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Monitoring Dashboard


In this project, many of the variables such as MQTT topics, MQTT brokers, and data metrics are currently set as dummy values. These are placeholder values used during development to simulate the functionality of the system. They allow the system to run in a controlled environment without requiring actual IoT devices or data sources to be connected.


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git config --global core.autocrlf false

API Documentation

GET /config

Description: Retrieves Firebase configuration required for the frontend application.

Parameter Type Description
None N/A Retrieves Firebase configuration such as API Key, Project ID, and other necessary details.


    "apiKey": "your-api-key",
    "authDomain": "your-auth-domain",
    "projectId": "your-project-id",
    "storageBucket": "your-storage-bucket",
    "messagingSenderId": "your-messaging-sender-id",
    "appId": "your-app-id",
    "measurementId": "your-measurement-id"

POST /login

Description: Logs the user in using a Firebase ID token.

Parameter Type Description
idToken string Firebase ID token obtained after a successful login using Firebase Authentication.

Response :

200 OK: Redirects to the main page (/index) if login is successful.
301 Moved Permanently: Redirects back to the login page if login fails.

GET /index

Description: Displays the dashboard page after successful login.

Parameter Type Description
None N/A Accesses the dashboard page after a successful login.

Response :

200 OK: Returns the HTML page of the user's dashboard.

GET /logout

Description: Logs the user out and clears the session.

Parameter Type Description
None N/A Clears the user session and redirects to the login page.

Response :

200 OK: User is redirected back to the login page.

GET /api/fetch_data

Description: Retrieves historical data based on the specified time range (startdate and enddate).

Parameter Type Description
startdate string Start time in YYYY-MM-DD%20HH:MM:SS format.
enddate string End time in YYYY-MM-DD%20HH:MM:SS format.




200 OK: User is redirected back to the login page.

MQTT Documentation

Documentation is underconstruction

GCP Deployment

Documentation is underconstruction


chat reyhan for creds config

To-Do List

1. Implement Gunicorn for Production Deployment

  • Gunicorn will handle multiple concurrent requests, ensuring better performance and scalability than the built-in Flask development server.
  • The application will be set up to run with Gunicorn in the production environment.

2. Implement Supervisor for Process Management

  • Supervisor will be used to ensure that Gunicorn is always running.
  • If the Gunicorn process crashes or fails, Supervisor will automatically restart it. This is crucial for maintaining the stability of the system in a production environment.

3. Implement ML API Endpoints for Anomaly Detection

  • The machine learning models will be stored in cloud storage (Google Cloud Storage) for easy access and version control.
  • The endpoints will interact with the machine learning models to provide real-time anomaly detection for the system.

4. Fix Dockerfile

  • The Dockerfile should be reviewed and updated

5. Integrate with Evomo Real Data

  • The system will be connected to the Evomo platform’s MQTT broker, subscribing to real data topics (e.g., energy readings from IoT devices).
  • The real-time data will be processed by the backend (including anomaly detection) and stored for analysis.
  • The dashboard will display real-time data and anomalies, making the monitoring system fully operational with live inputs from Evomo.

6. Implement Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for Anomaly Notifications

  • Set up Firebase in the backend to send notifications to mobile devices via FCM. This involves configuring Firebase credentials and initializing Firebase in the Flask app.