diff --git a/OptimizeRasters.OptimizeRasters.pyt.xml b/OptimizeRasters.OptimizeRasters.pyt.xml
index 959ed5f..1102147 100644
--- a/OptimizeRasters.OptimizeRasters.pyt.xml
+++ b/OptimizeRasters.OptimizeRasters.pyt.xml
@@ -1 +1,84 @@
-20160120141757001.0ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation SpecificationTRUE20170112110730001500000005000ItemDescriptionc:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.4\Help\gp<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN><SPAN>Select an appropriate template file. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>The template files houses the parameters used for optimizing rasters. The template names provide a basic understanding of the type of optimization that will take place. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>Advanced users can view the template files from Templates folder in a simple text/xml editor. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Airbus_SatelliteProduct_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This Template should be used to optimize and convert the Products from AirBus to MRF format. It uses LERC compression to compress the data. The output MRf files will be built with 2 levels of pyramids. The output file extensions are preserved so that they work with the ArcGIS Raster Type. The folder structure and required metadata files are also copied.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN /></SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>RasterProxy</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>: This template encompasses two now depricated modes (CachingMRF & CloneMRF). This template should be used when you want to reference any source imagery (MRF or Non MRF format) stored in cloud or tiered file storage. The output directory will contain all the same raster’s as the source, but the size will be considerably smaller as the original raster files will be replaced by small raster proxy metadata files. The local raster proxy files will then be used to cache the remote raster data as it is being accessed. The cache is typically stored in the LERC compressed format, which has faster access speed to size ratio. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>DG_SatelliteProduct_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This Template should be used to optimize and convert the products from Digital Globe delivered in GeoTiff to MRF format. To optimize the access speed pyramids are built on the TIL file if it references more than one GeoTiff file. The output Data uses LERC Compression. The output file extensions are preserved so that they work with the ArcGIS Raster Type. The folder structure and required metadata files are only copied.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Imagery_to_MRF_JPEG</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used when you want to optimize and convert your imagery ( TIF) to MRF format with JPEG compression, its recommended to use when input data is 3 band 8 bit unsigned data. JPEG quality for this is set as 95. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Imagery_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used when you want to optimize and convert your imagery ( TIF) to MRF format with LERC compression. LERC is especially valuable for higher bit depth data such as newer satellite imagery and elevation models ( 12 bit, 16 bit etc). </SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Imagery_to_TIF_JPEG</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used when you want to optimize your imagery ( TIF) to TIF format with JPEG compression, The template sets appropriate pyramid level and block size which will make the reading of the tif files faster.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Imagery_to_TIF_LZW</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used when you want to optimize your imagery ( TIF) to TIF format with LZW compression ( Lossless), The template sets appropriate pyramid level and block size which will make the reading of the tif files faster.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Landsat_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This Template has be used to optimize and convert the Landsat data delivered in GeoTiff to MRF format with LERC Compression The output file extensions are preserved so that they work with the ArcGIS Raster Type. The folder structure and required metadata files are only copied.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Overviews_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: Use This template to convert the Overview Generated of Mosaic dataset into MRF format with Lerc compression. Pyramids are not built in this. As the Overviews don’t need it. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Sentinel2_to_MRF</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used to optimize and convert the Landsat data delivered in JP2000 to MRF format with LERC Compression The output file extensions are preserved so that they work with the ArcGIS Raster Type. The folder structure and required metadata files are only copied.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The input data source type defines where the data is coming from. It could be either a local hard disk or a cloud based storage solution. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Select a profile to use as credentials for the selected cloud storage type. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This list is empty if no profiles are pre-defined using the Profile Editor. Use Profile Editor to define a profile beore continuing. Refer to help within Profile Editor for more info. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This item is disabled if Input type is Local. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>A bucket or container is the unique storage location for your files. Enter the Bucket/Container name here,</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The Input path can either be a local folder or a cloud storage folder name. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For local storage you can use the folder browse button to pick a location. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For Cloud storage solutions Type the location here. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The temporary input location is used to process files while downloading from cloud storage before it is written to the output location.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The temporary location while optional, can be useful if the space is restricted in the output location. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The output data source type defines where the data is written to . It could be either a local hard disk or a cloud based storage solution. For the moment Amzon S3 storage is supported. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Select a profile to use as credentials for the selected cloud storage type. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This list is empty if no profiles are pre-defined using the Profile Editor. Use Profile Editor to define a profile beore continuing. Refer to help within Profile Editor for more info. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This item is disabled if Input type is Local. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>A bucket or container is the unique storage location for your files. Enter the Bucket/Container name here,</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The output path can either be a local folder or a cloud storage folder name. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For local storage you can use the folder browse button to pick a location. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For Cloud storage solutions Type the location here. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The temporary output location is used to process files before uploading the final output to the specified cloud storage location. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>If a cloud storage is slected as an output type, this item must be specified. A warning is displayed if left blank. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN>Specify a location to create the Raster Proxy files. Raster Proxy files are local file pointers to the converted file or the original source file that is stored either on the cloud or a local network. This option is disabled when the mode selected is RasterProxy. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>The location where the cache files should be created.If left blank the default location is used. If there are any space constraints at the default location change this path to a different location where there is sufficient space to create cache. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>Enable editing of default values. The edited values are stored in a seperate file for later use. The stored file will show up in the confiuration files list, and can be used for future processes. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">For Advanced users only. </SPAN><SPAN /></P><P><SPAN>Edit the configuration values. Select a value in the values column to edit. Description and acceptable values for each parameter is given below. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Mode </SPAN><SPAN>: Acceptable modes are mrf, mrf_jpeg, tif, tif_lzw, tif_jpeg, cachingmrf, clonemrf, splitmrf.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">RasterFormatFilter </SPAN><SPAN>: File extensions considered as (Rasters). These files will not be copied from the input path</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">ExcludeFilter</SPAN><SPAN>: File extensions to ignore complety while copying files/data from the input path</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Compression </SPAN><SPAN>: Compression to use on output (Rasters). , Acceptable values are LERC, JPG, LZW</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Quality </SPAN><SPAN>: Compression quality to apply for JPEG compression. (Def: 85)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">LERCPrecision </SPAN><SPAN>: LERC precision to apply for LERC compression</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">BuildPyramids </SPAN><SPAN>: Build pyramids Acceptable values are true, false. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">PyramidFactor </SPAN><SPAN>: Pyramid levels to create (Def: 2)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">PyramidSampling </SPAN><SPAN>: Pyramid sampling Acceptable values nearest, average, gauss, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average_mp, average_magphase, mode (Def: average)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">PyramidCompression </SPAN><SPAN>: Pyramid compression [jpeg, lzw, deflate] (Def: jpeg)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">NoDataValue </SPAN><SPAN>: No data value. If undefined/empy value -a_nodata will not be applied. (Def: undefined)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">BlockSize </SPAN><SPAN>: Output title size</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Scale </SPAN><SPAN>: This needs to specified when generating caching or clone MRF, the value should be based on the input raster pyramid factor default is 2</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">KeepExtension </SPAN><SPAN>: ‘True’ to keep input raster extensions else outputs will be renamed to ‘mrf’. Acceptable values are true, false.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Threads</SPAN><SPAN>: Simultaneous threads to use for parallel processing/instances of gdal translate / gdal addo etc. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Optimizes the rasters using preset templates with optimal parametrers & transfers rasters to and from cloud storage devices. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>OptimizeRasters<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Optimizes the rasters using preset templates with optimal parametrers & transfers rasters to and from cloud storage devices. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>ArcToolbox Tool
+ 20160120
+ 14175700
+ 1.0
+ ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation Specification
+ 20170112
+ 11073000
+ 150000000
+ 5000
+ ItemDescription
+ c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.4\Help\gp
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN><SPAN>Select an appropriate template file. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>The template files houses the parameters used for optimizing rasters. The template names provide a basic understanding of the type of optimization that will take place. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN>Advanced users can view the template files from Templates folder in a simple text/xml editor. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Airbus_SatelliteProduct_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This Template should be used to optimize and convert the Products from AirBus to MRF format. It uses LERC compression to compress the data. The output MRf files will be built with 2 levels of pyramids. The output file extensions are preserved so that they work with the ArcGIS Raster Type. The folder structure and required metadata files are also copied.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P><SPAN><SPAN /></SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>RasterProxy</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN>: This template encompasses two now depricated modes (CachingMRF & CloneMRF). This template should be used when you want to reference any source imagery (MRF or Non MRF format) stored in cloud or tiered file storage. The output directory will contain all the same raster’s as the source, but the size will be considerably smaller as the original raster files will be replaced by small raster proxy metadata files. The local raster proxy files will then be used to cache the remote raster data as it is being accessed. The cache is typically stored in the LERC compressed format, which has faster access speed to size ratio. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>DG_SatelliteProduct_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This Template should be used to optimize and convert the products from Digital Globe delivered in GeoTiff to MRF format. To optimize the access speed pyramids are built on the TIL file if it references more than one GeoTiff file. The output Data uses LERC Compression. The output file extensions are preserved so that they work with the ArcGIS Raster Type. The folder structure and required metadata files are only copied.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Imagery_to_MRF_JPEG</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used when you want to optimize and convert your imagery ( TIF) to MRF format with JPEG compression, its recommended to use when input data is 3 band 8 bit unsigned data. JPEG quality for this is set as 95. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Imagery_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used when you want to optimize and convert your imagery ( TIF) to MRF format with LERC compression. LERC is especially valuable for higher bit depth data such as newer satellite imagery and elevation models ( 12 bit, 16 bit etc). </SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Imagery_to_TIF_JPEG</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used when you want to optimize your imagery ( TIF) to TIF format with JPEG compression, The template sets appropriate pyramid level and block size which will make the reading of the tif files faster.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Imagery_to_TIF_LZW</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used when you want to optimize your imagery ( TIF) to TIF format with LZW compression ( Lossless), The template sets appropriate pyramid level and block size which will make the reading of the tif files faster.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Landsat_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This Template has be used to optimize and convert the Landsat data delivered in GeoTiff to MRF format with LERC Compression The output file extensions are preserved so that they work with the ArcGIS Raster Type. The folder structure and required metadata files are only copied.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Overviews_to_MRF_LERC</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: Use This template to convert the Overview Generated of Mosaic dataset into MRF format with Lerc compression. Pyramids are not built in this. As the Overviews don’t need it. </SPAN></SPAN></P><P /><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;"><SPAN>Sentinel2_to_MRF</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN><SPAN>: This template has to be used to optimize and convert the Landsat data delivered in JP2000 to MRF format with LERC Compression The output file extensions are preserved so that they work with the ArcGIS Raster Type. The folder structure and required metadata files are only copied.</SPAN></SPAN></P><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The input data source type defines where the data is coming from. It could be either a local hard disk or a cloud based storage solution. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Select a profile to use as credentials for the selected cloud storage type. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This list is empty if no profiles are pre-defined using the Profile Editor. Use Profile Editor to define a profile beore continuing. Refer to help within Profile Editor for more info. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This item is disabled if Input type is Local. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>A bucket or container is the unique storage location for your files. Enter the Bucket/Container name here,</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The Input path can either be a local folder or a cloud storage folder name. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For local storage you can use the folder browse button to pick a location. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For Cloud storage solutions Type the location here. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The temporary input location is used to process files while downloading from cloud storage before it is written to the output location.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The temporary location while optional, can be useful if the space is restricted in the output location. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The output data source type defines where the data is written to . It could be either a local hard disk or a cloud based storage solution. For the moment Amzon S3 storage is supported. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Select a profile to use as credentials for the selected cloud storage type. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This list is empty if no profiles are pre-defined using the Profile Editor. Use Profile Editor to define a profile beore continuing. Refer to help within Profile Editor for more info. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This item is disabled if Input type is Local. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>A bucket or container is the unique storage location for your files. Enter the Bucket/Container name here,</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The output path can either be a local folder or a cloud storage folder name. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For local storage you can use the folder browse button to pick a location. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For Cloud storage solutions Type the location here. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The temporary output location is used to process files before uploading the final output to the specified cloud storage location. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>If a cloud storage is slected as an output type, this item must be specified. A warning is displayed if left blank. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P STYLE="margin:0 0 0 0;"><SPAN>Specify a location to create the Raster Proxy files. Raster Proxy files are local file pointers to the converted file or the original source file that is stored either on the cloud or a local network. This option is disabled when the mode selected is RasterProxy. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>The location where the cache files should be created.If left blank the default location is used. If there are any space constraints at the default location change this path to a different location where there is sufficient space to create cache. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>Enable editing of default values. The edited values are stored in a seperate file for later use. The stored file will show up in the confiuration files list, and can be used for future processes. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">For Advanced users only. </SPAN><SPAN /></P><P><SPAN>Edit the configuration values. Select a value in the values column to edit. Description and acceptable values for each parameter is given below. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Mode </SPAN><SPAN>: Acceptable modes are mrf, mrf_jpeg, tif, tif_lzw, tif_jpeg, cachingmrf, clonemrf, splitmrf.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">RasterFormatFilter </SPAN><SPAN>: File extensions considered as (Rasters). These files will not be copied from the input path</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">ExcludeFilter</SPAN><SPAN>: File extensions to ignore complety while copying files/data from the input path</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Compression </SPAN><SPAN>: Compression to use on output (Rasters). , Acceptable values are LERC, JPG, LZW</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Quality </SPAN><SPAN>: Compression quality to apply for JPEG compression. (Def: 85)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">LERCPrecision </SPAN><SPAN>: LERC precision to apply for LERC compression</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">BuildPyramids </SPAN><SPAN>: Build pyramids Acceptable values are true, false. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">PyramidFactor </SPAN><SPAN>: Pyramid levels to create (Def: 2)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">PyramidSampling </SPAN><SPAN>: Pyramid sampling Acceptable values nearest, average, gauss, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average_mp, average_magphase, mode (Def: average)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">PyramidCompression </SPAN><SPAN>: Pyramid compression [jpeg, lzw, deflate] (Def: jpeg)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">NoDataValue </SPAN><SPAN>: No data value. If undefined/empy value -a_nodata will not be applied. (Def: undefined)</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">BlockSize </SPAN><SPAN>: Output title size</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Scale </SPAN><SPAN>: This needs to specified when generating caching or clone MRF, the value should be based on the input raster pyramid factor default is 2</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">KeepExtension </SPAN><SPAN>: ‘True’ to keep input raster extensions else outputs will be renamed to ‘mrf’. Acceptable values are true, false.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Threads</SPAN><SPAN>: Simultaneous threads to use for parallel processing/instances of gdal translate / gdal addo etc. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Optimizes the rasters using preset templates with optimal parametrers & transfers rasters to and from cloud storage devices. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ OptimizeRasters
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Optimizes the rasters using preset templates with optimal parametrers & transfers rasters to and from cloud storage devices. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ ArcToolbox Tool
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OptimizeRasters.ProfileEditor.pyt.xml b/OptimizeRasters.ProfileEditor.pyt.xml
index ac09813..28c29e3 100644
--- a/OptimizeRasters.ProfileEditor.pyt.xml
+++ b/OptimizeRasters.ProfileEditor.pyt.xml
@@ -1 +1,62 @@
-20160119105906001.0ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation SpecificationTRUE20160125151521001500000005000ISO19139c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.3\Help\gp<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The type of cloud storage solution to create a profile for.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Name of the profile that is associated with the cloud storage access credentials. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The profile name is a pointer used by OptimizeRasters to extract the associated keys required to access the desired cloud storage solution. </SPAN></P><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Profile eidtor is meant to enter new profile names for storage. As a precautionary measure the user has to type in the name of existing profile to edit or delete it. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>To </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Edit </SPAN><SPAN>an existing name, type it here and enter in the changed details. Pick the option to overwrite the profile name to store the edits. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>To </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Delete </SPAN><SPAN>an existing profile name, type it here and pick the option from the actions list below. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Enter the Access key ID for the entered profile name. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Refer to your cloud storage solution documentation for more information. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Enter the Secret Access key for the entered profile name. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Refer to your cloud storage solution documentation for more information. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Pick an appropriate action from the Editor Option pull down list. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This is only activated if an existing profile name is found. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Stores credentials such as Profile Name, Secret ID and Secret Key for use with cloud storage solutions such as Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For the moment, Amzon S3 is supported. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>Profile Editor<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Stores credentials such as Profile Name, Secret ID and Secret Key for use with cloud storage solutions such as Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For the moment, Amzon S3 is supported. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>ArcToolbox Tool
+ 20160119
+ 10590600
+ 1.0
+ ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation Specification
+ 20160125
+ 15152100
+ 150000000
+ 5000
+ ISO19139
+ c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.3\Help\gp
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The type of cloud storage solution to create a profile for.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Name of the profile that is associated with the cloud storage access credentials. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>The profile name is a pointer used by OptimizeRasters to extract the associated keys required to access the desired cloud storage solution. </SPAN></P><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Profile eidtor is meant to enter new profile names for storage. As a precautionary measure the user has to type in the name of existing profile to edit or delete it. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>To </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Edit </SPAN><SPAN>an existing name, type it here and enter in the changed details. Pick the option to overwrite the profile name to store the edits. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>To </SPAN><SPAN STYLE="font-weight:bold;">Delete </SPAN><SPAN>an existing profile name, type it here and pick the option from the actions list below. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Check the IAM Role profile if OptimizeRasters is to run on a trusted EC2 instance.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>IAM role enables OptimizeRasters to run on an EC2 instance to securely access AWS resources without credential keys involved.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Enter the Access key ID for the entered profile name. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Refer to your cloud storage solution documentation for more information. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Enter the Secret Access key for the entered profile name. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>Refer to your cloud storage solution documentation for more information. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN /></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Enter any custom endpoint URL if it's different from the default for the access type selected.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN>An endpoint is a URL that is the entry point for the data access storage.</SPAN></P><P><SPAN />[Defaults]<br/>Amazon S3 = http://blob.core.windows.net<br/>Microsoft Azure = http://s3.amazonaws.com<br/>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Pick an appropriate action from the Editor Option pull down list. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>This is only activated if an existing profile name is found. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Stores credentials such as Profile Name, Secret ID and Secret Key for use with cloud storage solutions such as Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For the moment, Amzon S3 is supported. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ Profile Editor
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>Stores credentials such as Profile Name, Secret ID and Secret Key for use with cloud storage solutions such as Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure. </SPAN></P><P><SPAN>For the moment, Amzon S3 is supported. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ ArcToolbox Tool
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OptimizeRasters.ResumeJobs.pyt.xml b/OptimizeRasters.ResumeJobs.pyt.xml
index 85ffd60..c9f520e 100644
--- a/OptimizeRasters.ResumeJobs.pyt.xml
+++ b/OptimizeRasters.ResumeJobs.pyt.xml
@@ -1 +1,41 @@
-20160128163132001.0ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation SpecificationTRUE20160128171855001500000005000ISO19139Resume Jobs<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>Resume OptimizeRaster Jobs that have failed. Only failed processes will be shown here. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>ArcToolbox Tool<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><P><SPAN>Pick an Optimize Rasters job to resume. Only files which failed to download / converted / upload will be processed by OptimizeRasters.</SPAN></P></DIV><DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>Resume OptimizeRaster Jobs that have failed. Only failed processes will be shown here. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
+ 20160128
+ 16313200
+ 1.0
+ ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation Specification
+ 20160128
+ 17185500
+ 150000000
+ 5000
+ ISO19139
+ Resume Jobs
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>Resume OptimizeRaster Jobs that have failed. Only failed processes will be shown here. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
+ ArcToolbox Tool
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><P><SPAN>Pick an Optimize Rasters job to resume. Only files which failed to download / converted / upload will be processed by OptimizeRasters.</SPAN></P></DIV>
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><P><SPAN>Resume OptimizeRaster Jobs that have failed. Only failed processes will be shown here. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OptimizeRasters.py b/OptimizeRasters.py
index 791a2c7..d4c9ecd 100644
--- a/OptimizeRasters.py
+++ b/OptimizeRasters.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: OptimizeRasters.py
# Description: Optimizes rasters via gdal_translate/gdaladdo
-# Version: 20170601
+# Version: 20170530
# Requirements: Python
# Required Arguments: -input -output
# Optional Arguments: -mode -cache -config -quality -prec -pyramids
@@ -49,10 +49,12 @@
import math
import ctypes
import urllib
-import urllib2
-import ConfigParser
+if (sys.version_info[0] < 3):
+ import ConfigParser
+ import configparser as ConfigParser
import json
-import md5
+import hashlib
import binascii
# ends
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@
COP_NOCONVERT = 'noconvert'
COP_LAMBDA = 'lambda'
COP_COPYONLY = 'copyonly'
+COP_CREATEJOB = 'createjob'
# ends
# clone specific
@@ -119,12 +122,14 @@
CRESUME_ARG = 'resume'
# ends
CINPUT_PARENT_FOLDER = 'Input_ParentFolder'
CUSR_TEXT_IN_PATH = 'hashkey'
+CRASTERPROXYPATH = 'rasterproxypath'
CTEMPOUTPUT = 'tempoutput'
CTEMPINPUT = 'tempinput'
CISTEMPOUTPUT = 'istempoutput'
@@ -136,6 +141,8 @@
# const node-names in the config file
CCLOUD_AMAZON = 'amazon'
CCLOUD_AZURE = 'azure'
+CCLOUD_GOOGLE = 'google'
# Azure constants
COUT_AZURE_PARENTFOLDER = 'Out_Azure_ParentFolder'
@@ -148,6 +155,13 @@
COP = 'Op'
# ends
+# google constants
+COUT_GOOGLE_BUCKET = 'Out_Google_Bucket'
+COUT_GOOGLE_PROFILENAME = 'Out_Google_ProfileName'
+CIN_GOOGLE_PARENTFOLDER = 'In_Google_ParentFolder'
+COUT_GOOGLE_PARENTFOLDER = 'Out_Google_ParentFolder'
+# ends
CCLOUD_UPLOAD_THREADS = 20 # applies to both (azure and amazon/s3)
CCLOUD_UPLOAD = 'CloudUpload'
@@ -199,6 +213,9 @@ def errors(self):
class ProfileEditorUI(UI):
+ TypeAmazon = 'amazon'
+ TypeAzure = 'azure'
+ TypeGoogle = 'google'
def __init__(self, profileName, storageType, accessKey, secretkey, credentialProfile=None):
super(ProfileEditorUI, self).__init__(profileName)
@@ -209,22 +226,39 @@ def __init__(self, profileName, storageType, accessKey, secretkey, credentialPro
def validateCredentials(self):
- if (self._storageType == CCLOUD_AMAZON):
- import boto
- con = boto.connect_s3(self._accessKey, self._secretKey,
- profile_name=self._credentialProfile if self._credentialProfile else None)
- [self._availableBuckets.append(i.name) for i in con.get_all_buckets()] # this will throw if credentials are invalid.
