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Inky pHat Dashboard


Example config.yml to be created in the repo root directory:

    - entity_id: sensor.restabfallsammlung  # The entity id of the sensor entity for this waste type
      friendly_name: Restabfall  # The name to display on screen for this waste type
      name: waste  # The id for this waste type (used internally)
      icon_path_large: media/waste/waste_large.png  # The icon to use when this waste type is shown in the detailed view
      icon_path_small: media/waste/waste_small.png  # The icon to use when this waste type is shown in the overview
    - entity_id: sensor.wertstoffsammlung
      friendly_name: Wertstoffe
      name: recycling
      icon_path_large: media/waste/recycling_large.png
      icon_path_small: media/waste/recycling_small.png
    - entity_id: sensor.altpapiersammlung
      friendly_name: Altpapier
      name: paper
      icon_path_large: media/waste/paper_large.png
      icon_path_small: media/waste/paper_small.png
  token: <ha_token>  # Long lived access token for Home Assistant
  url: <ha_url>  # Full url for your Home Assistant installation (e.g.
  level: INFO
color_palette: RED  # RED or YELLOW depending on your inky display
color_mode: LIGHT  # LIGHT or DARK color theme, inverts the background and foreground colors
waste_detailed_days: 1  # Detailed screens for waste types are shown when they are due tomorrow
waste_alert_days: 2  # Waste types are displayed in red color when they are due in two days
enable_inky: True  # An inky display is attached to this device
flip_screen: True  # Flip = True means up is where the USB ports on the Pi Zero are
data_timeout_seconds: 20  # Timeout between data polling from Home Assistant
view_change_interval_seconds: 60  # Timeout between screen changes
timezone: Europe/Berlin  # Optional timezone overwrite (Default is the system's timezone)
font_path: fonts/MinecraftRegular.otf  # Optional font overwrite


This package can only be installed and run on a Linux OS or WSL. When developing on a device that does not have an inky display attached, enable_inky has to be set to False in the config.yml.

  1. Install poetry (This will later be changed to uv)
  2. Install dependencies with poetry install
  3. Create a config.yml in the repository root
  4. Run with poetry run python inky_phat_dashboard/

To implement new layouts, can be extended with new image generation methods and with new ViewData subclasses. New modules can be implemented by subclassing BaseModule from and implementing the abstract methods. New configuration options are introduced by defining them in the Config class from