- Class definitions and object instantiation are reverted back to inside inGame() function
- Fixed crashes and bugs caused by variable/class scope issues
- Fixed player gold showing up as 0 in shop description when in shops (player still had normal gold and could buy stuff as normal)
- Fixed crashes and bugs caused by variable/class scope issues
- oilCounter is re-added properly to beginning of counter initialization
- Changed "About this Game" to only show starting date
- Decrementing hunger changed to Stat method
- Added another example to How to Play
- Changed the spacing for room descriptions
- Recommendation to play in fullscreen removed
- Class definitions moved outside of inGame() loop
- Implemented Help System
- How to play provides all command shortcuts
- Command shortcuts can be accessed in-game with "help"
- "h" implemented and added to shortcuts ("hunger")
- Main and secondary objectives implemented to guide players at any point in the game ("objective")
- "o" implemented and added to shortcuts ("objective")
- HUNGER_WARNING increased from 9 to 15 (original value)
- roomMountEntrance now has foliage block message for East and West
- Direction descriptions at roomRoad2Mid and roomRoadMid now describe adjacent rooms once sign has been read
- " is inside" descriptions now more descriptive
- LAKE_GOLD_REWARD increased from 183 to 241
- Added "heal" and "heal wound(s)/injury/bleeding/self" as alternative to use bandage
- How to Play is more descriptive and help command added in game
- Fixed examining roomRoadMid sign giving roomRoad2Mid sign description
- Fixed darkness loop not having the same input spacing
- Entering darkness now sets shield to 0
- Fixed taking potato/potatoes not working
- Can now "set dial " in roomHousePantry
- Changed Vesh'kathal staff knockout text to be more clear
- Fixed creature blinded by light message not appearing when escaping to roomMountEntrance
- Fixed dropping and taking rotten potato not working
- Vault door now has exactly 2 dials set to correct answer and 2 not to correct answer
- Prevents 3 or all dials starting off correct by chance
- Changing dials or levers to the position they already are in displays a message
- Can now bet "all,every" gold or "no,none" gold correctly in roomCarnivalShellGame
- roomCarnivalShellGame text spacing improved
- Can now "examine through slit", "look through small slit" etc. in roomJailCell
- roomRoad2North is now roomHouseGate
- Key of Ahm'domosh can now unlock the roomHouseGate, roomLake lockbox
- Attempting to unlock roomHouseGate or roomLake lockbox has messages with inv.key or not inv.key
- Changed lantern, hunger and wound warning messages to be normal case and more clear in meaning.
- Increased COAL_MIN,COAL_MAX from 5,8 to 6,9
- Potion of rejuvination now provides a shield for HUNGER_POTION duration, preventing player from getting harmed (but not killed).
- Fixed rejuvination typos
- Added "exit game"
- Removed unused help_counter
- Changed How to Play description spacing
- Changed About this Game description to be more concise
- Fixed "again" command crashing game if first turn
- Fixed problem with "taking" "rotten potato."
- Fixed various typos.
- Fixed lantern warnings not being in caps.
- Fixed "pick up" splitting one character too late.
- Fixed a crash when restarting
- Grappling hook price increased from 350 to 400
- CHEST_REWARD increased from 263 to 324
- Added password for debug mode (uses getpass library to not show password in terminal window)
- Examine "self","stat","stats" prints health and hunger information
- Rubble now blocks north roomTempleInside
- roomBarnUp letter revamped to reveal "eyik vo'hollom" as password for obsidian sphere, and explain the importance of staff
- letter is now it's own item "memo" so both letter and memo can be simultaneously acquired
- Added South shrine that connects to North Shrine
- roomForest is outside south shrine
- roomRoad2East renamed to roomField
- password to enter is "eyik vo'hollom"
- Player is only silenced at house
- Once player leaves house, no longer silenced
- Silenced again if returns to house
- From mysterious book or by walking in/out
- Veiled woman no longer spawnable if cell door is spell unlocked
- If no name set, default is "the hero of Kashkaval"
- Veiled woman does not spawn if already asked name
- Improved "How to Play" to clarify how commands work at menu
- Removed excess directional roads to streamline movement
- Revamped examine commands to include more variation
- Can now examine items in room (not in inventory)
- Revamped buy/sell commands to allow for quantities
- Sell now allows for "all" and "every"
- Added wooden bird (again) for injured stranger (now just stranger) quest instead of bandage, placed in roomCave_2m
- Ozh sol fek spell added in roomCave_4_mr (still in journal)
- Added directionBlock for forest messages
- Vault door moved from roomJailCorridor to roomMountEntrance to decrease repetition after death
- Treasure chest in roomCave__3_lllm_treasure_crevasse is now locked.