- elif(self._storageType == CCLOUD_AZURE):
+ if (self._storageType == self.TypeAmazon):
+ import boto3
+ session = boto3.Session(self._accessKey, self._secretKey,
+ profile_name=self._credentialProfile if self._credentialProfile else None)
+ con = session.resource('s3')
+ [self._availableBuckets.append(i.name) for i in con.buckets.all()] # this will throw if credentials are invalid.
+ elif(self._storageType == self.TypeAzure):
azure_storage = Azure(self._accessKey, self._secretKey, self._credentialProfile, None)
[self._availableBuckets.append(i.name) for i in azure_storage._blob_service.list_containers()] # this will throw.
+ elif(self._storageType == self.TypeGoogle):
+ with open(self._profileName, 'r') as reader:
+ serviceJson = json.load(reader)
+ Project_Id = 'project_id'
+ if (Project_Id not in serviceJson):
+ raise Exception('(Project_Id) key isn\'t found in file ({})'.format(self._profileName))
+ os.environ['GCLOUD_PROJECT'] = serviceJson[Project_Id]
+ os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = self._profileName
+ try:
+ from google.cloud import storage
+ gs = storage.Client()
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._errorText.append(str(e))
+ return False
+ [self._availableBuckets.append(bucket.name) for bucket in gs.list_buckets()]
raise Exception('Invalid storage type')
except Exception as e:
- if (isinstance(e, boto.exception.S3ResponseError)):
- exCode = e.code.lower()
+ from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
+ if (isinstance(e, ClientError)):
+ exCode = e.response['Error']['Code'].lower()
if (exCode not in ['invalidaccesskeyid', 'signaturedoesnotmatch']):
- return True
+ return True # the user may not have the access rights to list buckets but the bucket keys/contents could be accessed if the bucket name is known.
self._errorText.append('Invalid Credentials>')
return False
@@ -318,10 +352,16 @@ def initSNS(self, keyProfileName):
if (not self._sns_aws_access_key or
not self._sns_aws_secret_access_key):
return False
- self._sns_connection = boto.sns.connect_to_region(self._sns_region, aws_access_key_id=self._sns_aws_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=self._sns_aws_secret_access_key)
- self._sns_connection.get_topic_attributes(self._sns_ARN)
- except:
+ import boto3
+ session = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id=self._sns_aws_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=self._sns_aws_secret_access_key, region_name=self._sns_region)
+ self._sns_connection = session.resource('sns')
+ self._sns_connection.meta.client.get_topic_attributes(TopicArn=self._sns_ARN)
+ except ImportError as e:
+ self._base.message('({})/Lambda'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message('SNS/init\n{}'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
return False
return True
@@ -399,6 +439,9 @@ def submitJob(self, orjob):
_orjob._header[CTEMPINPUT] = '/tmp/{}/tempinput'.format(orjobWOExt)
if (CTEMPOUTPUT in _orjob._header):
_orjob._header[CTEMPOUTPUT] = '/tmp/{}/tempoutput'.format(orjobWOExt)
+ if (CRASTERPROXYPATH in _orjob._header):
+ _orjob._header['store{}'.format(CRASTERPROXYPATH)] = _orjob._header[CRASTERPROXYPATH]
+ _orjob._header[CRASTERPROXYPATH] = '/tmp/{}/{}'.format(orjobWOExt, CRASTERPROXYPATH)
if ('config' in _orjob._header):
_orjob._header['config'] = '/tmp/{}'.format(configName)
configContent = ''
@@ -433,7 +476,17 @@ def submitJob(self, orjob):
jobQueue > length)):
jobQueue = length
i = 0
- errSNS = False
+ errLambda = False
+ functionJobs = []
+ functionName = None
+ useLambdaFunction = False
+ lambdaArgs = _orjob.operation.split(':')
+ if (len(lambdaArgs) > 2):
+ if (lambdaArgs[1].lower() == 'function'):
+ functionName = lambdaArgs[2] # preserve case in lambda functions.
+ useLambdaFunction = True
+ self._base.message('Invoke using ({})'.format('Function' if useLambdaFunction else 'SNS'))
while(i < length):
orjobContent = ''
for j in range(i, i + jobQueue):
@@ -451,26 +504,182 @@ def submitJob(self, orjob):
store = {'orjob': {'file': '{}_{}{}'.format(orjobWOExt, i, Report.CJOB_EXT), 'content': orjobContent}, 'config': {'file': configName, 'content': configContent}}
message = json.dumps(store)
- if (not self.invokeSNS(message)):
- errSNS = True
- return not errSNS
+ if (useLambdaFunction):
+ functionJobs.append(message)
+ else:
+ if (not self.invokeSNS(message)):
+ errLambda = True
+ if (useLambdaFunction and
+ not self.invokeFunction(functionName, functionJobs)):
+ errLambda = True
+ return not errLambda
def invokeSNS(self, message):
publish = None
- publish = self._sns_connection.publish(self._sns_ARN, message, subject='OR')
- CPUBLISH_RESP = 'PublishResponse'
+ publish = self._sns_connection.meta.client.publish(TopicArn=self._sns_ARN, Message=message, Subject='OR')
CPUBLISH_META = 'ResponseMetadata'
- if (CPUBLISH_RESP in publish and
- 'RequestId' in publish[CPUBLISH_RESP][CPUBLISH_META]):
- self._base.message('Lambda working on the (RequestID) [{}]...'.format(publish[CPUBLISH_RESP][CPUBLISH_META]['RequestId']))
+ if (CPUBLISH_META in publish and
+ 'RequestId' in publish[CPUBLISH_META]):
+ self._base.message('Lambda working on the (RequestID) [{}]...'.format(publish[CPUBLISH_META]['RequestId']))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message('{}'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def invokeFunction(self, functionName, message):
+ if (not functionName or
+ not message):
+ return False
+ try:
+ payloads = []
+ MaxJobs = len(message)
+ for i in range(0, MaxJobs):
+ payload = {'Records': [{'Sns': {'Message': message[i]}}]}
+ payloads.append(payload)
+ from datetime import datetime
+ timeStart = datetime.now()
+ pool = ThreadPool(LambdaFunction, base=self._base, function_name=functionName, aws_access_key_id=self._sns_aws_access_key, aws_secret_access_key=self._sns_aws_secret_access_key)
+ pool.init(maxWorkers=100)
+ for i in range(0, len(payloads)):
+ pool.addWorker(payloads[i], i)
+ pool.run()
+ self._base.message('duration> {}s'.format((datetime.now() - timeStart).total_seconds()))
except Exception as e:
self._base.message('{}'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
return False
return True
+class LambdaFunction(threading.Thread):
+ Base = 'base'
+ def __init__(self, kwargs):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.daemon = True
+ self.function = None
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.result = None
+ self.base = None
+ if (self.Base in kwargs and
+ isinstance(kwargs[self.Base], Base)):
+ self.base = kwargs[self.Base]
+ pass
+ def init(self, payload, jobID=0):
+ FunctionName = 'function_name'
+ if (FunctionName in self.kwargs):
+ self.function = self.kwargs[FunctionName]
+ if (self.function is None):
+ return False
+ self.payload = payload
+ self.jobID = jobID
+ return True
+ @property
+ def response(self):
+ return self.result
+ def message(self, message, messageType=0):
+ if (self.base is not None):
+ if (hasattr(self.base, 'message')):
+ return self.base.message(message, messageType)
+ print (message)
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ import boto3
+ import boto3.session
+ session = boto3.session.Session()
+ client = session.client('lambda', aws_access_key_id=self.kwargs['aws_access_key_id'] if 'aws_access_key_id' in self.kwargs else None,
+ aws_secret_access_key=self.kwargs['aws_secret_access_key'] if 'aws_secret_access_key' in self.kwargs else None)
+ self.result = client.invoke(FunctionName=self.function, InvocationType='RequestResponse',
+ Payload=json.dumps(self.payload))
+ respJSON = json.loads(self.result['Payload'].read())
+ if (not respJSON):
+ return None
+ respStatus = respJSON['status'] if 'status' in respJSON else None
+ report = self.base.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CPRT_HANDLER)
+ self.message('Completed/{}/Status [{}]'.format(self.jobID, str(respStatus)))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.message('{}'.format(e), self.base.const_critical_text if self.base else 2) # 2 for critical
+ return False
+ return True
+class ThreadPool(object):
+ DefMaxWorkers = 1
+ Job = 'job'
+ JobID = 'jobID'
+ Base = 'base'
+ def __init__(self, function, **kwargs):
+ self.maxWorkers = self.DefMaxWorkers
+ self.function = function
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ self.base = None
+ if (self.Base in kwargs and
+ isinstance(kwargs[self.Base], Base)):
+ self.base = kwargs[self.Base]
+ self.work = []
+ def init(self, maxWorkers=DefMaxWorkers):
+ try:
+ self.maxWorkers = int(maxWorkers)
+ if (self.maxWorkers < 1):
+ self.maxWorkers = self.DefMaxWorkers
+ except:
+ self.maxWorkers = self.DefMaxWorkers
+ def addWorker(self, job, jobID=None):
+ self.work.append({self.Job: job, self.JobID: jobID})
+ def message(self, message, messageType=0):
+ if (self.base is not None):
+ if (hasattr(self.base, 'message')):
+ return self.base.message(message, messageType)
+ print (message)
+ def run(self):
+ lenBuffer = self.maxWorkers
+ threads = []
+ workers = 0
+ maxWorkers = len(self.work)
+ while(1):
+ len_threads = len(threads)
+ while(len_threads):
+ alive = [t.isAlive() for t in threads]
+ countDead = sum(not x for x in alive)
+ if (countDead):
+ lenBuffer = countDead
+ threads = [t for t in threads if t.isAlive()]
+ break
+ buffer = []
+ for i in range(0, lenBuffer):
+ if (workers == maxWorkers):
+ break
+ buffer.append(self.work[workers])
+ workers += 1
+ if (not buffer and
+ not threads):
+ break
+ for f in buffer:
+ try:
+ t = self.function(self.kwargs)
+ isJobID = self.JobID in f
+ if (not t.init(f[self.Job], f[self.JobID] if isJobID else 0)):
+ return False
+ t.daemon = True
+ if (isJobID):
+ self.message('Started/{}'.format(f[self.JobID]))
+ t.start()
+ threads.append(t)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.message(str(e))
+ continue
+ return True
class RasterAssociates(object):
def __init__(self):
@@ -494,7 +703,8 @@ def addRelatedExtensions(self, primaryExt, relatedExts): # relatedExts can be
self._info[p] = self._stripExtensions(relatedExts)
return True
- def findExtension(self, path):
+ @staticmethod
+ def findExtension(path):
if (not path):
return False
pos = path.rfind('.')
@@ -588,7 +798,7 @@ def insertUserTextToOutputPath(self, path, text, pos):
if (text == CHASH_DEF_CHAR):
text = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(4))
- m = md5.new()
+ m = hashlib.md5()
m.update('{}/{}'.format(p, text))
text = m.hexdigest()
text = '{}_@'.format(text[:8]) # take only the fist 8 chars
@@ -607,7 +817,12 @@ def urlEncode(self, url):
if (path.find(':') != -1):
- _storePaths.append(urllib.urlencode({'url': path}).split('=')[1])
+ data = {'url': path}
+ if (sys.version_info[0] < 3):
+ encoded = urllib.urlencode(data)
+ else:
+ encoded = urllib.parse.urlencode(data)
+ _storePaths.append(encoded.split('=')[1])
return '/'.join(_storePaths)
def getBooleanValue(self, value): # helper function
@@ -662,7 +877,7 @@ def copyMetadataToClonePath(self, sourcePath):
return True # not an error.
presentMetaLocation = self.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CCFG_PRIVATE_OUTPUT, False)
if (self.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CTEMPOUTPUT) and
- getBooleanValue(self.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))):
+ self.getBooleanValue(self.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))):
presentMetaLocation = self.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CTEMPOUTPUT, False)
_cloneDstFile = sourcePath.replace(presentMetaLocation, _clonePath)
_cloneDirs = os.path.dirname(_cloneDstFile)
@@ -697,9 +912,9 @@ def S3Upl(self, input_file, user_args, *args):
_single_upload = _include_subs = False # def
if (user_args):
if (CSIN_UPL in user_args):
- _single_upload = getBooleanValue(user_args[CSIN_UPL])
+ _single_upload = self.getBooleanValue(user_args[CSIN_UPL])
if (CINC_SUB in user_args):
- _include_subs = getBooleanValue(user_args[CINC_SUB])
+ _include_subs = self.getBooleanValue(user_args[CINC_SUB])
ret_buff = S3_storage.upload_group(input_file, single_upload=_single_upload, include_subs=_include_subs)
if (len(ret_buff) == 0):
return False
@@ -732,8 +947,37 @@ def S3Upl(self, input_file, user_args, *args):
+ elif (upload_cloud_type == Store.TypeGoogle):
+ if(google_storage is None):
+ self.message(internal_err_msg, self.const_critical_text)
+ return False
+ properties = {
+ CTEMPOUTPUT: self._m_user_config.getValue(CTEMPOUTPUT, False),
+ 'access': self._m_user_config.getValue(COUT_AZURE_ACCESS, True)
+ }
+ _input_file = input_file.replace('\\', '/')
+ (p, n) = os.path.split(_input_file)
+ indx = n.find('.')
