connect as most of them are only compatible with 2.4GHz networks.
If you can access a web page that looks like a dashboard by PhotonVision, then the setup is completed.