- Can be opened with Ozh vo'ses sa
- Changed the connection between some rooms in the cave
- Should be easier to move from North to South (easier when escape creature to south entrance)
- Should be easier to find coal going from South to North
- Dead body, when examined has NOTE item with answer
- Dead body has 3 pieces of coal
- Gold removed from roomJailFoyer (bait gold)
- Updated potato description to warn of death.
- Potato is now called Rotten potato
- HUNGER_WARNING decreased from 15 to 9 turns
- Game balance
- COAL_MIN,COAL_MAX from 6-10 to 5-8
- CHEST_REWARD decreased from 463 to 263
- PRICE_BUY_TICKET increased from 10 to 20
- PRICE_BUY_FOOT increased from 15 to 30
- HUNGER_MAX decreased from 100 to 80
- HUNGER_PORRIDGE increased from 65 to 70
- HUNGER_PIE decreased from 80 to 70
- HUNGER_CHEESE increased from 2 to 10
- Chicken pot pie from roomHouseKitchen removed
- roomJailCell haystack loot from 1 gold to 2 gold and 1 hardtack biscuit
- Made it worth the turn loss
- roomCourtyardNorth gold increased from 9 to 16
- Grappling hook buy price increased from 250 gold to 350 gold
- Dragonstone sell price increased from 150 gold to 300 gold
- Porridge hunger increased from 60 to 65
- LOOT_B_GOLD increased from 76 to 96
- LOOT_A_GOLD increased from 87 to 187
- LOOT_A_BISCUIT increased from 3 to 4
- CREATURE_ROAM_MIN decreased from 26 to 22
- Improvements
- Direction prompts are more clear
- Creature does not despawn or stop roaming when crossing the crevasse unless it is already visible
- Examine hunger and health do not count as turns
- Examine hunger no longer prints additional invalid turn text
- Examine hunger and health commands both display numerical hunger and health values
- Improved clarity and formatting of various text
- Examine now factors in "examine a" and "examine the"
- Added "pick up", "grab", "obtain", "acquire"
- Added "remove", "discard"
- Added "rotate"
- Added "gamble" and to bet "all"
- Fixed roomLake injured stranger text not applying to the right conditions
- Fixed askName instantly killing player in roomJailCell if they do not respond
- Letter instructions are more clear
- Letter with default name is spawned in roomJailCorridor if cell door is spell unlocked
- "Again" command no longer crashes if it is the first command done
- Removed roomCave_3_llllm_crevasse and roomCave_3_lllm to make treasure chest more obvious
- Replaced lake reward with lockbox
- Moved Ozh ensh, Ozh vo'ses sa to roomLake
- Moved Ozh sol fek to journal
- Added Ozh thok alatho to roomLairEast
- Added "light lantern" command
- Creature will not spawn if in first cave room (roomCave_1_m)
- If player wants to enter cave first, then light lantern
- 2 random roomJailCorridor vault numbers will already be set to the correct answer
- Block descriptions added along invalid road directions
- Game balance
- Increased max hunger from 50 to 100
- Increased food hunger values
- Porridge hunger increased from 50 to 60
- Pie hunger increased from 40 to 80 (4 hunger/gold)
- Funnel cake hunger increased from 10 to 20 (4 hunger/gold)
- Potion hunger increased from 40 to 125 (5 hunger/gold, or 12.5 hunger/gold if refill)
- Biscuit hunger increased from 15 to 30
- LOOT_MID_BANDAGE decreased from 4 to 1
- HUNGER_DARKNESS increased from 25 to 30
- Cheese hunger decreased from 3 to 2
- Oil duration increased from 25 to 30
- Rubble fall chance decreased from 5% to 1%
- Pickaxe break chance decreased from 7% to 1%
- Lucky foot modifier increased from 25% to 100%
- Raffle compensation increased from 150 gold to 200 gold
- Creature roam minimum increased from 24 to 26
- Lake gold reward increased from 143 gold to 183 gold
- LOOT_WEST_GOLD increased from 14 to 42
- Improvements
- Fixed typo in various room descriptions
- Improved clarity for various room descriptions
- Spells with descriptions are now added to spell list if used validly
- Shops and bridge now display player gold values upon entering
- Staff and kill spell can be used against creature in lair and cave, but has no effect
- Staff and kill spell can be used in carnival wheel game and jail, resulting in death
- Blacksmith first time description added to clarify that coal is found in the Mount Magna mine
- Examining room does not count as turn
- Moving into blocked direction does not count as turn
- Indented movement text
- Added !spells and !learn debug commands
- Capitalized final death warning messages for health and hunger
- Completed:
- Injured stranger fetch quest to roomLake to replace lake apparition
- Provides early game reward of 143 gold and 1 pie for bandage and increases clarity of "Ozh ensh"
- Tablet now reads non-spell, "Eyik vo'hollom"
- Cannot eat or drink anything if hunger is above HUNGER_MAX
- Added 5% chance of rubble falling from ceiling and injuring player when moving around in normal cave
- Make bandages serve a purpose
- Increased CREATURE_ROAM from 18-32 to 24-32 to compensate
- Injured stranger fetch quest to roomLake to replace lake apparition
- Game balance:
"Game was too difficult from escaping jail to passing bridge troll. Rewards were increased for entering the cave, the risk getting caught by the creature with a light source decreased."