+ file_name_prefix = n
+ if (indx >= 0):
+ file_name_prefix = file_name_prefix[:indx]
+ input_folder = os.path.dirname(_input_file)
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(input_folder):
+ r = r.replace('\\', '/')
+ if (r == input_folder):
+ for _file in f:
+ if (_file.startswith(file_name_prefix)):
+ file_to_upload = self.convertToForwardSlash(os.path.join(r, _file), False)
+ if (google_storage.upload(
+ file_to_upload,
+ self._m_user_config.getValue(COUT_GOOGLE_BUCKET, False),
+ self._m_user_config.getValue(CCFG_PRIVATE_OUTPUT, False),
+ properties
+ )):
+ ret_buff.append(file_to_upload)
+ break
- self.message('Following file(s) uploaded to ({})'.format(CCLOUD_AMAZON if upload_cloud_type == CCLOUD_AMAZON else CCLOUD_AZURE))
+ self.message('Following file(s) uploaded to ({})'.format(upload_cloud_type.capitalize()))
[self.message('{}'.format(f)) for f in ret_buff]
if (user_args):
if (USR_ARG_DEL in user_args):
@@ -1071,6 +1315,7 @@ class Report:
CHDR_CLOUDUPLOAD = 'cloudupload'
CHDR_CLOUD_DWNLOAD = 'clouddownload'
CHDR_MODE = 'mode'
+ CHDR_OP = 'op'
def __init__(self, base):
self._input_list = []
@@ -1107,6 +1352,14 @@ def init(self, report_file, root=None):
self._input_list.append(_root) # first element in the report is the -input path to source
return True
+ @property
+ def header(self):
+ return self._header
+ @header.setter
+ def header(self, value):
+ self._header = value
def getRecordStatus(self, input, type): # returns (true or false)
if (input is None or
type is None):
@@ -1200,11 +1453,21 @@ def addFile(self, file):
return True
+ @property
+ def items(self):
+ return self._input_list
def operation(self):
- if ('op' not in self._header):
+ Operation = COP.lower()
+ if (Operation not in self._header):
+ return None
+ op = self._header[Operation]
+ if (not op):
return None
- return self._header['op'].lower() if (self._header['op']) else None
+ if (op.lower().startswith(COP_LAMBDA)):
+ return op # lambda op values are case-sensitive.
+ return op.lower() # lower case values for all other operations.
def root(self):
@@ -1223,6 +1486,7 @@ def read(self, readCallback=None):
with open(self._report_file, 'r') as _fptr:
ln = _fptr.readline()
hdr_skipped = False
+ retryAll = False # If 'resume=='retryall', files will be copied/processed/uploaded regardless of the individual file status.
ln = ln.strip()
if (not ln or
@@ -1263,10 +1527,16 @@ def read(self, readCallback=None):
if (_input.startswith('http://') or
self._isInputHTTP = True
+ if (not retryAll and
+ CRESUME_ARG in self._header):
+ if (self._header[CRESUME_ARG].lower() == CRESUME_ARG_VAL_RETRYALL):
+ retryAll = True
_copied = '' if len(lns) <= 1 else lns[1].strip() # for now, previously stored status values aren't used.
_processed = '' if len(lns) <= 2 else lns[2].strip()
_uploaded = '' if len(lns) <= 3 else lns[3].strip()
+ if (retryAll):
+ _copied = _processed = _uploaded = '' # reset all status
if (self.addFile(_fname)):
self._input_list_info[_fname] = {
CRPT_COPIED: _copied,
@@ -1356,12 +1626,22 @@ class TIL:
CRELATED_FILE_COUNT = 'related_file_count'
CPROCESSED_FILE_COUNT = 'processed_file_count'
CKEY_FILES = 'files'
+ CRASTER_EXT_IN_TIL = 'rasterExtension'
def __init__(self):
self._rasters = []
self._tils = []
self._tils_info = {}
self._output_path = {}
+ self._defaultTILProcessing = False
+ @property
+ def defaultTILProcessing(self):
+ return self._defaultTILProcessing
+ @defaultTILProcessing.setter
+ def defaultTILProcessing(self, value):
+ self._defaultTILProcessing = value
def TILCount(self):
@@ -1376,10 +1656,17 @@ def addTIL(self, input): # add (til) files to process later via (fnc: pro
self._tils_info[_input.lower()] = {
- self.CKEY_FILES: []
+ self.CKEY_FILES: [],
return True
+ def findOriginalSourcePath(self, processPath):
+ for path in self._output_path:
+ if (self._output_path[path] == processPath):
+ return path
+ return None
def fileTILRelated(self, input):
idx = input.split('.')
f = idx[0]
@@ -1413,6 +1700,38 @@ def isAllFilesProcessed(self, input):
return True
return False
+ def _processContent(self, fileName, line):
+ if (not line or
+ not fileName):
+ return False
+ _line = line
+ ln = _line.strip()
+ CBREAK = 'filename ='
+ if (ln.find(CBREAK) == -1):
+ return True
+ splt = ln.replace('"', '').replace(';', '').split(CBREAK)
+ if (len(splt) == 2):
+ file_name = splt[1].strip()
+ if (file_name not in self._rasters):
+ self._rasters.append(file_name)
+ _key_til_info = fileName.lower()
+ if (not self._tils_info[_key_til_info][self.CRASTER_EXT_IN_TIL]):
+ rasterExtension = RasterAssociates.findExtension(file_name)
+ if (rasterExtension):
+ self._tils_info[_key_til_info][self.CRASTER_EXT_IN_TIL] = rasterExtension
+ if (_key_til_info in self._tils_info):
+ self._tils_info[_key_til_info][self.CRELATED_FILE_COUNT] += 1
+ self._tils_info[_key_til_info][self.CKEY_FILES].append(file_name)
+ return True
+ def processInMemoryTILContent(self, fileName, content):
+ if (content is None):
+ return False
+ lines = content.split('\n')
+ for line in lines:
+ self._processContent(fileName, line)
+ return True
def process(self, input):
if (not input or
len(input) == 0):
@@ -1422,22 +1741,11 @@ def process(self, input):
with open(input, 'r') as _fp:
_line = _fp.readline()
while (_line):
- ln = _line.strip()
- CBREAK = 'filename ='
- if (ln.find(CBREAK) != -1):
- splt = ln.replace('"', '').replace(';', '').split(CBREAK)
- if (len(splt) == 2):
- file_name = splt[1].strip()
- if (file_name not in self._rasters):
- self._rasters.append(file_name)
- _key_til_info = input.lower()
- if (_key_til_info in self._tils_info):
- self._tils_info[_key_til_info][self.CRELATED_FILE_COUNT] += 1
- self._tils_info[_key_til_info][self.CKEY_FILES].append(file_name)
+ self._processContent(input, _line)
_line = _fp.readline()
return True
- def setOutputPath(self, input, output):
+ def setOutputPath(self, input, output): # set the output path for each til entry on list.
if (input not in self._output_path):
self._output_path[input] = output
@@ -1457,25 +1765,32 @@ def find(self, input):
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._tils)
-# classes of S3Upload module to merge as a single source.
-class S3Upload:
- def __init__(self, base):
- self._base = base
+class ProgressPercentage(object):
- def run(self, bobj, fobj, id, tot_ids):
- fobj.seek(0)
- msg_frmt = '[Push] block'
- self._base.message('{} ({}/{})'.format(msg_frmt, id, tot_ids))
- bobj.upload_part_from_file(fobj, id)
- self._base.message('{} ({}/{}) - Done'.format(msg_frmt, id, tot_ids))
- fobj.close()
- del fobj
+ def __init__(self, base, filename):
+ self._base = base # base
+ self._filename = filename
+ self._size = float(os.path.getsize(filename))
+ self._seen_so_far = 0
+ self._lock = threading.Lock()
+ def __call__(self, bytes_amount):
+ with self._lock:
+ self._seen_so_far += bytes_amount
+ percentage = (self._seen_so_far / self._size) * 100
+ message = "%s / %s (%.2f%%)" % (
+ self._seen_so_far, self._size,
+ percentage)
+ if (self._base is not None):
+ if (hasattr(self._base, 'message')):
+ self._base.message(message, self._base.const_general_text)
+ return True
+ sys.stdout.write(message)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
-class S3Upload_:
+class S3Upload:
def __init__(self, base, s3_bucket, s3_path, local_file, acl_policy='private'):
self._base = base # base
@@ -1488,88 +1803,22 @@ def __init__(self, base, s3_bucket, s3_path, local_file, acl_policy='private'):
def init(self):
- self.mp = self.m_s3_bucket.initiate_multipart_upload(self.m_s3_path, policy=self.m_acl_policy)
+ from boto3.s3.transfer import S3Transfer, TransferConfig
+ self.mp = S3Transfer(self.m_s3_bucket.meta.client)
except Exception as e:
self._base.message('({})'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
return False
return True
def upload(self):
- # read in big-file in chunks
# if (self.m_local_file.endswith('.lrc')): # debug. Must be removed before release.
- # return True # "
- self._base.message('[S3-Push] {}..'.format(self.m_local_file))
- # return True # debug. Must be removed before release.
- self._base.message('Upload block-size is set to ({}) bytes.'.format(CHUNK_MIN_SIZE))
- s3upl = S3Upload(self._base)
- idx = 1
- f = None
- try: # see if we can open it
- f = open(self.m_local_file, 'rb')
- f_size = os.path.getsize(self.m_local_file)
- if (f_size == 0): # support uploading of (zero) byte files.
- s3upl.run(self.mp, SlnTMStringIO(1), idx, idx)
- try:
- self.mp.complete_upload()
- if (f):
- f.close()
- return True
- except:
- self.mp.cancel_upload()
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- self._base.message('File open/Upload: ({})'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
- if (f):
- f.close()
- return False
- threads = []
- pos_buffer = upl_blocks = 0
- len_buffer = CCLOUD_UPLOAD_THREADS # set this to no of parallel (chunk) uploads at once.
- tot_blocks = (f_size / CHUNK_MIN_SIZE) + 1
- self._base.message('Total blocks to upload ({})'.format(tot_blocks))
- while(1):
- len_threads = len(threads)
- while(len_threads > 0):
- alive = [t.isAlive() for t in threads]
- cnt_dead = sum(not x for x in alive)
- if (cnt_dead):
- upl_blocks += cnt_dead
- len_buffer = cnt_dead
- threads = [t for t in threads if t.isAlive()]
- break
- buffer = []
- for i in range(0, len_buffer):
- chunk = f.read(CHUNK_MIN_SIZE)
- if (not chunk):
- break
- buffer.append(SlnTMStringIO(CHUNK_MIN_SIZE))
- buffer[len(buffer) - 1].write(chunk)
- if (len(buffer) == 0 and
- len(threads) == 0):
- break
- for e in buffer:
- try:
- t = threading.Thread(target=s3upl.run,
- args=(self.mp, e, idx, tot_blocks))
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- threads.append(t)
- idx += 1
- except Exception as e:
- self._base.message('{}'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
- if (f):
- f.close()
- return False
+ # return True # "
+ self._base.message('[S3-Push] {}'.format(self.m_local_file))
- self.mp.complete_upload()
- except Exception as e:
- self._base.message('{}'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
- self.mp.cancel_upload()
+ self.mp.upload_file(self.m_local_file, self.m_s3_bucket.name, self.m_s3_path, extra_args={'ACL': self.m_acl_policy}, callback=ProgressPercentage(self._base, self.m_local_file))
+ except Exception as e: # trap any connection issues.
+ self._base.message('({})'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
return False
- finally:
- if (f):
- f.close()
return True
def __del__(self):
@@ -1646,6 +1895,11 @@ class Store(object):
# ends
+ # cloud-type
+ TypeAmazon = 'amazon'
+ TypeAzure = 'azure'
+ TypeGoogle = 'google'
+ # ends
def __init__(self, account_name, account_key, profile_name, base):
self._account_name = account_name
@@ -1674,7 +1928,7 @@ def setSource(self, container_name, parent_folder, properties=None):
def readProfile(self, account_name, account_key):
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
- userHome = '{}/{}/{}'.format(os.path.expanduser('~').replace('\\', '/'), '.optimizerasters', 'azure_credentials')
+ userHome = '{}/{}/{}'.format(os.path.expanduser('~').replace('\\', '/'), '.OptimizeRasters/Microsoft', 'azure_credentials')
with open(userHome) as fptr:
if (not config.has_section(self._profile_name)):
@@ -1695,10 +1949,208 @@ def message(self, msg, status=0): # type (0: general, 1: warning, 2: critica
print ('{}{}{}'.format(status_text, '. ' if status_text else '', msg))
+class Google(Store):
+ DafaultStorageDomain = 'http://storage.googleapis.com/'
+ def __init__(self, project_name, client_id, client_secret, profile_name=None, base=None):
+ super(Google, self).__init__(client_id, client_secret, profile_name, base)
+ self._browsecontent = []
+ self._projectName = project_name
+ self._client = None
+ self._bucket = None
+ def init(self, bucketName):
+ try:
+ if (self._profile_name is None or
+ not bucketName):
+ return False
+ if (not self._projectName):
+ with open(self._profile_name, 'r') as reader:
+ serviceJson = json.load(reader)
+ Project_Id = 'project_id'
+ if (Project_Id not in serviceJson):
+ raise Exception('(Project_Id) key isn\'t found in file ({})'.format(self._profile_name))
+ self._projectName = serviceJson[Project_Id]
+ os.environ['GCLOUD_PROJECT'] = self._projectName
+ os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = self._profile_name
+ from google.cloud import storage
+ self._client = storage.Client()
+ self._bucket = self._client.lookup_bucket(bucketName)
+ if (self._bucket is None):
+ raise Exception('Bucket ({}) isn\'t found!'.format(bucketName))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.message(str(e), self.const_critical_text)
+ return False
+ return True
+ @property
+ def id(self):
+ return 'gs' # short for google-storage
+ def _addBrowseContent(self, blobName):
+ if (not blobName):
+ return False
+ if (self._mode == self.CMODE_SCAN_ONLY):
+ self._browsecontent.append(blobName)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def getBrowseContent(self):
+ return self._browsecontent
+ def browseContent(self, bucketName, parentFolder, cb=None, precb=None):
+ url = parentFolder
+ if (url == '/' or
+ url is None):
+ url = '' # defaults to bucket root.
+ super(Google, self).setSource(bucketName, url)
+ for item in self._bucket.list_blobs(prefix=url, delimiter='/{}'.format('*' if self._include_subFolders else '')):
+ self._addBrowseContent(item.name)
+ if (precb and
+ self._base.getUserConfiguration):
+ _resumeReporter = self._base.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CPRT_HANDLER)
+ if (_resumeReporter):
+ remotePath = _resumeReporter._header[CRESUME_HDR_INPUT]
+ precb(item.name if remotePath == '/' else item.name.replace(remotePath, ''), remotePath, _resumeReporter._header[CRESUME_HDR_OUTPUT])
+ if (cb and
+ self._mode != self.CMODE_SCAN_ONLY):
+ cb(item.name)
+ return True
+ def copyToLocal(self, blob_source):
+ if (not blob_source or
+ self._dn_parent_folder is None): # note> empty value in parent path is allowed but not (None)
+ self.message('{}> Not initialized'.format(self.id), self.const_critical_text)
+ return False
+ try:
+ _user_config = self._base.getUserConfiguration
+ _resumeReporter = _user_config.getValue(CPRT_HANDLER)
+ # what does the restore point say about the (blob_source) status?
+ if (_resumeReporter):
+ if (blob_source not in _resumeReporter._input_list_info): # if -subs=true but not on .orjob/internal list, bail out early
+ return True
+ if (blob_source.endswith('/')): # skip folders.
+ return True
+ _get_rstr_val = _resumeReporter.getRecordStatus(blob_source, CRPT_COPIED)
+ if (_get_rstr_val == CRPT_YES):
+ self.message('{} {}'.format(CRESUME_MSG_PREFIX, blob_source))
+ return True
+ # ends
+ _googleParentFolder = _user_config.getValue(CIN_GOOGLE_PARENTFOLDER, False)
+ _googlePath = blob_source if _googleParentFolder == '/' else blob_source.replace(_googleParentFolder, '')
+ output_path = _user_config.getValue(CCFG_PRIVATE_OUTPUT, False) + _googlePath
+ isUpload = self._base.getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))
+ if (_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPOUTPUT) and
+ isUpload):
+ output_path = _user_config.getValue(CTEMPOUTPUT, False) + _googlePath
+ if (not output_path):
+ return False
+ is_raster = False
+ is_tmp_input = self._base.getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))
+ primaryRaster = None
+ if (_resumeReporter and
+ is_tmp_input):
+ primaryRaster = _resumeReporter._m_rasterAssociates.findPrimaryExtension(_googlePath)
+ if (True in [_googlePath.endswith(x) for x in _user_config.getValue('ExcludeFilter')]):
+ return False
+ elif (primaryRaster or # if the _googlePath is an associated raster file, consider it as a raster.
