This package allows to call for data from the Visual Library and converts it into OJS XML. The tool can be run on any scale, i.e. journal, volume, issue, or article. The user only has to provide some basic settings and give a list of Visual Library IDs to convert.
Be aware that currently this package only takes VisualLibraryExportElements from the visual-library package. If you want to convert data from another source, you made need to make some changes to the code.
from VlToOjsExporter.configuration.Configurator import Configurator
from VlToOjsExporter.ojs.xmlgeneration import OjsXmlGenerator
vl = VisualLibrary()
vl_issue = vl.get_element_for_id('4177381')
configurator = Configurator()
ojs_xml_generator = OjsXmlGenerator(configurator)
ojs_issue = ojs_xml_generator.convert_vl_objecto_to_ojs_object(vl_issue)
ojs_export_xml_string = ojs_issue.generate_xml()
If you have a config.ini
in your main package folder, you do not have to give the path to this file. Just call configurator.parse_configuration()
Your configuration file should look like this:
# If there is a file called items.txt in the package folder, it will be taken as a list of items to process.
# If in the Process section a list in the items is given, this will have precedence.
# The given items in the file, can be comma seperated or on a single line each.
# So, this is fine:
# item1, item2, item3
# And this is fine too:
# item1
# item2
# item3
# Please, without the hashes! Only the IDs to download!
itemFile = items.txt
# This should give the languages of the OJS journal, where the final XML is read to!
# Watch out that you use double quotes (") for quoting, because single quotes cause an error...
languages = ["de_DE", "en_US"]
# Here are some OJS default labels. You may change them as needed. Please note, that you do not need quotations for strings, only for strings in lists!
user_group_reference_label = Autor/in
# If this label is not correctly set, the given article galleys are not displayed in OJS.
article_text_genre_label = Artikeltext
file_uploading_ojs_user = ojs_admin
article_reference_label = ART
dummy_mail_address =
# This allows to switch between the old XML schema (pre OJS 3.2) and the new XML schema
use_pre_3_2_schema = False
# If you need to split the file (e.g. due to size), you can configure for every issue to have it's own <issues> tag.
root_every_issue_in_issues_tag = False
# There may come the case, where you want the title of Volumes and Issues to be shown in OJS. To do so, set this value True. If this value is unset, False is the default.
add_title_to_issue = False
# Please double quote the given IDs!
items = [
Currently you cannot iterate a journal, because a journal may contain Volumes and volumes can contain Issues. This is a nesting concept not supported by OJS. However, there are Volumes containing articles. Hence, if a Volume does not contain articles, it will throw an error.
The generated issues are set to be NOT published by default to enable metadata corrections in OJS without versioning. If you would like to do so, you have to set published="1"
in the XML for each issue that should be published.
To install the package call:
source {path_to_your_virtual_environment}/bin/activate
cd vl-to-ojs-exporter
pip3 install -r requierements.txt
You can code your own script using the example given above or from the tests.
The other possibility is, if you have Docker installed, to run everything in a container, using the Dockerfile in the repo.
docker build --tag vl-to-ojs-exporter .
# This folder will be mounted to the container and the results will be stored in.
mkdir xml
docker run -v `pwd`/xml:/code/xml vl-to-ojs-exporter
The tests will run and also make a check against the OJS native.xsd format (with local files as of 2023-03-15 in OJS 3.3.0-14
) to guarantee perfect OJS compatibility.
To run the tests, install the dev requirements and call pytest:
pip install -r dev-requierements.txt
It may occur that the produced file is too large for OJS to import it. Hence, there is the possibility to set the parameter root_every_issue_in_issues_tag
true. Subsequently, you can split the file with xml_split
like so:
xml_split -c issues your-file.xml
This splits the given file in multiple smaller files, separated at every issues
When importing the data into OJS, go into the directory of the journal of choice and call:
php tools/importExport.php NativeImportExportPlugin import path/to/your/file.xml journal-short-name ojs_admin
The journal-short-name
is mostly given in the journal URL. E.g. in
it would be beihefte
. The ojs_admin
is the user uploading the file. I would make sure that the given user exists, but I don't know what happens, if not.
Additionally, you may have to check if the given file size is accepted by PHP. If not, you may have to edit the memory_limit
parameter in the /etc/php7/cli/php.ini
It is also recommended to run a large number of files in a for-loop. A tiny script may help:
for file in $FILES
echo Processing $file
php tools/importExport.php NativeImportExportPlugin import $file $JOURNAL_NAME $USER
Of course, you can also upload the file via the OJS backend. Here also the memory_limit
of PHP may stand in your way. However, in this case you need to edit /etc/php7/apache2/php.ini
In case error occur and it is stated something like '1. submission': This is NOT the first submission, but the first where a problem occurred!
There may come the warning:
Es sind Warnungen ausgegeben worden:
- Die existierende Ausgabe mit der ID 25 passt zur angegebenen Kennung "<issue_identification>
</issue_identification>". Diese Ausgabe wird nicht verändert, aber Artikel werden hinzugefügt werden.
If this appears, you have to check in the OJS backend for the given issue, if this appending of articles was correct. If not (e.g. now there are duplicates), remove them.