All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
This project does not follow semantic versioning. The major part of the version is the year The minor part changes is the month The patch part changes is incremented if multiple releases happen the same month
- Fix deletion of SSH permissions
- Prevent op_del to fail and able to remove web account when part of it is already removed
- Add sendmail_path and open_basedir in LXC PHP pool configs
- letsencrypt: Add required check when retrieving certificate. (Avoid TypeError.)
- Fix ssh group membership (#94)
- web : Display version
- : Translated to english. New contribution guidelines and misc information
- : Deleting mysql user with DROP USER to stay compatible with MariaDB 10.5+ - #78
- : Correcting deletion order to avoid dependency issues - #76