+ True in [_googlePath.endswith(x) for x in _user_config.getValue(CCFG_RASTERS_NODE)]):
+ isTIL = output_path.lower().endswith(CTIL_EXTENSION_)
+ if (is_tmp_input):
+ if (not isTIL):
+ output_path = _user_config.getValue(CTEMPINPUT, False) + _googlePath
+ is_raster = not isTIL
+ if (_user_config.getValue('Pyramids') == CCMD_PYRAMIDS_ONLY):
+ return False
+ flr = os.path.dirname(output_path)
+ if (not os.path.exists(flr)):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(flr)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise
+ if (is_raster):
+ if (not is_tmp_input):
+ return True
+ writeTo = output_path
+ self.message('[{}-Pull] {}'.format(self.id, blob_source))
+ if (not is_raster):
+ writeTo = self._base.renameMetaFileToMatchRasterExtension(writeTo)
+ blob = self._bucket.get_blob(blob_source)
+ blob.download_to_filename(writeTo)
+ if (self._event_postCopyToLocal):
+ self._event_postCopyToLocal(writeTo)
+ # take care of (til) inputs.
+ if (til):
+ if (writeTo.lower().endswith(CTIL_EXTENSION_)):
+ if (til.addTIL(writeTo)):
+ til.setOutputPath(writeTo, writeTo)
+ # ends
+ # mark download/copy status
+ if (_resumeReporter):
+ _resumeReporter.updateRecordStatus(blob_source, CRPT_COPIED, CRPT_YES)
+ # ends
+ # copy metadata files to -clonepath if set
+ if (not is_raster): # do not copy raster associated files to clone path.
+ self._base.copyMetadataToClonePath(output_path)
+ # ends
+ # Handle any post-processing, if the final destination is to S3, upload right away.
+ if (isUpload):
+ if (self._base.getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))):
+ if (is_raster):
+ return True
+ _is_success = self._base.S3Upl(writeTo, user_args_Callback)
+ if (not _is_success):
+ return False
+ # ends
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.message('({})'.format(str(e)), self.const_critical_text)
+ if (_resumeReporter):
+ _resumeReporter.updateRecordStatus(blob_source, CRPT_COPIED, CRPT_NO)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def upload(self, input_path, container_name, parent_folder, properties=None):
+ if (not input_path or
+ not container_name or
+ parent_folder is None):
+ return False
+ _parent_folder = parent_folder
+ if (not _parent_folder):
+ if (self._base.getUserConfiguration):
+ _parent_folder = self._base.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CIN_GOOGLE_PARENTFOLDER)
+ if (_parent_folder == '/' or
+ _parent_folder is None):
+ _parent_folder = ''
+ if (properties):
+ if (CTEMPOUTPUT in properties):
+ _tempoutput = properties[CTEMPOUTPUT]
+ _parent_folder = os.path.dirname(input_path.replace('\\', '/').replace(_tempoutput, _parent_folder))
+ usrPath = self._base.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CUSR_TEXT_IN_PATH, False)
+ usrPathPos = CHASH_DEF_INSERT_POS # default insert pos (sub-folder loc) for user text in output path
+ if (usrPath):
+ (usrPath, usrPathPos) = usrPath.split(CHASH_DEF_SPLIT_CHAR)
+ _parent_folder = self._base.insertUserTextToOutputPath('{}{}'.format(_parent_folder, '/' if not _parent_folder.endswith('/') else ''), usrPath, usrPathPos)
+ super(Google, self).upload(input_path, container_name, _parent_folder, properties)
+ localPath = self._input_file_path
+ cloudPath = self._base.convertToForwardSlash(os.path.join(self._upl_parent_folder, os.path.basename(localPath)), False)
+ try:
+ self.message('[{}-Push] {}'.format(self.id, cloudPath))
+ from google.cloud import storage
+ client = storage.Client() # has to use a new client,bucket object/upload_from_filename api has issues in a threaded environment.
+ bucket = client.get_bucket(self._bucket.name)
+ blob = bucket.blob(cloudPath)
+ blob.upload_from_filename(localPath)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.message(str(e), self.const_critical_text)
+ return False
+ return True
class Azure(Store):
CHUNK_MIN_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024
COUT_AZURE_ACCOUNTNAME_INFILE = 'azure_account_name'
COUT_AZURE_ACCOUNTKEY_INFILE = 'azure_account_key'
+ DefaultDomain = 'blob.core.windows.net'
def __init__(self, account_name, account_key, profile_name=None, base=None):
super(Azure, self).__init__(account_name, account_key, profile_name, base)
@@ -1711,10 +2163,9 @@ def init(self):
if (not self._account_name or
not self._account_key):
return False
- from azure.storage.blob import BlockBlobService
- self._blob_service = BlockBlobService(account_name=self._account_name, account_key=self._account_key)
+ from azure.storage.blob import BlobService
+ self._blob_service = BlobService(account_name=self._account_name, account_key=self._account_key)
except Exception as e:
- self.message(str(e), self.const_critical_text)
return False
return True
@@ -1813,12 +2264,12 @@ def copyToLocal(self, blob_source):
_azureParentFolder = _user_config.getValue(CIN_AZURE_PARENTFOLDER, False)
_azurePath = blob_source if _azureParentFolder == '/' else blob_source.replace(_azureParentFolder, '')
output_path = _user_config.getValue(CCFG_PRIVATE_OUTPUT, False) + _azurePath
- isUpload = getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))
+ isUpload = self._base.getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))
if (_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPOUTPUT) and
output_path = _user_config.getValue(CTEMPOUTPUT, False) + _azurePath
is_raster = False
- is_tmp_input = getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))
+ is_tmp_input = self._base.getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))
primaryRaster = None
if (_resumeReporter and
@@ -1894,7 +2345,8 @@ def upload(self, input_path, container_name, parent_folder, properties=None):
if (not _parent_folder):
if (self._base.getUserConfiguration):
_parent_folder = self._base.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CIN_AZURE_PARENTFOLDER)
- elif (_parent_folder == '/'):
+ if (_parent_folder == '/' or
+ _parent_folder is None):
_parent_folder = ''
if (properties):
if (CTEMPOUTPUT in properties):
@@ -1997,10 +2449,7 @@ def upload(self, input_path, container_name, parent_folder, properties=None):
return False
self.message('Finalizing uploads..')
- from azure.storage.blob.models import BlobBlock, BlobBlockList
- blockList = BlobBlockList().uncommitted_blocks
- [blockList.append(BlobBlock(id=block)) for block in block_ids]
- ret = self._blob_service.put_block_list(self._upl_container_name, blob_name, blockList)
+ ret = self._blob_service.put_block_list(self._upl_container_name, blob_name, block_ids)
except Exception as e:
Message(str(e), self.const_critical_text)
return False
@@ -2013,6 +2462,9 @@ def upload(self, input_path, container_name, parent_folder, properties=None):
class S3Storage:
+ RoleAccessKeyId = 'AccessKeyId'
+ RoleSecretAccessKey = 'SecretAccessKey'
+ RoleToken = 'Token'
def __init__(self, base):
self._base = base
@@ -2032,26 +2484,52 @@ def init(self, remote_path, s3_key, s3_secret, direction):
if (s3_bucket):
self.m_bucketname = s3_bucket
_profile_name = self.m_user_config.getValue('{}_S3_AWS_ProfileName'.format('Out' if direction == CS3STORAGE_OUT else 'In'), False)
- # setup s3 connection
if (self.m_user_config.getValue(CCFG_PRIVATE_INC_BOTO)): # return type is a boolean hence no need to explicitly convert.
- _calling_format = boto.config.get('s3', 'calling_format', 'boto.s3.connection.SubdomainCallingFormat' if len([c for c in self.m_bucketname if c.isupper()]) == 0 and self.m_bucketname.find('.') == -1 else 'boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat')
- _servicePoint = self.m_user_config.getValue('{}_S3_ServicePoint'.format('Out' if direction == CS3STORAGE_OUT else 'In'), False)
+ awsSessionToken = None
+ sessionProfile = _profile_name
+ if (_profile_name and
+ _profile_name.lower().startswith('iamrole:')):
+ roleInfo = self.getIamRoleInfo(_profile_name.split(':')[1])
+ if (roleInfo is None):
+ return False
+ sessionProfile = None
+ self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = roleInfo[self.RoleAccessKeyId]
+ self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = roleInfo[self.RoleSecretAccessKey]
+ awsSessionToken = roleInfo[self.RoleToken]
self._isBucketPublic = self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is None and self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET is None and _profile_name is None
- con = boto.connect_s3(self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID if not _profile_name else None, self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET if not _profile_name else None,
- profile_name=_profile_name if _profile_name else None, calling_format=_calling_format,
- anon=True if self._isBucketPublic else False, host=_servicePoint if _servicePoint else boto.s3.connection.NoHostProvided)
+ session = boto3.Session(self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID if not sessionProfile else None, self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET if not sessionProfile else None,
+ profile_name=_profile_name if sessionProfile else None, aws_session_token=awsSessionToken if awsSessionToken else None)
+ endpointURL = None
+ AWSEndpointURL = 'aws_endpoint_url'
+ SessionProfile = 'profiles'
+ if (_profile_name and
+ SessionProfile in session._session.full_config and
+ _profile_name in session._session.full_config[SessionProfile] and
+ AWSEndpointURL in session._session.full_config[SessionProfile][_profile_name]):
+ endpointURL = session._session.full_config[SessionProfile][_profile_name][AWSEndpointURL]
+ self._base.message('Using {} endpoint> {}'.format('output' if direction == CS3STORAGE_OUT else 'input', endpointURL))
+ self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = session.get_credentials().access_key # initialize access_key, secret_key using the profile.
+ self.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = session.get_credentials().secret_key
+ self.con = session.resource('s3', endpoint_url=endpointURL if endpointURL else None)
+ import botocore
+ if (self._isBucketPublic):
+ self.con.meta.client.meta.events.register('choose-signer.s3.*', botocore.handlers.disable_signing)
except Exception as e:
self._base.message(str(e), self._base.const_critical_text)
return False
- self.bucketupload = con.lookup(self.m_bucketname, True, None)
- if (not self.bucketupload):
+ try:
+ self.bucketupload = self.con.Bucket(self.m_bucketname)
+ self.con.meta.client.head_bucket(Bucket=self.m_bucketname)
+ except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
self._base.message('Invalid {} S3 bucket ({})/credentials.'.format(
return False
- # ends
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message(str(e), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ return False
_remote_path = remote_path
if (_remote_path and
os.path.isfile(_remote_path)): # are we reading a file list?
@@ -2062,11 +2540,25 @@ def init(self, remote_path, s3_key, s3_secret, direction):
except Exception as e:
self._base.message('Report ({})'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
return False
- self.remote_path = _remote_path.replace("\\", "/")
- if (self.remote_path[-1:] != '/'):
- self.remote_path += '/'
+ self.remote_path = self._base.convertToForwardSlash(_remote_path)
+ if (not self.remote_path):
+ self.remote_path = '' # defaults to bucket root.
return True
+ def getIamRoleInfo(self, roleName):
+ roleMetaUrl = '{}'.format(roleName)
+ try:
+ urlResponse = urllib.urlopen(roleMetaUrl)
+ roleInfo = json.loads(urlResponse.read())
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message('IAM Role not found ({})'.format(roleName), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ return None
+ if (self.RoleAccessKeyId in roleInfo and
+ self.RoleSecretAccessKey in roleInfo and
+ self.RoleToken in roleInfo):
+ return roleInfo
+ return None
def inputPath(self):
return self.__m_input_path
@@ -2077,7 +2569,21 @@ def inputPath(self, value):
def getFailedUploadList(self):
return self.__m_failed_upl_lst
- # code to iterate a S3 bucket/folder
+ def list(self, connection, bucket, prefix, includeSubFolders=False, keys=[], marker=''):
+ result = connection.meta.client.list_objects(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix, Delimiter='/', Marker=marker)
+ Contents = 'Contents'
+ NextMarker = 'NextMarker'
+ if (Contents in result):
+ for k in result[Contents]:
+ keys.append(k['Key'])
+ if (NextMarker in result):
+ self.list(connection, bucket, prefix, includeSubFolders, keys, result[NextMarker])
+ if (not includeSubFolders):
+ return keys
+ for item in result.get('CommonPrefixes', []):
+ self.list(connection, bucket, item.get('Prefix'), includeSubFolders, keys, marker)
+ return keys
def getS3Content(self, prefix, cb=None, precb=None):
is_link = self._input_flist is not None
@@ -2086,50 +2592,56 @@ def getS3Content(self, prefix, cb=None, precb=None):
root_only_ = self.m_user_config.getValue('IncludeSubdirectories')
if (subs is not None): # if there's a value, take it else defaults to (True)
subs = self._base.getBooleanValue(root_only_)
- keys = self.bucketupload.list('' if prefix == '/' else prefix, delimiter=None if subs else '/') if not is_link else _rpt # delimiter = '/'
+ keys = self.list(self.con, self.m_bucketname, prefix, subs) if not is_link else _rpt
+ if (not keys):
+ return False
isRoot = self.remote_path == '/'
# get the til files first
if (til):
- try:
- for key in keys:
- key = self.bucketupload.get_key(key) if is_link else key
- if (not key or
- key.name.endswith('/')):
- continue
- if (key.name.lower().endswith(CTIL_EXTENSION_)):
- remotePath = key.name.replace(self.remote_path if not isRoot else '', '') # remote path following the input folder/.
- cb(key, remotePath) # callback on the client-side
- except Exception as e:
- self._base.message(e.message, self._base.const_critical_text)
- return False
+ if (not til.TILCount):
+ try:
+ for key in keys:
+ if (not key or
+ key.endswith('/')):
+ continue
+ if (key.lower().endswith(CTIL_EXTENSION_)):
+ S3_path = key.replace(self.remote_path if not isRoot else '', '') # remote path following the input folder/.
+ cb(key, S3_path) # callback on the client-side
+ outputPath = self.m_user_config.getValue(CCFG_PRIVATE_OUTPUT, False) + S3_path
+ isCloudUpload = self._base.getBooleanValue(self.m_user_config.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))
+ if ((self.m_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPOUTPUT)) and
+ isCloudUpload):
+ outputPath = self.m_user_config.getValue(CTEMPOUTPUT, False) + S3_path # -tempoutput must be set with -cloudoutput=true
+ til.addTIL(key)
+ til.setOutputPath(key, outputPath)
+ til.processInMemoryTILContent(key, key.get_contents_as_string())
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message(e.message, self._base.const_critical_text)
+ return False
# ends
for key in keys:
- key = self.bucketupload.get_key(key) if is_link else key
+ remotePath = key.replace(self.remote_path if not isRoot else '', '') # remote path following the input folder/.
if (not key or
- key.name.endswith('/')):
+ key.endswith('/')):
if (cb):
- remotePath = key.name.replace(self.remote_path if not isRoot else '', '') # remote path following the input folder/.
if (precb):
- if (precb(remotePath, self.remote_path, self.inputPath)): # if raster/exclude list, do not proceed.
- if (not getBooleanValue(self.m_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))):
- continue
- if (til):
- if (key.name.lower().endswith(CTIL_EXTENSION_)):
- continue
- cb(key, remotePath) # callback on the client-side. Note. return value not checked.
+ if (precb(remotePath, self.remote_path, self.inputPath)): # is raster/exclude list?
+ copyRemoteRaster = False
+ if (til and
+ til.defaultTILProcessing and
+ til.fileTILRelated(os.path.basename(key))):
+ copyRemoteRaster = True # copy ancillary TIL files if the default TIL processing is set to (true)
+ if (not copyRemoteRaster and
+ not key.lower().endswith(CTIL_EXTENSION_)): # TIL is a raster but we need to copy it locally.
+ if (not self._base.getBooleanValue(self.m_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))):
+ continue
+ cb(key, remotePath) # callback on the client-side. Note. return value not checked.
except Exception as e:
- self._base.message(e.message, const_critical_text)
+ self._base.message(e.message, self._base.const_critical_text)
return False
- # Process (til) files once all the associate files have been copied from (cloud) to (local)
- if (til):
- for _til in til:
- til.process(_til)
- # ends
return True
- # ends
- # code to deal with s3-local-cpy
def S3_copy_to_local(self, S3_key, S3_path):
err_msg_0 = 'S3/Local path is invalid'
@@ -2138,21 +2650,21 @@ def S3_copy_to_local(self, S3_key, S3_path):
return False
# what does the restore point say about the (S3_key) status?
if (_rpt):
- _get_rstr_val = _rpt.getRecordStatus(S3_key.name, CRPT_COPIED)
+ _get_rstr_val = _rpt.getRecordStatus(S3_key, CRPT_COPIED)
if (_get_rstr_val == CRPT_YES):
- self._base.message('{} {}'.format(CRESUME_MSG_PREFIX, S3_key.name))
+ self._base.message('{} {}'.format(CRESUME_MSG_PREFIX, S3_key))
return True
# ends
if (self.m_user_config is None): # shouldn't happen
self._base.message('Internal/User config not initialized.', self._base.const_critical_text)
return False
output_path = self.m_user_config.getValue(CCFG_PRIVATE_OUTPUT, False) + S3_path
- is_cpy_to_s3 = getBooleanValue(self.m_user_config.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))
+ is_cpy_to_s3 = self._base.getBooleanValue(self.m_user_config.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))
if ((self.m_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPOUTPUT)) and
- output_path = self.m_user_config.getValue(CTEMPOUTPUT, False) + S3_path # -tempoutput must be set with -cloudinput=true
+ output_path = self.m_user_config.getValue(CTEMPOUTPUT, False) + S3_path # -tempoutput must be set with -cloudoutput=true
is_raster = False
- is_tmp_input = getBooleanValue(self.m_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))
+ is_tmp_input = self._base.getBooleanValue(self.m_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))
primaryRaster = None
if (_rpt and
@@ -2164,7 +2676,13 @@ def S3_copy_to_local(self, S3_key, S3_path):
isTIL = output_path.lower().endswith(CTIL_EXTENSION_)
if (is_tmp_input):
if (not isTIL):
- output_path = self.m_user_config.getValue(CTEMPINPUT, False) + S3_path
+ useTempInputPath = True
+ if (til and
+ til.fileTILRelated(S3_path) and
+ til.defaultTILProcessing):
+ useTempInputPath = False
+ if (useTempInputPath):
+ output_path = self.m_user_config.getValue(CTEMPINPUT, False) + S3_path
is_raster = not isTIL
if (self.m_user_config.getValue('Pyramids') == CCMD_PYRAMIDS_ONLY):
return False
@@ -2182,43 +2700,20 @@ def S3_copy_to_local(self, S3_key, S3_path):
except Exception as e:
self._base.message('(%s)' % (str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
if (_rpt):
- _rpt.updateRecordStatus(S3_key.name, CRPT_COPIED, CRPT_NO)
+ _rpt.updateRecordStatus(S3_key, CRPT_COPIED, CRPT_NO)
return False
# let's write remote to local
- fout = None
- memPerChunk = MEMORYSTATUSEX().memoryStatus().memoryPerDownloadChunk()
- self._base.message('Download block-size is set to ({}) bytes.'.format(memPerChunk))
- fout = open(mk_path, 'wb') # can we open for output?
