Releases: Esri/storymap-tour
This is a minor maintenance release:
- Can't use mailto in Header configurable links
- Adding video from vimeo only works if the id for the video is exactly 8 digits long
That release use ArcGIS API for Javascript 3.11.
This is a minor maintenance release:
- Map becomes blank when navigating between far away point at a large scale zoom level
- Impossible to use CSV referenced by URL. See forum post
- Impossible to import picture from Flickr in the builder. See forum post
- Adjusted the header link color
- Impossible to use Facebook sharing button on IE8
That release use ArcGIS API for Javascript 3.10.
This is a minor release that implement some visual cosmetic changes:
- Switch fonts to "Open Sans"
- Header subtitle and "A Story Map" are greyer
- Lightened up the background tints for the main picture panel
- Made the pointers thinner throughout
- Adjusted the caption panel control, and moved it to the right so it doesn't interfere with other controls
This is a minor bug-fixes release. Issues fixed in viewer mode aren’t major but we recommend to update existing application.
Viewer issues:
- Application doesn’t load in Chrome when cookies are disabled
- Facebook and Twitter sharing include HTML tags present in title (and description for Facebook) as non-interpreted HTML code
- The formatting of unordered list (HTML tag
) in point caption is incorrect (the bullet isn’t displayed) - link with “Link to current place” enabled may not open the Tour at the expected place if before generation the link, the user has used the mobile view to navigate between the story
Builder issues:
- Webmap fail to load in ArcGIS for WPF runtime (issue #6)
- In Map Viewer, the attribute table of the Map Tour data layer won’t open when the Tour include a video that has been added through Add (Import is ok)
- Import may fail for some YouTube account (not supported video type that were included)
- Import spin indefinitely for Picasa account that don’t have any album
Developer evolution:
- Use ArcGIS API for Javascript 3.9
Major changes:
- Simplified the workflow for integrating video (see FAQ)
- Interactive builder overall user experience improvement (see below)
Viewer evolution:
- Updated social sharing icons
- Updated previous/next icons of the integrated layout
- New full screen button hover the picture/video to maximize the media
- New keyboard shortcut to navigate the tour (enter key, arrow up/down, page previous/next)
- Option in sharing to ‘Link to the current place’
- Optional 'Locate' button that lets the user see their current position on the map (if the author chooses to include it and if user's browser supports it)
- Header subtitle display a scrollbar when needed
Interactive builder evolution:
- Support authoring a Tour without existing webmap or web application item
- New share dialog that allow to share the Tour publicly (or within author's Organization)
- Improved user experience of the builder top button bar, initialization and import dialog
- New basemap selector
- New YouTube import dialog
- Option to include a ‘Locate button’ (Settings->Layout)
- Allow to set theme color using RGB values
- More documentation for publishing the Tour is available through the Help dialog
- Geocoder widget support using multiple geocoder services
- Keyboard shortcut CTRL+S to save the Tour
Viewer issues:
- When using the index URL parameter, the previous button is not active if it need to be
- Application isn't usable with Android default browser
- Desktop carousel isn't clickable on IE9 when point name contains invalid HTML content
- Header title/subtitle can overflow the logo and social sharing links
Interactive builder issues:
- Some dialog aren't fully functional on iOS 7, Android or low-resolution desktop browser
- Only the first webmap and application item tag is kept when the app is saved
- Instability of data update when the data source is a Feature Service that hasn't been created by the builder
- No detection of html tags error in point name/description
- Shapefile layer imported in the webmap using a zip file that contains a whitespace aren’t visible in the app (only for layer that aren’t the map tour data source, like a boundary layer)
- It is impossible to save a name/description containing a html a tag when the url including a ‘=’ sign
- Video added to a newly created application aren't usable until browser is refreshed
Downloadable version evolution:
- New configuration option to create a non-numbered Map Tour (allow use of a single map markers for all points and turn off all numbering)
- New configuration option to include a ‘Locate button’
Developer evolution:
- Use ArcGIS API for Javascript 3.8
Minor bug-fixes release:
- Interactive builder doesn't open when the application is deployed on Portal for ArcGIS (depending on the Portal configuration)
- Issues building application from the source code
There is no need to upgrade existing application if you are not affected by these two specific issues.
Major changes:
- Support of video in place of the main picture in existing and new Map Tour
- Interactive builder overall stability improvement
- Support of Portal for ArcGIS (see FAQ)
- Fixed application loading and UI glitches on IE8
- Performance improvement
Viewer evolution:
- Better Facebook and Twitter sharing and new button
- Smoother transition between points
- Better vertical centering of the header logo (appear centered whatever it’s size)
- Don't show the media title and description if they are empty
- Don't show the Map popup or tooltip if the point title is empty
- New embed mode that remove the header (see tips)
- New URL option to specify the starting point by index (see tips)
- When using Feature Service attachments, attachments that are png, bmp or jpg file with upper case extension aren’t ignored anymore (jpg continues to be the only type supported by the interactive builder for Feature Service with attachments)
Interactive builder evolution:
- New button to open the Web Application item page
- Better support of dynamic CSV (CSV content is downloaded at application runtime, allowing for dynamic data source without using Feature Service)
- When using pictures referenced by URL, support gif, png and bmp
- New reset button in Organize to reset order and hidden points
- New reset button in the Settings Data tab to reset the selected fields
- New button in the Settings extent tab to use the current map extent
Interactive builder issues:
- When editing a description through the picture panel, the description can be loss if it contains a
- On Ipad, when entering text with the virtual keyboard, the layout is often broken after the keyboard close
- Multiple issues in the geotag screen (after Flickr/Picasa/Facebook import) when removing pictures already geolocated
- Using change picture/thumbnail on the introduction slide put the interactive builder in invalid state until application reload
Downloadable/Portal version evolution:
- Be able to specify the application ID to be use (this allow to reuse the settings defined using the interactive builder in and so to have less manual configuration to perform)
- Added new configuration option and moved some to a new file (see settings)
Developer evolution:
- Use ArcGIS API for Javascript 3.7
- The build script isn’t limited to Windows environment anymore through grunt
- The application fire some events to allow customization with lose integration
- Embedded jQuery and removed sharethis dependency
Major version with the following new functionalities:
- The hosted version is available to all ArcGIS Online account levels including the free Public account
- The interactive builder offer to import photos from Flickr, Facebook, Picasa and a CSV
- The interactive builder can use CSV added through ArcGIS Online web map viewer
- Serveral UI and productivity improvements for the hosted interactive builder
- Improved loading time
- Support of non mercator data
- Picture panel respond to swipe and keyboard event
- Mobile introduction view include a start button
- Mobile view images are clipped instead of cropped
- The Map popup can now customized through the configuration file
Bug fixes :
- Application loading issues when using Internet Explorer
- Application loading issues when using Bing Maps basemap
- Interactive builder enforce description maximum length