- Increased raffle ticket refund from 100 gold to 150 gold
- Increased the cave body loot gold, vial and biscuit rewards
- Swapped cave bodies so explorer with journal is closet to entrance
- Increased dragonstone sell price from 120 gold to 150 gold
- LOOT_A gold and biscuit from 14 and 2 to 87 and 3 respectively
- LOOT_B gold from 29 to 76
- LOOT_C oil from 1 to 2
- Increased the cave treasure chest gold reward from 263 to 463
- Increased the range of coal quantity in coal mines from 4-6 to 6-10
- Increased cave creature roam and chase variance and average times
- CREATURE_ROAM from 16-26 to 18-32
- CREATURE_CHASE from 14-20 to 16-22
- Added earlier warning for creature chase
- Pickaxe break chance increased from 5% to 7%
- Food hunger values increased and standardized to make food purchases more balanced and hunger/gold ratios more fair
- Pie hunger increased from 35 to 40 hunger (2 hunger/gold)
- Potion hunger increased from 20 to 30
- Potion cost increased from 20 to 25 (1.2 hunger/gold)
- Refill is now more efficient (3 hunger/gold)
- Improvements:
- Buying and refilling now display total money after purchase
- Fixed lack of error message when selling invalid item
- Examining inventory now does not count as a turn
- Examining spells does not count as a turn
- Convenience factor when checking for gold and other item quantities
- Fixed grappling hook now spawning hook on opposite end of crevasse once thrown
- Take all in lair chase counts as 2 turns to be equivalent to taking each item individually
- Added examine text for roomHouseGate, roomFarm, roomBarnUp, roomShrineNorth, roomHouseFoyer, roomHouseKitchen, roomHousePantry, roomHouseHallway
- Updated barn letter
- Fixed roomBookMirror text
- Fixed "spells" etc. command
- Fixed roomGate description text
- Made invalid give, open, close not count as a turn
- changeRoom is now default False
- Fixed mysterious book inventory interactions with key of Ahm'domosh
- Fixed selling dragonstone not removing dragonstone from inventory
- Fixed giving Roquefort staff crashing the game
- Fixed Alchemist's hut crash on entering a second time.
- Fixed cave pathing
- Fixed Roquefort telepathy message to occur after staff is acquired
- Fixed roomTempleInside description text
- Fixed taking backpack items in creature lair and lair chase sequence
- Fixed using vial of lantern oil not removing vial from inventory
- Completed:
- Added command prompt window resize on launch
- Alchemist's Hut - Activatable shop
- Dragonstone fetch quest
- Potion
- Flask
- Fill command
- Added command prompt window resize on launch
- Game balance
- Adjusted prices and rewards values
- Completed:
- Game ending
- Debug mode
- Roquefort house
- Creature lair
- Field roads
- Farm and barn
- Black knight enemy
- Ozkavosh shrine, Mysterious book and book puzzles
- Roquefort telepathy messages
- Ozkavosh spells and spellbook
- Up and down movement
- Cheese slices
- Biscuits
- Lootable corpses in cave
- Journal in cave
- Take all and drop all
- Improvements
- Main menu splash art
- Jail size and room improvements
- Various item and room descriptions to add clarity and detail
- Temple inner sanctum
- Temple murals
- Revamped jail letter text
- Replaced wooden bird with shrubbery
- 5% change of breaking pickaxe when mining
- Completed:
- Gate guard quest
- General store
- Mining system
- Funnel cake buy limit
- Wheel game room and ticket system
- Improvements:
- Give command
- Buy command
- Look command
- Use staff
- Completed:
- Grappling hook mechanic
- Cave pathing
- Improvements:
- Shell game gold limit
- Completed:
- Bridge and temple
- Menu changes:
- Changelog (Wow. Such meta.)
- About game information
- Restart game menu
- Completed:
- Room and movement system
- Inventory and item system
- Buying/selling/betting system
- Examine/read/description system
- Jail, town, most of cave
- Cave creature and jail guard chasing mechanics
- Hunger and health system