- startbyte = 0
- while(startbyte < S3_key.size):
- endbyte = startbyte + (memPerChunk - 1)
- if (endbyte > S3_key.size):
- endbyte = S3_key.size - 1
- print ('Seek> {}-{} [{}]'.format(startbyte, endbyte, S3_key.name)) # Note> not routed to the log file.
- S3_key.get_contents_to_file(fout, headers={'Range': 'bytes={}-{}'.format(startbyte, endbyte)})
- fout.flush()
- startbyte = endbyte + 1
+ self.con.meta.client.download_file(self.m_bucketname, S3_key, mk_path)
except Exception as e:
self._base.message('({}\n{})'.format(str(e), mk_path), self._base.const_critical_text)
if (_rpt):
- _rpt.updateRecordStatus(S3_key.name, CRPT_COPIED, CRPT_NO)
+ _rpt.updateRecordStatus(S3_key, CRPT_COPIED, CRPT_NO)
return False
- finally:
- if (fout):
- fout.close()
- if (S3_key):
- S3_key.close()
- # ends
- # take care of (til) inputs.
- if (til):
- if (mk_path.lower().endswith(CTIL_EXTENSION_)):
- if (til.addTIL(mk_path)):
- til.setOutputPath(mk_path, mk_path)
# ends
# mark download/copy status
if (_rpt):
- _rpt.updateRecordStatus(S3_key.name, CRPT_COPIED, CRPT_YES)
+ _rpt.updateRecordStatus(S3_key, CRPT_COPIED, CRPT_YES)
# ends
# copy metadata files to -clonepath if set
if (not is_raster): # do not copy raster associated files to clone path.
@@ -2229,6 +2724,11 @@ def S3_copy_to_local(self, S3_key, S3_path):
if (getBooleanValue(self.m_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))):
if (is_raster):
return True
+ if (til and
+ til.defaultTILProcessing and
+ is_raster and
+ til.fileTILRelated(mk_path)):
+ return True
_is_success = self._base.S3Upl(mk_path, user_args_Callback)
if (not _is_success):
return False
@@ -2244,16 +2744,16 @@ def upload(self):
upl_file = lcl_file.replace(self.inputPath, self.remote_path)
- S3 = S3Upload_(self.bucketupload, upl_file, lcl_file, self.m_user_config.getValue(COUT_S3_ACL) if self.m_user_config else None)
+ S3 = S3Upload(self.bucketupload, upl_file, lcl_file, self.m_user_config.getValue(COUT_S3_ACL) if self.m_user_config else None)
if (not S3.init()):
- self._base.message('Unable to initialize [S3-Push] for (%s=%s)' % (lcl_file, upl_file), const_warning_text)
+ self._base.message('Unable to initialize [S3-Push] for (%s=%s)' % (lcl_file, upl_file), self._base.const_warning_text)
ret = S3.upload()
if (not ret):
- self._base.message('[S3-Push] (%s)' % (upl_file), const_warning_text)
+ self._base.message('[S3-Push] (%s)' % (upl_file), self._base.const_warning_text)
- except Exception as inf:
- self._base.message('(%s)' % (str(inf)), const_warning_text)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message('(%s)' % (str(e)), self._base.const_warning_text)
if (S3 is not None):
del S3
@@ -2272,6 +2772,7 @@ def _addToFailedList(self, localPath, remotePath):
return True
def upload_group(self, input_source, single_upload=False, include_subs=False):
+ global _rpt
m_input_source = input_source.replace('\\', '/')
input_path = os.path.dirname(m_input_source)
upload_buff = []
@@ -2289,6 +2790,12 @@ def upload_group(self, input_source, single_upload=False, include_subs=False):
S3 = None
+ if (_rpt):
+ _source_path = getSourcePathUsingTempOutput(mk_path)
+ if (_source_path):
+ _ret_val = _rpt.getRecordStatus(_source_path, CRPT_UPLOADED)
+ if (_ret_val == CRPT_YES):
+ continue
upl_file = mk_path.replace(self.inputPath, self.remote_path)
if (getBooleanValue(self.m_user_config.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))):
rep = self.inputPath
@@ -2299,7 +2806,7 @@ def upload_group(self, input_source, single_upload=False, include_subs=False):
upl_file = mk_path.replace(rep, self.remote_path if self.m_user_config.getValue('iss3') else self.m_user_config.getValue(CCFG_PRIVATE_OUTPUT, False))
if (usrPath):
upl_file = self._base.insertUserTextToOutputPath(upl_file, usrPath, usrPathPos)
- S3 = S3Upload_(self._base, self.bucketupload, upl_file, mk_path, self.m_user_config.getValue(COUT_S3_ACL) if self.m_user_config else None)
+ S3 = S3Upload(self._base, self.bucketupload, upl_file, mk_path, self.m_user_config.getValue(COUT_S3_ACL) if self.m_user_config else None)
if (not S3.init()):
self._base.message('Unable to initialize S3-Upload for (%s=>%s)' % (mk_path, upl_file), self._base.const_warning_text)
self._addToFailedList(mk_path, upl_file)
@@ -2688,7 +3195,7 @@ def processs(self, post_processing_callback=None, post_processing_callback_args=
_rpt._header[Report.CHDR_MODE] != 'rasterproxy')):
_mkRemoteURL = os.path.join(_r, file)
- file_url = urllib2.urlopen(_mkRemoteURL if not isInputWebAPI else os.path.splitext(_mkRemoteURL)[0])
+ file_url = urllib.urlopen(_mkRemoteURL if not isInputWebAPI else os.path.splitext(_mkRemoteURL)[0])
isFileNameInHeader = False
for v in file_url.headers.headers:
if (v.startswith('Content-Disposition')):
@@ -2961,7 +3468,7 @@ def compress(self, input_file, output_file, args_callback=None, build_pyramids=T
if (input_file.startswith('/vsicurl/')):
_dn_vsicurl_ = input_file.split('/vsicurl/')[1]
- file_url = urllib2.urlopen(_dn_vsicurl_)
+ file_url = urllib.urlopen(_dn_vsicurl_)
validateForClone = isModeClone
with open(output_file, 'wb') as fp:
buff = 2024 * 1024
@@ -3114,6 +3621,14 @@ def compress(self, input_file, output_file, args_callback=None, build_pyramids=T
# ends
if (_rpt and
_rpt.operation != COP_UPL):
+ if (til and
+ _input_file.lower().endswith(CTIL_EXTENSION_)):
+ originalSourcePath = til.findOriginalSourcePath(_input_file)
+ if (originalSourcePath is not None):
+ _rpt.updateRecordStatus(originalSourcePath, CRPT_PROCESSED, CRPT_YES)
+ for TilRaster in til._tils_info[originalSourcePath.lower()][TIL.CKEY_FILES]:
+ _rpt.updateRecordStatus(self._base.convertToForwardSlash(os.path.dirname(originalSourcePath), True) + TilRaster, CRPT_PROCESSED, CRPT_YES)
+ return ret
_rpt.updateRecordStatus(_input_file, CRPT_PROCESSED, CRPT_YES)
return ret
@@ -3479,8 +3994,8 @@ def __str__(self):
class Application(object):
- __program_ver__ = 'v1.7m'
- __program_date__ = '20170601'
+ __program_ver__ = 'v2.0.1'
+ __program_date__ = '20170530'
__program_name__ = 'OptimizeRasters.py {}/{}'.format(__program_ver__, __program_date__)
__program_desc__ = 'Convert raster formats to a valid output format through GDAL_Translate.\n' + \
'\nPlease Note:\nOptimizeRasters.py is entirely case-sensitive, extensions/paths in the config ' + \
@@ -3517,6 +4032,8 @@ def __load_config__(self, config):
config_ = _r._header[CRPT_HEADER_KEY]
if (Report.CHDR_MODE in _r._header):
self._args.mode = _r._header[Report.CHDR_MODE] # mode in .orjob has priority over the template value.
+ if (Report.CHDR_OP in _r._header):
+ self._args.op = _r._header[Report.CHDR_OP]
_r = None
self._args.config = os.path.abspath(config_) # replace/force the original path to abspath.
cfg = Config()
@@ -3527,12 +4044,16 @@ def __load_config__(self, config):
return False
# ends
# deal with cfg extensions (rasters/exclude list)
- opCopyOnly = cfg.getValue(COP) == COP_COPYONLY # no defaults for (CCFG_RASTERS_NODE, CCFG_EXCLUDE_NODE) if op={COP_COPYONLY}
+ opCopyOnly = False
+ operation = cfg.getValue(COP)
+ if (not operation):
+ operation = self._args.op
+ if (operation):
+ opCopyOnly = operation == COP_COPYONLY # no defaults for (CCFG_RASTERS_NODE, CCFG_EXCLUDE_NODE) if op={COP_COPYONLY}
rasters_ext_ = cfg.getValue(CCFG_RASTERS_NODE, False)
if (rasters_ext_ is None and
not opCopyOnly):
rasters_ext_ = 'tif,mrf' # defaults: in-code if defaults are missing in cfg file.
exclude_ext_ = cfg.getValue(CCFG_EXCLUDE_NODE, False)
if (exclude_ext_ is None and
not opCopyOnly):
@@ -3634,8 +4155,33 @@ def writeToConsole(self, msg, status=const_general_text):
print (msg) # log file is not up yet, write to (console)
return True
+ @property
+ def configuration(self):
+ if (self._base is None):
+ return None
+ return self._base.getUserConfiguration.m_cfgs
+ @configuration.setter
+ def configuration(self, value):
+ self._base.getUserConfiguration.m_cfgs = value
+ if (_rpt):
+ if (COP_RPT in value):
+ _rpt._header = value[COP_RPT]._header
+ _rpt.write()
def getReport(self):
global _rpt
+ if (_rpt):
+ return _rpt
+ storeOp = self._args.op
+ self._args.op = COP_CREATEJOB
+ result = self.run()
+ if (not result):
+ self._args.op = storeOp
+ return None
+ newOrJobFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), cfg.getValue(CPRJ_NAME, False)) + Report.CJOB_EXT
+ self._args.input = newOrJobFile # skip reinitialiaztion, change the input to point the newly created .orjob file.
+ self._args.op = storeOp
return _rpt if _rpt else None
def init(self):
@@ -3644,7 +4190,7 @@ def init(self):
- _rpt = cfg = til = None # by (default) til extensions or its associated files aren't processed differently.
+ _rpt = cfg = til = None
if (not self._usr_args):
return False
if (isinstance(self._usr_args, argparse.Namespace)):
@@ -3698,10 +4244,10 @@ def init(self):
self._base.getUserConfiguration.setValue(CUSR_TEXT_IN_PATH, '{}{}{}'.format(usrPath, CHASH_DEF_SPLIT_CHAR, usrPathPos))
# ends
# do we need to process (til) files?
- for x in self._base.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CCFG_RASTERS_NODE):
- if (x.lower() == 'til'):
- til = TIL()
- break
+ if ('til' in [x.lower() for x in self._base.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CCFG_RASTERS_NODE)]):
+ til = TIL()
+ if (self._base.getBooleanValue(self._base.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CDEFAULT_TIL_PROCESSING))):
+ til.defaultTILProcessing = True
# ends
return True
@@ -3738,29 +4284,33 @@ def __jobContentCallback(self, line):
setattr(self._args, _key, _hdr[1].strip())
return True
+ @property
+ def isOperationCreateJob(self):
+ if (self._args.op and
+ self._args.op == COP_CREATEJOB): # note (op=={COP_CREATEJOB} is ignored if resume == {CRESUME_ARG_VAL_RETRYALL}
+ if (_rpt):
+ if (CRESUME_ARG in _rpt._header and
+ _rpt._header[CRESUME_ARG].lower() == CRESUME_ARG_VAL_RETRYALL):
+ return False
+ return True
+ return False
def _isLambdaJob(self):
return False
if (self._args.op and
- self._args.op == COP_LAMBDA):
- if (not getBooleanValue(self._args.clouddownload)):
+ self._args.op.startswith(COP_LAMBDA)):
+ if (not self._base.getBooleanValue(self._args.clouddownload)):
_resumeReporter = self._base.getUserConfiguration.getValue(CPRT_HANDLER)
if (_resumeReporter and
not _resumeReporter._isInputHTTP):
return False
- if (getBooleanValue(self._args.cloudupload)):
+ if (self._base.getBooleanValue(self._args.cloudupload)):
return True
return False
def _runLambdaJob(self, jobFile):
# process @ lambda
- try:
- global boto
- import boto
- import boto.sns
- except ImportError as e:
- self._base.message('Err. ({})/Lambda'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
- return False
self._base.message('Using AWS Lambda..')
sns = Lambda(self._base)
if (not sns.initSNS('aws_lambda')):
@@ -3781,10 +4331,12 @@ def run(self):
g_is_generate_report, \
user_args_Callback, \
S3_storage, \
- azure_storage
+ azure_storage, \
+ google_storage
S3_storage = None
azure_storage = None
+ google_storage = None
g_rpt = None
raster_buff = []
@@ -3822,6 +4374,8 @@ def run(self):
_project_path = '{}{}'.format(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self._args.input if self._args.input and self._args.input.lower().endswith(Report.CJOB_EXT) else __file__), project_name), Report.CJOB_EXT)
if (not cfg.getValue(CLOAD_RESTORE_POINT)):
if (os.path.exists(_project_path)):
+ if (self.isOperationCreateJob): # .orobs with -op={createJob} can't be run.
+ return True
# process @ lambda?
if (self._isLambdaJob()):
return(terminate(self._base, eOK if self._runLambdaJob(_project_path) else eFAIL))
@@ -3834,16 +4388,17 @@ def run(self):
# ends
# detect input cloud type
- inAmazon = CCLOUD_AMAZON
- dn_cloud_type = self._args.clouddownloadtype
- if (not dn_cloud_type):
- dn_cloud_type = cfg.getValue(CIN_CLOUD_TYPE, True)
- inAmazon = dn_cloud_type == CCLOUD_AMAZON or not dn_cloud_type
+ cloudDownloadType = self._args.clouddownloadtype
+ if (not cloudDownloadType):
+ cloudDownloadType = cfg.getValue(CIN_CLOUD_TYPE, True)
+ inAmazon = cloudDownloadType == CCLOUD_AMAZON or not cloudDownloadType
+ if (inAmazon):
+ cloudDownloadType = Store.TypeAmazon
# ends
# are we doing input from S3|Azure?
- isinput_s3 = getBooleanValue(self._args.s3input)
+ isinput_s3 = self._base.getBooleanValue(self._args.s3input)
if (self._args.clouddownload):
- isinput_s3 = getBooleanValue(self._args.clouddownload)
+ isinput_s3 = self._base.getBooleanValue(self._args.clouddownload)
# ends
# let's create a restore point
if (not self._args.input or # assume it's a folder from s3/azure
@@ -3858,7 +4413,8 @@ def run(self):
COP_RPT: None,
# ends
# op={COP_COPYONLY} check
@@ -3884,8 +4440,9 @@ def run(self):
self._args.op == COP_UPL or
self._args.op == COP_NOCONVERT or
self._args.op == COP_COPYONLY or
- self._args.op == COP_LAMBDA):
- if (self._args.op == COP_LAMBDA):
+ self._args.op == COP_CREATEJOB or
+ self._args.op.startswith(COP_LAMBDA)):
+ if (self._args.op.startswith(COP_LAMBDA)):
isinput_s3 = self._args.clouddownload = self._args.cloudupload = True # make these cmd-line args (optional) to type at the cmd-line for op={COP_LAMBDA}
cfg.setValue(Lambda.queue_length, self._args.queuelength)
g_rpt = Report(self._base)
@@ -3918,12 +4475,12 @@ def run(self):
# ends
# overwrite (Out_CloudUpload, IncludeSubdirectories) with cmd-line args if defined.
if (self._args.cloudupload or self._args.s3output):
- cfg.setValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD, getBooleanValue(self._args.cloudupload) if self._args.cloudupload else getBooleanValue(self._args.s3output))
+ cfg.setValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD, self._base.getBooleanValue(self._args.cloudupload) if self._args.cloudupload else self._base.getBooleanValue(self._args.s3output))
cfg.setValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD_OLD_KEY, cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))
if (self._args.clouduploadtype):
self._args.clouduploadtype = self._args.clouduploadtype.lower()
cfg.setValue(COUT_CLOUD_TYPE, self._args.clouduploadtype)
- is_cloud_upload = getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD)) if cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD) else getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD_OLD_KEY))
+ is_cloud_upload = self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD)) if cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD) else self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD_OLD_KEY))
if (is_cloud_upload):
if (self._args.output.startswith('/')): # remove any leading '/' for http -output
self._args.output = self._args.output[1:]
@@ -3954,7 +4511,7 @@ def run(self):
is_output_temp = False
if (not self._args.tempoutput):
if (self._args.op and
- self._args.op == COP_LAMBDA):
+ self._args.op.startswith(COP_LAMBDA)):
self._args.tempoutput = '/tmp/' # -tempoutput is not required when -cloudupload=true with -op=lambda.
