Releases: FEUP-LEIC-ES-2022-23/2LEIC16T1
Iteration #4
The home page is now more appealing and helps the user when searching for a type of facility.
The user can now write reviews for each facility and see each facility's review.
The search page now displays a list of recently visited facilities..
The user can now favorite a facility so that it is added to his list of favorite facilities and easily visit them.
Iteration #3
Users can now create accounts and log in to their existing accounts.
Users who are logged in can rate facilities.
It is now possible to change the search radius and filter results using tags.
Iteration #2
The user can now use their current location via smartphone services to search for nearby sports facilities. The user can also see each facility's page with more details than before.
Markers on search map are now clickable.
Login and register are also implemented, along with a profile page, even though they are still in work.
Iteration #1
The user can now input a location and the app shows a list of nearby sports facilities.
Even though we can visit the facility page of each facility shown, this page is not implemented yet.
Iteration #0 (vertical prototype)
v0.1 Commit before release