diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 9c2f3f6..0e80b7b 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -100,8 +100,7 @@
Seraphim SCU
Hover tanks
- The advantage of hoverunits is their great flexibility, enabling them to be used both on water and on land. However if they are so effective that even pure naval units have significant trouble with large amounts of hoverunits, something is wrong. Furthermore their fast speed makes it unreasonably tiresome to defend against them on raiding-vulnerable island maps. In addition to the hitbox fixes in 3641 we increased their buildtime as well as reducing their speed on water.
+ The advantage of hoverunits is their great flexibility, enabling them to be used both on water and on land. However if they are so effective that even pure naval units have significant trouble with large amounts of hoverunits, something is wrong. Furthermore their fast speed makes it unreasonably tiresome to defend against them on raiding-vulnerable island maps. Their buildtime has been increased, and their movement speed while on water has been decreased.
Seraphim (Yenzyne)
- Build time:
880 → 1050
@@ -269,6 +268,14 @@
Quantum Gateway
T3 Land HQ
+ This is an an additional attempt to address the overly dominant Harbinger-Rush, giving people in general a better chance to build a t2 army and do damage with it before it gets rendered useless by t3 units. Later t3 upgrades should not be affected significantly as the bottleneck at that time is rarely buildpower but resources"
+By increasing the T3 HQ buildtime, we hope to address the problem of early T3 units cutting the T2 stage short. An early T3 upgrade was rendering the opponents T2 units obsolete before they were given the opportunity to do any significant damage to punish the early upgrade.
+The increase in buildtime should delay the presence of T3 units on the battlefield enough to allow a T2 army a chance to properly mount an effective attack.
+More specifically in conjunction with Harbinger changes, this should address the related problem of the overly dominant Harbinger rush.
+The change should not significantly affect the T2-T3 transition at a later stage when bottleneck created by buildpower is less pronounced.