# This is to suppress warnings or false alarms when reusing the .orjob file without the # -tempoutput key in header with the -clouduplaod=true.
if (self._args.tempoutput):
@@ -3966,7 +4523,7 @@ def run(self):
(self._args.op and
self._args.op != COP_UPL) and
self._args.op and
- self._args.op != COP_LAMBDA):
+ not self._args.op.startswith(COP_LAMBDA)):
except Exception as exp:
self._base.message('Unable to create the -tempoutput path (%s)\n[%s]' % (self._args.tempoutput, str(exp)), self._base.const_critical_text)
@@ -3983,13 +4540,10 @@ def run(self):
cfg.setValue(CCFG_PRIVATE_INC_BOTO, True)
- global boto
- import boto
- import boto.sns
- from boto.s3.key import Key
- from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
+ global boto3
+ import boto3
- self._base.message('\n%s requires the (boto) module to run its S3 specific operations. Please install (boto) for python.' % (self.__program_name__), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ self._base.message('\n%s requires the (boto3) module to run its S3 specific operations. Please install (boto3) for python.' % (self.__program_name__), self._base.const_critical_text)
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
# ends
# take care of missing -input and -output if -clouddownload==True
@@ -4118,14 +4672,14 @@ def run(self):
s3_secret = cfg.getValue('Out_S3_Secret', False)
err_init_msg = 'Unable to initialize the ({}) upload module! Check module setup/credentials. Quitting..'
- if (getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))):
+ if (self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD))):
if (cfg.getValue(COUT_CLOUD_TYPE, True) == CCLOUD_AMAZON):
if ((s3_output is None and self._args.output is None)):
self._base.message('Empty/Invalid values detected for keys in the ({}) beginning with (Out_S3|Out_S3_ID|Out_S3_Secret|Out_S3_AWS_ProfileName) or values for command-line args (-outputprofile)'.format(self._args.config), self._base.const_critical_text)
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
# instance of upload storage.
S3_storage = S3Storage(self._base)
- if (self._args.output is not None):
+ if (self._args.output):
s3_output = self._args.output
cfg.setValue(COUT_S3_PARENTFOLDER, s3_output)
# do we overwrite the output_bucekt_name with cmd-line?
@@ -4137,14 +4691,15 @@ def run(self):
self._base.message(err_init_msg.format('S3'), const_critical_text)
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
S3_storage.inputPath = self._args.output
- cfg.setValue(COUT_VSICURL_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}{}'.format(S3_storage.bucketupload.generate_url(0).split('?')[0].replace('https', 'http'),
+ domain = S3_storage.con.meta.client.generate_presigned_url('get_object', Params={'Bucket': S3_storage.m_bucketname, 'Key': ' '}).split('%20?')[0]
+ cfg.setValue(COUT_VSICURL_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}{}'.format(domain.replace('https', 'http'),
cfg.getValue(COUT_S3_PARENTFOLDER, False)) if not S3_storage._isBucketPublic else
'/vsicurl/http://{}.{}/{}'.format(S3_storage.m_bucketname, CINOUT_S3_DEFAULT_DOMAIN, cfg.getValue(COUT_S3_PARENTFOLDER, False)))
# ends
elif (cfg.getValue(COUT_CLOUD_TYPE, True) == CCLOUD_AZURE):
_account_name = cfg.getValue(COUT_AZURE_ACCOUNTNAME, False)
_account_key = cfg.getValue(COUT_AZURE_ACCOUNTKEY, False)
- _container = cfg.getValue(COUT_AZURE_CONTAINER) # Azure container names will be lowercased.
+ _container = cfg.getValue(COUT_AZURE_CONTAINER)
_out_profile = cfg.getValue(COUT_AZURE_PROFILENAME, False)
if (self._args.outputbucket):
_container = self._args.outputbucket
@@ -4162,15 +4717,33 @@ def run(self):
if (not azure_storage.init()):
self._base.message(err_init_msg.format(CCLOUD_AZURE.capitalize()), self._base.const_critical_text)
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
- cfg.setValue(COUT_VSICURL_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}{}'.format('http://{}.blob.core.windows.net/{}/'.format(azure_storage.getAccountName, _container),
+ cfg.setValue(COUT_VSICURL_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}{}'.format('http://{}.{}/{}/'.format(azure_storage.getAccountName, Azure.DefaultDomain, _container),
self._args.output if self._args.output else cfg.getValue(COUT_S3_PARENTFOLDER, False)))
+ elif (cfg.getValue(COUT_CLOUD_TYPE, True) == Store.TypeGoogle):
+ _bucket = cfg.getValue(COUT_GOOGLE_BUCKET) # bucket name
+ _out_profile = cfg.getValue(COUT_GOOGLE_PROFILENAME, False)
+ if (self._args.outputbucket):
+ _bucket = self._args.outputbucket
+ cfg.setValue(COUT_GOOGLE_BUCKET, self._args.outputbucket.lower()) # lowercased
+ if (self._args.outputprofile):
+ _out_profile = self._args.outputprofile
+ cfg.setValue(COUT_GOOGLE_PROFILENAME, _out_profile)
+ if (not _out_profile or
+ not _bucket):
+ self._base.message('Empty/Invalid values detected for keys ({}/{})'.format(COUT_GOOGLE_BUCKET, COUT_GOOGLE_PROFILENAME), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
+ google_storage = Google(None, '', '', _out_profile, self._base)
+ if (not google_storage.init(_bucket)):
+ self._base.message(err_init_msg.format(Store.TypeGoogle.capitalize()), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
+ cfg.setValue(COUT_VSICURL_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}/{}'.format('{}{}'.format(Google.DafaultStorageDomain, _bucket), self._args.output if self._args.output else cfg.getValue(COUT_GOOGLE_PARENTFOLDER, False)))
- self._base.message('Invalid value for ({})'.format(COUT_CLOUD_TYPE), const_critical_text)
+ self._base.message('Invalid value for ({})'.format(COUT_CLOUD_TYPE), self._base.const_critical_text)
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
user_args_Callback = {
- USR_ARG_UPLOAD: getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD)),
- USR_ARG_DEL: getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(COUT_DELETE_AFTER_UPLOAD))
+ USR_ARG_UPLOAD: self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD)),
+ USR_ARG_DEL: self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(COUT_DELETE_AFTER_UPLOAD))
# ends
cpy = Copy(self._base)
@@ -4205,7 +4778,7 @@ def run(self):
CONST_CPY_ERR_1 = 'Unable to process input data/(Copy) module!'
# keep original-source-ext
- cfg_keep_original_ext = getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue('KeepExtension'))
+ cfg_keep_original_ext = self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue('KeepExtension'))
cfg_threads = cfg.getValue('Threads')
msg_threads = 'Thread-count invalid/undefined, resetting to default'
@@ -4224,14 +4797,34 @@ def run(self):
in_s3_parent = cfg.getValue(CIN_S3_PARENTFOLDER, False)
in_s3_profile_name = self._args.inputprofile
if (not in_s3_profile_name):
- in_s3_profile_name = cfg.getValue('In_S3_AWS_ProfileName' if inAmazon else 'In_Azure_ProfileName', False)
+ inputProfileKeyToRead = {
+ Store.TypeAmazon: 'In_S3_AWS_ProfileName',
+ Store.TypeAzure: 'In_Azure_ProfileName',
+ Store.TypeGoogle: 'In_Google_ProfileName'
+ }
+ in_s3_profile_name = cfg.getValue(inputProfileKeyToRead[cloudDownloadType], False)
if (in_s3_profile_name):
cfg.setValue('In_S3_AWS_ProfileName', in_s3_profile_name)
- in_s3_id = cfg.getValue('In_S3_ID' if inAmazon else 'In_Azure_AccountName', False)
- in_s3_secret = cfg.getValue('In_S3_Secret' if inAmazon else 'In_Azure_AccountKey', False)
+ inputClientIdKeyToRead = {
+ Store.TypeAmazon: 'In_S3_ID',
+ Store.TypeAzure: 'In_Azure_AccountName',
+ Store.TypeGoogle: None
+ }
+ inputClientSecretKeyToRead = {
+ Store.TypeAmazon: 'In_S3_Secret',
+ Store.TypeAzure: 'In_Azure_AccountKey',
+ Store.TypeGoogle: None
+ }
+ in_s3_id = cfg.getValue(inputClientIdKeyToRead[cloudDownloadType], False)
+ in_s3_secret = cfg.getValue(inputClientSecretKeyToRead[cloudDownloadType], False)
in_s3_bucket = self._args.inputbucket
if (not in_s3_bucket):
- in_s3_bucket = cfg.getValue('In_S3_Bucket' if inAmazon else 'In_Azure_Container', False)
+ inputBucketKeyToRead = {
+ Store.TypeAmazon: 'In_S3_Bucket',
+ Store.TypeAzure: 'In_Azure_Container',
+ Store.TypeGoogle: 'In_Google_Bucket'
+ }
+ in_s3_bucket = cfg.getValue(inputBucketKeyToRead[cloudDownloadType], False)
if (in_s3_parent is None or
in_s3_bucket is None):
self._base.message('Invalid/empty value(s) found in node(s) [In_S3_ParentFolder, In_S3_Bucket]', self._base.const_critical_text)
@@ -4242,30 +4835,31 @@ def run(self):
not in_s3_parent.lower().endswith(Report.CJOB_EXT)):
in_s3_parent = in_s3_parent[1:]
cfg.setValue(CIN_S3_PARENTFOLDER, in_s3_parent)
- if (inAmazon):
+ if (cloudDownloadType == Store.TypeAmazon):
o_S3_storage = S3Storage(self._base)
ret = o_S3_storage.init(in_s3_parent, in_s3_id, in_s3_secret, CS3STORAGE_IN)
if (not ret):
self._base.message('Unable to initialize S3-storage! Quitting..', self._base.const_critical_text)
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
- if (str(o_S3_storage.bucketupload.connection).lower().endswith('.ecstestdrive.com')): # handles EMC namespace cloud urls differently
- cfg.setValue(CIN_S3_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/http://{}.public.ecstestdrive.com/{}/'.format(
- o_S3_storage.bucketupload.connection.aws_access_key_id.split('@')[0], o_S3_storage.m_bucketname))
+ if (str(o_S3_storage.con.meta.client._endpoint.host).lower().endswith('.ecstestdrive.com')): # handles EMC namespace cloud urls differently # need a fix in boto3
+ cfg.setValue(CIN_S3_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/http://{}.public.ecstestdrive.com/{}/'.format( # bucketupload.connection has been set to .name for now.
+ o_S3_storage.CAWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.split('@')[0], o_S3_storage.m_bucketname))
else: # for all other standard cloud urls
- cfg.setValue(CIN_S3_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}'.format(o_S3_storage.bucketupload.generate_url(0).split('?')[0]).replace('https', 'http') if not o_S3_storage._isBucketPublic else
+ domain = o_S3_storage.con.meta.client.generate_presigned_url('get_object', Params={'Bucket': o_S3_storage.m_bucketname, 'Key': ' '}).split('%20?')[0]
+ cfg.setValue(CIN_S3_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}'.format(domain.replace('https', 'http')) if not o_S3_storage._isBucketPublic else
'/vsicurl/http://{}.{}/'.format(o_S3_storage.m_bucketname, CINOUT_S3_DEFAULT_DOMAIN)) # vsicurl doesn't like 'https'
o_S3_storage.inputPath = self._args.output
if (not o_S3_storage.getS3Content(o_S3_storage.remote_path, o_S3_storage.S3_copy_to_local, exclude_callback)):
self._base.message('Unable to read S3-Content', self._base.const_critical_text)
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
- else:
+ elif (cloudDownloadType == Store.TypeAzure):
# let's do (Azure) init
in_azure_storage = Azure(in_s3_id, in_s3_secret, in_s3_profile_name, self._base)
if (not in_azure_storage.init() or
not in_azure_storage.getAccountName):
self._base.message('({}) download initialization error. Check input credentials/profile name. Quitting..'.format(CCLOUD_AZURE.capitalize()), self._base.const_critical_text)
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
- in_azure_storage._include_subFolders = getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue('IncludeSubdirectories'))
+ in_azure_storage._include_subFolders = self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue('IncludeSubdirectories'))
_restored = cfg.getValue(CLOAD_RESTORE_POINT)
_azParent = self._args.input
if (not _restored):
@@ -4275,7 +4869,7 @@ def run(self):
if (not _azParent.endswith('/')):
_azParent += '/'
cfg.setValue(CIN_AZURE_PARENTFOLDER, _azParent)
- cfg.setValue(CIN_S3_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}'.format('http://{}.blob.core.windows.net/{}/'.format(in_azure_storage.getAccountName, cfg.getValue('In_S3_Bucket'))))
+ cfg.setValue(CIN_S3_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}'.format('http://{}.{}/{}/'.format(in_azure_storage.getAccountName, Azure.DefaultDomain, cfg.getValue('In_S3_Bucket'))))
if (not in_azure_storage.browseContent(in_s3_bucket, _azParent, in_azure_storage.copyToLocal, exclude_callback)):
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
if (not _restored):
@@ -4283,6 +4877,30 @@ def run(self):
if (_files):
for f in _files:
+ elif (cloudDownloadType == Store.TypeGoogle):
+ inGoogleStorage = Google(None, in_s3_id, in_s3_secret, in_s3_profile_name, self._base)
+ if (not inGoogleStorage.init(in_s3_bucket)):
+ self._base.message('({}) download initialization error. Check input credentials/profile name. Quitting..'.format(Store.TypeGoogle.capitalize()), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
+ inGoogleStorage._include_subFolders = self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue('IncludeSubdirectories'))
+ restored = cfg.getValue(CLOAD_RESTORE_POINT)
+ gsParent = self._args.input
+ if (not restored):
+ inGoogleStorage._mode = inGoogleStorage.CMODE_SCAN_ONLY
+ else:
+ gsParent = '/' if not _rpt else _rpt.root
+ if (not gsParent.endswith('/')):
+ gsParent += '/'
+ cfg.setValue(CIN_GOOGLE_PARENTFOLDER, gsParent)
+ cfg.setValue(CIN_S3_PREFIX, '/vsicurl/{}'.format('{}{}/'.format(Google.DafaultStorageDomain, self._args.inputbucket)))
+ if (not inGoogleStorage.browseContent(in_s3_bucket, gsParent, inGoogleStorage.copyToLocal, exclude_callback)):
+ return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
+ if (not restored):
+ _files = inGoogleStorage.getBrowseContent()
+ if (_files):
+ for f in _files:
+ fn_collect_input_files(f)
+ pass
# ends
# ends
# control flow if conversions required.
@@ -4290,7 +4908,7 @@ def run(self):
if (not isinput_s3 and
not self._args.input.lower().startswith('http') and
not cfg_mode == BundleMaker.CMODE):
- ret = cpy.init(self._args.input, self._args.tempoutput if is_output_temp and getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD)) else self._args.output, list, callbacks, cfg)
+ ret = cpy.init(self._args.input, self._args.tempoutput if is_output_temp and self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CCLOUD_UPLOAD)) else self._args.output, list, callbacks, cfg)
if (not ret):
self._base.message(CONST_CPY_ERR_0, self._base.const_critical_text)
return(terminate(self._base, eFAIL))
@@ -4330,8 +4948,8 @@ def run(self):
if (g_is_generate_report and
for req in files:
- _src = '{}{}{}'.format(req['src'], '/' if req['src'] and not req['src'].replace('\\', '/').endswith('/') else '', req['f'])
- if (getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))):
+ _src = '{}{}{}'.format(req['src'], '/' if not req['src'].replace('\\', '/').endswith('/') else '', req['f'])
+ if (self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))):
_tempinput = cfg.getValue(CTEMPINPUT, False)
_tempinput = _tempinput[:-1] if _tempinput.endswith('/') and not self._args.input.endswith('/') else _tempinput
_src = _src.replace(_tempinput, self._args.input)
@@ -4340,6 +4958,16 @@ def run(self):
for arg in vars(self._args):
g_rpt.addHeader(arg, getattr(self._args, arg))
+ if (self.isOperationCreateJob):
+ _rpt = Report(self._base)
+ createdOrjob = cfg.getValue(CPRJ_NAME, False)
+ if (not createdOrjob.lower().endswith(Report.CJOB_EXT)):
+ createdOrjob += Report.CJOB_EXT
+ if (not _rpt.init(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), createdOrjob)) or
+ not _rpt.read()): # not checked for return.
+ self._base.message('Unable to init/read (Report/job/op/createJob)', self._base.const_critical_text)
+ return False
+ return True
# process @ lambda?
if (self._isLambdaJob()):
return(terminate(self._base, eOK if self._runLambdaJob(g_rpt._report_file) else eFAIL))
@@ -4377,11 +5005,32 @@ def run(self):
t = threading.Thread(target=bundleMaker.run)
- t = threading.Thread(target=comp.compress,
- args=(input_file, output_file, args_Callback, _build_pyramids, self._base.S3Upl if is_cloud_upload else fn_copy_temp_dst if is_output_temp and not is_cloud_upload else None, user_args_Callback))
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- threads.append(t)
+ doProcessRaster = True
+ if (til is not None and
+ til.defaultTILProcessing and
+ til.fileTILRelated(os.path.basename(input_file))):
+ doProcessRaster = False # skip processing individual rasters/tiffs referenced by the .til files. Ask GDAL to process .til without any custom OR logic involved.
+ if (not isinput_s3):
+ processedPath = output_file
+ if (self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CISTEMPOUTPUT))):
+ if (not is_cloud_upload):
+ processedPath = processedPath.replace(req['dst'], self._args.output)
+ if (self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(CISTEMPINPUT))):
+ try:
+ shutil.move(input_file, processedPath)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message('TIL/[MV] ({})->({})\n{}'.format(input_file, processedPath, str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ else:
+ try:
+ shutil.copy(input_file, processedPath)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message('TIL/[CPY] ({})->({})\n{}'.format(input_file, processedPath, str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ if (doProcessRaster):
+ t = threading.Thread(target=comp.compress,
+ args=(input_file, output_file, args_Callback, _build_pyramids, self._base.S3Upl if is_cloud_upload else fn_copy_temp_dst if is_output_temp and not is_cloud_upload else None, user_args_Callback))
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ threads.append(t)
for t in threads:
# process til file if all the associate files have been processed
@@ -4401,19 +5050,30 @@ def run(self):
if (not til_output_path):
self._base.message('TIL output-path returned empty/Internal error', self._base.const_warning_text)
- ret = comp.createaOverview(til_output_path)
- if (not ret):
- self._base.message('Unable to build pyramids on ({})'.format(til_output_path), self._base.const_warning_text)
- continue
- ret = comp.compress('{}.ovr'.format(til_output_path), '{}.mrf'.format(til_output_path), args_Callback)
+ if (not til.defaultTILProcessing):
+ ret = comp.createaOverview(til_output_path)
+ if (not ret):
+ self._base.message('Unable to build pyramids on ({})'.format(til_output_path), self._base.const_warning_text)
+ continue
+ tilOutputExtension = 'mrf'
+ tilsInfoKey = _til.lower() # keys in TIL._tils_info are in lowercase.
+ ret = comp.compress('{}{}'.format(til_output_path, '.ovr' if not til.defaultTILProcessing else ''), '{}.{}'.format(til_output_path, tilOutputExtension), args_Callback)
if (not ret):
self._base.message('Unable to convert (til.ovr=>til.mrf) for file ({}.ovr)'.format(til_output_path), self._base.const_warning_text)
- _rpt.updateRecordStatus(_til, CRPT_PROCESSED, CRPT_YES)
- # let's rename (.mrf) => (.ovr)
- os.remove('{}.ovr'.format(til_output_path))
- os.rename('{}.mrf'.format(til_output_path), '{}.ovr'.format(til_output_path))
+ if (til.defaultTILProcessing): # remove all the internally referenced (raster/tiff) files by the .TIL file that are no longer needed post conversion.
+ for associate in til._tils_info[tilsInfoKey][TIL.CKEY_FILES]:
+ processedPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(til_output_path), associate)
+ try:
+ os.remove(processedPath)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message(str(e), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ continue
+ else:
+ # let's rename (.mrf) => (.ovr)
+ os.remove('{}.ovr'.format(til_output_path))
+ os.rename('{}.mrf'.format(til_output_path), '{}.ovr'.format(til_output_path))
except Exception as e:
self._base.message('({})'.format(str(e)), self._base.const_warning_text)
@@ -4446,20 +5106,21 @@ def run(self):
if (failed_upl_lst):
[retry_failed_lst.append(_x['local']) for _x in failed_upl_lst['upl']]
# let's delete all the associate files related to (TIL) files.
- (p, n) = os.path.split(til_output_path)
- for r, d, f in os.walk(p):
- for file in f:
- if (r != p):
- continue
- mk_filename = os.path.join(r, file).replace('\\', '/')
- if (til.fileTILRelated(mk_filename)):
- if (mk_filename in retry_failed_lst): # Don't delete files included in the (failed upload list)
+ if (self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue(COUT_DELETE_AFTER_UPLOAD))):
+ (p, n) = os.path.split(til_output_path)
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(p):
+ for file in f:
+ if (r != p):
- try:
- self._base.message('[Del] {}'.format(mk_filename))
- os.remove(mk_filename)
- except Exception as e:
- self._base.message('[Del] Err. {} ({})'.format(mk_filename, str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
+ mk_filename = os.path.join(r, file).replace('\\', '/')
+ if (til.fileTILRelated(mk_filename)):
+ if (mk_filename in retry_failed_lst): # Don't delete files included in the (failed upload list)
+ continue
+ try:
+ self._base.message('[Del] {}'.format(mk_filename))
+ os.remove(mk_filename)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self._base.message('[Del] Err. {} ({})'.format(mk_filename, str(e)), self._base.const_critical_text)
# ends
# ends
# ends
@@ -4627,7 +5288,8 @@ def run(self):
if (_status == eOK):
if (self._base.getMessageHandler and
- not _rpt.moveJobFileToPath(self._base.getMessageHandler.logFolder)):
+ (not self._base.getBooleanValue(cfg.getValue('KeepLogFile')) and
+ not _rpt.moveJobFileToPath(self._base.getMessageHandler.logFolder))):
_status = eFAIL
# ends
@@ -4638,10 +5300,10 @@ def threadProxyRaster(req, base, comp, args):
_user_config = base.getUserConfiguration
(input_file, output_file) = getInputOutput(req['src'], req['dst'], req['f'], args.clouddownload)
(f, ext) = os.path.splitext(req['f'])
- if (not getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue('KeepExtension'))):
+ if (not base.getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue('KeepExtension'))):
output_file = output_file.replace(ext, CONST_OUTPUT_EXT)
finalPath = output_file
- is_output_temp = getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPOUTPUT))
+ is_output_temp = base.getBooleanValue(_user_config.getValue(CISTEMPOUTPUT))
if (is_output_temp):
finalPath = output_file.replace(args.tempoutput, args.output)
cfg_mode = _user_config.getValue('Mode')
@@ -4655,7 +5317,7 @@ def threadProxyRaster(req, base, comp, args):
_dn_vsicurl_ = input_file.split(CVSICURL_PREFIX)[1]
file_url = None
- file_url = urllib2.urlopen(_dn_vsicurl_)
+ file_url = urllib.urlopen(_dn_vsicurl_)
bytesAtHeader = file_url.read(sigMRFLength)
except Exception as e:
base.message(str(e), base.const_critical_text)
@@ -4715,13 +5377,13 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('-tempoutput', help='Path to output converted rasters before moving to (-output) path. {} This is only required if -cloudupload is (true)'.format(optional), dest=CTEMPOUTPUT)
parser.add_argument('-clouddownload', help='Is -input a cloud storage? [true/false: default:false]', dest='clouddownload')
parser.add_argument('-cloudupload', help='Is -output a cloud storage? [true/false]', dest='cloudupload')
- parser.add_argument('-clouduploadtype', choices=['amazon', 'azure'], help='Upload Cloud Type [amazon/azure]', dest='clouduploadtype')
- parser.add_argument('-clouddownloadtype', choices=['amazon', 'azure'], help='Download Cloud Type [amazon/azure]', dest='clouddownloadtype')
+ parser.add_argument('-clouduploadtype', choices=['amazon', 'azure', 'google'], help='Upload Cloud Type [amazon/azure]', dest='clouduploadtype')
+ parser.add_argument('-clouddownloadtype', choices=['amazon', 'azure', 'google'], help='Download Cloud Type [amazon/azure/google]', dest='clouddownloadtype')
parser.add_argument('-inputprofile', help='Input cloud profile name with credentials', dest='inputprofile')
parser.add_argument('-outputprofile', help='Output cloud profile name with credentials', dest='outputprofile')
parser.add_argument('-inputbucket', help='Input cloud bucket/container name', dest='inputbucket')
parser.add_argument('-outputbucket', help='Output cloud bucket/container name', dest='outputbucket')
- parser.add_argument('-op', help='Utility operation mode [upload/noconvert/lambda]', dest='op')
+ parser.add_argument('-op', help='Utility operation mode [{}/{}/{}/{}/{}]'.format(COP_UPL, COP_NOCONVERT, COP_LAMBDA, COP_COPYONLY, COP_CREATEJOB), dest=Report.CHDR_OP)
parser.add_argument('-job', help='Name output job/log-prefix file name', dest='job')
parser.add_argument('-hashkey', help='Hashkey for encryption to use in output paths for cloud storage. e.g. -hashkey=random@1. This will insert the encrypted text using the -hashkey (\'random\') as the first folder name for the output path', dest=CUSR_TEXT_IN_PATH)
parser.add_argument('-rasterproxypath', help='{} Path to auto-generate raster proxy files during the conversion process'.format(optional), dest='rasterproxypath')
diff --git a/OptimizeRasters.pyt b/OptimizeRasters.pyt
index 8ffa80f..d551abe 100644
--- a/OptimizeRasters.pyt
+++ b/OptimizeRasters.pyt
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# Name: OptimizeRasters.pyt
# Description: UI for OptimizeRasters
-# Version: 20170228
+# Version: 20170525
# Requirements: ArcMap / gdal_translate / gdaladdo
# Required Arguments:optTemplates, inType, inprofiles, inBucket, inPath, outType
# outprofiles, outBucket, outPath
@@ -28,11 +28,17 @@ from arcpy import env
import sys, os
import subprocess
import time
-import ConfigParser
+if (sys.version_info[0] < 3):
+ import ConfigParser
+ import configparser as ConfigParser
from xml.dom import minidom
from datetime import datetime
templateinUse = None
+AzureRoot = '.OptimizeRasters/Microsoft'
+GoogleRoot = '.OptimizeRasters/Google'
+AwsRoot = '.aws'
def returnDate():
sDate = str(datetime.date(datetime.today())).replace('-', '')
@@ -105,71 +111,58 @@ def setPaths(xFname,values):
rootPath = 'OptimizeRasters/Defaults/'
xfName2 = os.path.normpath(xFname)
doc = minidom.parse(xfName2)
for keyValueList in values:
aKey = keyValueList[0]
aVal = keyValueList[1]
pathtoreplace = rootPath+aKey
if 'UserTemplates' in xFname:
if overExisting == True:
fnToWrite = xfName2
asuffix = returnDate()
fnToWrite = xfName2.replace('.xml','_'+asuffix+'.xml')
selfscriptpath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
userLoc = os.path.join(selfscriptpath,'UserTemplates')
if os.path.exists(userLoc) == False:
baseName = os.path.basename(xFname)
asuffix = returnDate()
baseName = baseName.replace('.xml','_'+asuffix+'.xml')
fnToWrite = os.path.join(userLoc,baseName)
c = open(fnToWrite, "w")
return fnToWrite
def returnPaths(xFname):
keyList = ['Mode','RasterFormatFilter','ExcludeFilter','IncludeSubdirectories','Compression','Quality','LERCPrecision','BuildPyramids','PyramidFactor','PyramidSampling','PyramidCompression','NoDataValue','BlockSize','Scale','KeepExtension','Threads', 'Op']
xfName2 = os.path.normpath(xFname)
+ if (not os.path.exists(xfName2)):
+ return None
doc = minidom.parse(xfName2)
valueList = []
for key in keyList:
nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName(key)
for node in nodes:
if node.firstChild !=None:
aVal = node.firstChild.data
aVal = ''
return ([keyList,valueList])
def attchValues(toolcontrol,allValues):
keylist = allValues[0]
valList = allValues[1]
toolcontrol.value = valList
def returnTempFolder():
templiist = []
for tt in templiist:
tempVal = os.getenv(tt)
if tempVal is not None:
@@ -177,21 +170,25 @@ def returnTempFolder():
def config_Init(parentfolder,filename):
+ if (not parentfolder or
+ not filename):
+ return None
global config
global awsfile
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
homedrive = os.getenv('HOMEDRIVE')
homepath = os.getenv('HOMEPATH')
homefolder = os.path.join(homedrive,homepath)
awsfolder = os.path.join(homefolder,parentfolder)
+ if (filename == '*.json'): # google cs filter
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(awsfolder):
+ for service in f:
+ config.add_section(os.path.join(r,service).replace('\\', '/'))
+ break
+ return config
awsfile = os.path.join(awsfolder,filename)
if os.path.exists(awsfile) == True:
- print awsfile
+ print (awsfile)
@@ -200,30 +197,29 @@ def config_Init(parentfolder,filename):
if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(awsfile)) == False:
mode = 'w+'
tmpFile = open(awsfile, mode)
with open(awsfile, mode) as tmpFIle:
return config
-def config_writeSections(configfileName,peAction,section,option1,value1,option2,value2):
- if peAction == 'Overwrite Existing':
+def config_writeSections(configfileName,peAction,section,option1,value1,option2,value2,option3,value3):
+ peAction_ = peAction.lower()
+ if peAction_ == 'overwrite existing':
appConfig = config
mode = 'w'
- elif peAction == 'Delete Existing':
+ elif peAction_ == 'delete existing':
mode = 'w'
with open(configfileName, mode) as configfile:
- configfile.close
return True
appConfig = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
mode = 'a'
# let's validate the credentials before writing out.
- if (peAction.lower().startswith('overwrite') or # update existing or add new but ignore for del.
+ if (peAction_.startswith('overwrite') or # update existing or add new but ignore for del.
mode == 'a'):
import OptimizeRasters
@@ -239,24 +235,30 @@ def config_writeSections(configfileName,peAction,section,option1,value1,option2,
if (not ret):
[arcpy.AddError(i) for i in profileEditorUI.errors]
return False
- # ends
+ # ends
- appConfig.set(section, option1, value1)
- appConfig.set(section, option2, value2)
+ isIAMRole = section.lower().startswith('iamrole:')
+ if (not isIAMRole): # if not IAM role, write out the credential key pair
+ appConfig.set(section, option1, value1)
+ appConfig.set(section, option2, value2)
+ if (value3):
+ appConfig.set(section, option3, value3.strip())
with open(configfileName, mode) as configfile:
- configfile.close
return True
def getAvailableBuckets(ctlProfileType, ctlProfileName):
import OptimizeRasters
if (ctlProfileType.valueAsText):
- storageType = OptimizeRasters.CCLOUD_AMAZON
- if (ctlProfileType.valueAsText.lower().startswith('local')):
+ inputSourceType = ctlProfileType.valueAsText.lower()
+ storageType = OptimizeRasters.Store.TypeAmazon
+ if (inputSourceType.startswith('local')):
return []
- elif (ctlProfileType.valueAsText.lower().find('azure') != -1):
- storageType = OptimizeRasters.CCLOUD_AZURE
+ elif (inputSourceType.find('azure') != -1):
+ storageType = OptimizeRasters.Store.TypeAzure
+ elif (inputSourceType.find('google') != -1):
+ storageType = OptimizeRasters.Store.TypeGoogle
ORUI = OptimizeRasters.OptimizeRastersUI(ctlProfileName.value, storageType)
if (not ORUI):
raise Exception()
@@ -271,11 +273,9 @@ class Toolbox(object):
.pyt file)."""
self.label = "Toolbox"
self.alias = ""
# List of tool classes associated with this toolbox
self.tools = [OptimizeRasters,ProfileEditor,ResumeJobs]
class ResumeJobs(object):
def __init__(self):
"""Define the tool (tool name is the name of the class)."""
@@ -283,11 +283,8 @@ class ResumeJobs(object):
self.description = ""
self.canRunInBackground = True
self.tool = 'ProfileEditor'
-# self.UI = UI()
- pass
def getParameterInfo(self):
pendingJobs = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Pending Jobs",
@@ -327,7 +324,6 @@ class ResumeJobs(object):
arcpy.AddError('Err. OptimizeRasters job file ({}) is not found!'.format(configFN));
return False
args['input'] = configFN
# let's run (OptimizeRasters)
import OptimizeRasters
app = OptimizeRasters.Application(args)
@@ -345,8 +341,7 @@ class ProfileEditor(object):
self.description = ""
self.canRunInBackground = True
self.tool = 'ProfileEditor'
-# self.UI = UI()
- pass
def getParameterInfo(self):
profileType = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Profile Type",
@@ -366,6 +361,13 @@ class ProfileEditor(object):
#profileName.value = 'or_public_in'
+ iAmRolePara = arcpy.Parameter(
+ displayName="IAM Role Profile",
+ name="iAmRolePara",
+ datatype="GPBoolean",
+ parameterType="Optional",
+ direction="Input")
accessKey = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Access/Account Key ID",
@@ -380,6 +382,13 @@ class ProfileEditor(object):
+ imRoleURL= arcpy.Parameter(
+ displayName="Endpoint URL",
+ name="imRoleURL",
+ datatype="GPString",
+ parameterType="Optional",
+ direction="Input")
action = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Editor Option",
@@ -392,34 +401,47 @@ class ProfileEditor(object):
action.value = 'Overwrite Existing'
action.enabled = False
- parameters = [profileType,profileName,accessKey,secretAccessKey,action]
+ iAmRolePara.value = False
+ parameters = [profileType,profileName,iAmRolePara,accessKey,secretAccessKey,imRoleURL,action]
return parameters
def updateParameters(self, parameters):
+ isIAMRole = parameters[2].value
if parameters[0].altered == True:
pType = parameters[0].valueAsText
if pType == 'Amazon S3':
- pFolder = '.aws'
+ pFolder = AwsRoot
pfileName = 'credentials'
elif pType == 'Microsoft Azure':
- pFolder = '.OptimizeRasters'
+ pFolder = AzureRoot
pfileName = 'azure_credentials'
if parameters[1].altered == True:
pName = parameters[1].valueAsText
- if (config.has_section(pName)):
- parameters[4].enabled = True
+ if (config.has_section('{}{}'.format('iamrole:' if isIAMRole else '', pName))):
+ parameters[6].enabled = True
- parameters[4].enabled = False
- if parameters[4].enabled == True:
- if parameters[2].value == None :
- parameters[2].value = 'None'
+ parameters[6].enabled = False
+ if parameters[6].enabled == True:
+ pass
if parameters[3].value == None :
parameters[3].value = 'None'
+ if parameters[4].value == None :
+ parameters[4].value = 'None'
- if parameters[2].value == 'None' :
- parameters[2].value = ''
+ pass
if parameters[3].value == 'None' :
parameters[3].value = ''
+ if parameters[4].value == 'None' :
+ parameters[4].value = ''
+ parameters[3].enabled = not isIAMRole # access_key
+ parameters[4].enabled = not isIAMRole # secret_key
+ if isIAMRole == True:
+ if parameters[3].valueAsText == '' or parameters[3].value == None:
+ parameters[3].value = 'None'
+ if parameters[4].valueAsText == '' or parameters[4].value == None:
+ parameters[4].value = 'None'
def updateMessages(self, parameters):
if parameters[0].altered == True:
pType = parameters[0].valueAsText
@@ -428,42 +450,57 @@ class ProfileEditor(object):
if parameters[1].altered == True:
pType = parameters[0].valueAsText
pName = parameters[1].valueAsText
+ if (parameters[1] == True):
+ pName = 'iamrole:'+pName
if (config.has_section(pName)):
parameters[1].setWarningMessage('Profile name already exists. Select the appropriate action.')
def isLicensed(parameters):
"""Set whether tool is licensed to execute."""
return True
def execute(self, parameters, messages):
pType = parameters[0].valueAsText
homedrive = os.getenv('HOMEDRIVE')
homepath = os.getenv('HOMEPATH')
homefolder = os.path.join(homedrive,homepath)
if pType == 'Amazon S3':
- pFolder = '.aws'
+ pFolder = AwsRoot
pfileName = 'credentials'
option1 = 'aws_access_key_id'
option2 = 'aws_secret_access_key'
+ option3 = 'aws_endpoint_url'
elif pType == 'Microsoft Azure':
- pFolder = '.OptimizeRasters'
+ pFolder = AzureRoot
pfileName = 'azure_credentials'
option1 = 'azure_account_name'
option2 = 'azure_account_key'
+ option3 = 'azure_endpoint_url'
awsfolder = os.path.join(homefolder,pFolder)
#awsfile = os.path.join(awsfolder,pfileName)
pName = parameters[1].valueAsText
- accessKeyID = parameters[2].valueAsText
- accessSeceretKey = parameters[3].valueAsText
- if parameters[4].enabled == False:
+ if parameters[6].enabled == False:
peAction = ''
- peAction = parameters[4].valueAsText
- config_writeSections(awsfile,peAction,pName,option1,accessKeyID,option2,accessSeceretKey)
+ peAction = parameters[6].valueAsText
+ if parameters[2].value == False:
+ accessKeyID = parameters[3].valueAsText
+ accessSeceretKey = parameters[4].valueAsText
+ else:
+ pName = 'iamrole:'+ pName
+ option1 = None
+ accessKeyID = ''
+ option2 = None
+ accessSeceretKey = ''
+ endPointURL = parameters[5].valueAsText
+ config_writeSections(awsfile,peAction,pName,option1,accessKeyID,option2,accessSeceretKey,option3,endPointURL)
class OptimizeRasters(object):
def __init__(self):
@@ -472,10 +509,9 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
self.description = ""
self.canRunInBackground = True
self.tool = 'ConvertFiles'
-# self.UI = UI()
def getParameterInfo(self):
+ storageTypes = ['Local', 'Amazon S3', 'Microsoft Azure', 'Google Cloud'] # 'local' must be the first element.
optTemplates = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Configuration Files",
@@ -492,9 +528,8 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
inType.filter.type = "ValueList"
- inType.filter.list = ['Local','Amazon S3','Microsoft Azure']
- inType.value = 'Local'
- #inType.category = 'Input Parameters'
+ inType.filter.list = storageTypes
+ inType.value = storageTypes[0]
inprofiles = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Input Profile",
@@ -503,8 +538,6 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
inprofiles.filter.type = "ValueList"
- #inprofiles.filter.list = returnsections()
- #inprofiles.category = 'Input Parameters'
inBucket = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Input Bucket/Container",
@@ -513,7 +546,6 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
inBucket.filter.type = "ValueList"
- #inBucket.category = 'Input Parameters'
inPath = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Input Path",
@@ -521,7 +553,6 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
- #inPath.category = 'Input Parameters'
intempFolder = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Input Temporary Folder",
@@ -529,9 +560,6 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
- #intempFolder.category = 'Input Parameters'
- #intempFolder.value = returnTempFolder()
outType = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName=" Output Destination",
@@ -540,9 +568,8 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
outType.filter.type = "ValueList"
- outType.filter.list = ['Local','Amazon S3','Microsoft Azure']
- outType.value = 'Local'
- #outType.category = 'Output Parameters'
+ outType.filter.list = storageTypes
+ outType.value = storageTypes[0]
outprofiles = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Output Profile to Use",
@@ -551,8 +578,6 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
outprofiles.filter.type = "ValueList"
- #outprofiles.filter.list = returnsections()
- #outprofiles.category = 'Output Parameters'
outBucket = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Output Bucket/Container",
@@ -560,7 +585,6 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
- #outBucket.category = 'Output Parameters'
outPath = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Output Path",
@@ -568,7 +592,6 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
- #outPath.category = 'Output Parameters'
outtempFolder = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Output Temporary Folder",
@@ -576,8 +599,6 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
- #outtempFolder.category = 'Output Parameters'
- #outtempFolder.value = returnTempFolder()
cloneMRFFolder = arcpy.Parameter(
displayName="Raster Proxy Output Folder",
@@ -614,31 +635,27 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
parameters = [optTemplates,inType,inprofiles,inBucket,inPath,intempFolder,outType,outprofiles,outBucket,outPath,outtempFolder,cloneMRFFolder,cacheMRFFolder,editValue,configVals]
return parameters
def updateParameters(self, parameters):
configParams = parameters[0]
configParams.filter.list = returntemplatefiles()
if parameters[13].value == True:
parameters[14].enabled = True
parameters[14].enabled = False
if parameters[0].altered == True:
if parameters[14].altered == False:
optTemplates = parameters[0].valueAsText
global templateinUse
templateinUse = optTemplates
template_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
configFN = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(template_path),_CTEMPLATE_FOLDER), optTemplates+'.xml')
if not os.path.exists(configFN):
_CTEMPLATE_FOLDER = 'UserTemplates'
- #configFN = '{}/{}.xml'.format(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(template_path), _CTEMPLATE_FOLDER), optTemplates)
configFN = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(template_path),_CTEMPLATE_FOLDER), optTemplates+'.xml')
allValues = returnPaths(configFN)
- attchValues(parameters[14],allValues)
+ if (allValues):
+ attchValues(parameters[14],allValues)
optTemplates = parameters[0].valueAsText
if templateinUse != optTemplates:
@@ -647,13 +664,11 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
configFN = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(template_path),_CTEMPLATE_FOLDER), optTemplates+'.xml')
if not os.path.exists(configFN):
_CTEMPLATE_FOLDER = 'UserTemplates'
- #configFN = '{}/{}.xml'.format(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(template_path), _CTEMPLATE_FOLDER), optTemplates)
configFN = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(template_path),_CTEMPLATE_FOLDER), optTemplates+'.xml')
allValues = returnPaths(configFN)
- attchValues(parameters[14],allValues)
+ if (allValues):
+ attchValues(parameters[14],allValues)
templateinUse = optTemplates
if parameters[1].altered == True:
if parameters[1].valueAsText == 'Local':
parameters[2].filter.list = []
@@ -662,23 +677,31 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
parameters[2].enabled = False
parameters[3].enabled = False
+ pFolder = pfileName = None
if parameters[1].valueAsText == 'Amazon S3':
- pFolder = '.aws'
+ pFolder = AwsRoot
pfileName = 'credentials'
parameters[2].enabled = True
parameters[3].enabled = True
elif parameters[1].valueAsText =='Microsoft Azure':
- pFolder = '.OptimizeRasters'
+ pFolder = AzureRoot
pfileName = 'azure_credentials'
parameters[2].enabled = True
parameters[3].enabled = True
+ elif parameters[1].valueAsText =='Google Cloud':
+ pFolder = GoogleRoot
+ pfileName = '*.json'
+ parameters[2].enabled = True
+ parameters[3].enabled = True
if parameters[3].value == 'Local':
parameters[3].value = ''
if parameters[2].value == 'Profile':
parameters[2].value = ''
- p2Config = config_Init(pFolder,pfileName)
- p2List = p2Config.sections()
- parameters[2].filter.list = p2List
+ if (pFolder):
+ p2Config = config_Init(pFolder,pfileName)
+ if (p2Config):
+ p2List = p2Config.sections()
+ parameters[2].filter.list = p2List
if parameters[2].altered == True:
# fetch the list of bucket names available for the selected input profile
@@ -692,9 +715,11 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
parameters[3].value = ' '
parameters[3].filter.list = []
- parameters[3].value = ''
+ if (parameters[2].value is not None and
+ not parameters[2].value.lower().startswith('iamrole:')):
+ if (not parameters[2].value.lower().endswith('public-buckets.json')):
+ parameters[3].value = ''
# ends
if parameters[6].altered == True:
if parameters[6].valueAsText == 'Local':
parameters[7].filter.list = []
@@ -703,32 +728,34 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
parameters[8].value = 'Local'
parameters[7].enabled = False
parameters[8].enabled = False
+ pFolder = pfileName = None
parameters[7].enabled = True
parameters[8].enabled = True
if parameters[6].valueAsText == 'Amazon S3':
- pFolder = '.aws'
+ pFolder = AwsRoot
pfileName = 'credentials'
parameters[7].enabled = True
parameters[8].enabled = True
elif parameters[6].valueAsText =='Microsoft Azure':
- pFolder = '.OptimizeRasters'
+ pFolder = AzureRoot
pfileName = 'azure_credentials'
parameters[7].enabled = True
parameters[8].enabled = True
+ elif parameters[6].valueAsText =='Google Cloud':
+ pFolder = GoogleRoot
+ pfileName = '*.json'
+ parameters[7].enabled = True
+ parameters[8].enabled = True
if parameters[8].value == 'Local':
parameters[8].value = ''
if parameters[7].value == 'Profile':
parameters[7].value = ''
- p6Config = config_Init(pFolder,pfileName)
- p6List = p6Config.sections()
- parameters[7].filter.list = p6List
+ if (pFolder):
+ p6Config = config_Init(pFolder,pfileName)
+ if (p6Config):
+ p6List = p6Config.sections()
+ parameters[7].filter.list = p6List
if parameters[7].altered == True:
# fetch the list of bucket names available for the selected output profile
@@ -742,7 +769,10 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
parameters[8].enabled = False
parameters[8].filter.list = []
- parameters[8].value = ''
+ if (parameters[7].value is not None and
+ not parameters[7].value.lower().startswith('iamrole:')):
+ if (not parameters[7].value.lower().endswith('public-buckets.json')):
+ parameters[8].value = ''
# ends
if parameters[14].altered == True:
configValList = parameters[14].value
@@ -760,24 +790,22 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
parameters[11].enabled = False
parameters[12].enabled = False
def updateMessages(self, parameters):
+ storageTypes = ('Local', 'Amazon S3', 'Microsoft Azure', 'Google Cloud') # 'local' must be the first element.
+ errMessageListOnly = 'Invalid Value. Pick from List only.'
if parameters[1].altered == True:
pType = parameters[1].valueAsText
- if (pType != 'Local') and (pType != 'Amazon S3') and (pType != 'Microsoft Azure'):
- parameters[1].setErrorMessage('Invalid Value. Pick from List only.')
- #return
+ if (pType not in storageTypes):
+ parameters[1].setErrorMessage(errMessageListOnly)
if parameters[6].altered == True:
pType = parameters[6].valueAsText
- if (pType != 'Local') and (pType != 'Amazon S3') and (pType != 'Microsoft Azure'):
- parameters[6].setErrorMessage('Invalid Value. Pick from List only.')
- #return
+ if (pType not in storageTypes):
+ parameters[6].setErrorMessage(errMessageListOnly)
- if (pType == 'Amazon S3') or (pType == 'Microsoft Azure'):
+ if (pType in storageTypes[1:]): # skip the first element/local.
if parameters[10].altered == False:
if parameters[10].enabled == True:
parameters[10].SetWarningMessage('For cloud storage output, a temporary output location is required.')
@@ -785,14 +813,12 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
if parameters[10].valueAsText != '':
- pass
def isLicensed(parameters):
"""Set whether tool is licensed to execute."""
return True
def execute(self, parameters, messages):
args = {}
optTemplates = parameters[0].valueAsText
template_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
@@ -801,7 +827,6 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
_CTEMPLATE_FOLDER = 'UserTemplates'
configFN = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(template_path),_CTEMPLATE_FOLDER), optTemplates+'.xml')
inType = parameters[1].valueAsText
inprofiles = parameters[2].valueAsText
inBucket = parameters[3].valueAsText
@@ -819,16 +844,12 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
if parameters[13].value == True:
editedValues = parameters[14].value
configFN = setPaths(configFN,editedValues)
args['config'] = configFN
args['output'] = outPath
args['tempinput'] = intempFolder
if (outtempFolder):
args['tempoutput'] = outtempFolder # used only if -cloudupload=true
args['input'] = inPath
if inType == 'Local':
@@ -839,7 +860,8 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
args['clouddownloadtype'] = 'amazon'
elif inType == 'Microsoft Azure':
args['clouddownloadtype'] = 'azure'
+ elif inType == 'Google Cloud':
+ args['clouddownloadtype'] = 'google'
if outType == 'Local':
@@ -848,14 +870,14 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
clouduploadtype_ = 'amazon'
if (outType == 'Microsoft Azure'):
clouduploadtype_ = 'azure'
+ elif (outType == 'Google Cloud'):
+ clouduploadtype_ = 'google'
args['clouduploadtype'] = clouduploadtype_
args['outputbucket'] = outBucket
if cacheOutputFolder != None:
args['cache'] = cacheOutputFolder
if cloneMRFFolder != None:
args['rasterproxypath'] = cloneMRFFolder
# let's run (OptimizeRasters)
import OptimizeRasters
app = OptimizeRasters.Application(args)
@@ -864,4 +886,4 @@ class OptimizeRasters(object):
return False
app.postMessagesToArcGIS = True
return app.run()
- # ends
+ # ends
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/OptimizeRasters.pyt.xml b/OptimizeRasters.pyt.xml
index 36a39d9..47a3619 100644
--- a/OptimizeRasters.pyt.xml
+++ b/OptimizeRasters.pyt.xml
@@ -1,2 +1,37 @@
-20160114173942001.0ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation SpecificationTRUE201701121057141500000005000ISO19139c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.4\Help\gpOptimizeRasters<DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>OptimizeRasters is a tool to convert rasters from its native format to an optimized format cloud storage use.. It is also facilates the transfer of rasters to and from cloud storage solutions. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>ArcToolbox Toolbox
+ 20160114
+ 17394200
+ 1.0
+ ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation Specification
+ 20170525
+ 195750
+ 150000000
+ 5000
+ ISO19139
+ c:\program files (x86)\arcgis\desktop10.5\Help\gp
+ OptimizeRasters
+ <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>OptimizeRasters is a tool to convert rasters from its native format to an optimized format cloud storage use.. It is also facilates the transfer of rasters to and from cloud storage solutions. </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>
+ ArcToolbox Toolbox
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 3fffa72..0ee34ef 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
+# OptimizeRasters
OptimizeRasters is a set of tools for accomplishing three tasks: converting raster data to optimized Tiled TIF or MRF files, moving data to cloud storage, and creating Raster Proxies. The result is more efficient, scalable, and elastic data access with a lower storage cost.
@@ -56,7 +54,7 @@ More information about installing and updating third-party packages can be found
## Issues
-Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue, or adding a comment to the [OptimizeRasters discussion](https://geonet.esri.com/message/690662-optimizerasters) on GeoNet.
+Find a bug or want to request a new feature? Please let us know by submitting an issue.
## Contributing
@@ -79,4 +77,6 @@ limitations under the License.
A copy of the license is available in the repository's [license.txt](https://github.com/Esri/OptimizeRasters/blob/master/LICENSE) file.
+[](Esri Tags: MRF, BOTO, AWS)
+[](Esri Language: Python)
diff --git a/SolutionsLog/logger.py b/SolutionsLog/logger.py
index 719034a..9546fa9 100644
--- a/SolutionsLog/logger.py
+++ b/SolutionsLog/logger.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name: logger.py
# Description: Class to log status from Imagery w/f components to log files.
-# Version: 20170212
+# Version: 20170525
# Requirements: Python
# Author: Esri Imagery Workflows team
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def Message(self, message, messageType):
if (messageType == self.const_critical_text):
errorTypeText = "critical"
self.projects[key]['logs']['message'].append({'error': {'type': errorTypeText, 'text': message}})
- _message = 'log-' + errorTypeText + ': ' + message # print out error message to console while logging.
+ _message = 'log-{}:{}'.format(errorTypeText, message) # print out error message to console while logging.
if (self.isGPRun):
import arcpy
@@ -149,7 +149,10 @@ def Message(self, message, messageType):
print (_message) # if a client side msgCallback has been set.
msg_type = 'general' # msg-code
if (self.m_base):
- self.m_base.invoke_cli_msg_callback(msg_type, [_message])
+ if (hasattr(self.m_base, 'invoke_cli_msg_callback')): # used by MDCS
+ self.m_base.invoke_cli_msg_callback(msg_type, [_message])
+ elif(hasattr(self.m_base, 'writeToConsole')): # used by OptimizeRasters
+ self.m_base.writeToConsole(_message)
return True
def WriteLog(self, project):
@@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ def WriteLog(self, project):
if (msg['type'] == 'status'):
nodeName = 'Status'
eleMessage = doc.createElement(nodeName)
- eleText = doc.createTextNode(msg['text'])
+ eleText = doc.createTextNode(str(msg['text']))
msgNode = eleMessage
elif('error' in msg.keys()):