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A port of the ExtraeWin adapted to Rust requirements.

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This project is a sort of rust improved reimplementation of ExtraeWin. The main goal is to use native rust code to generate instrumentation for highly concurrency code. In a format compatible with the Paraver flexible performance analysis tool.

For more complex or distributed systems (specially outside the Rust world) and HPC I strongly recommend using Extrae instead of this.

The current implementation is intended to work almost lock-free and with minimal overhead for traces generation. Currently the code needs to be instrumented with some of the methods described in the Usage section.

There are pending features in the TODO section but the project is functional AS IS. I am open to new features and features requests with a compromise to include them if they fit in the project objective, are intended to be really useful and don't imply any extra performance impact/overhead or excessive complexity.


At the moment the core includes 3 instrumentation methods. Using a single methods to instrument is generally preferred (the best instrumentation is the one that does not bother your code logic). However, the three methods can be freely mixed if the user wants to.

With declarative macros:

// This instruments all the function scope
fn myfunction()
    // Some code

	// This is a scope to be instrumented automatically
		// Some code

// Specifying the function name to show in the trace
fn myfunction2()
    // Some code

	// This is a scope to be instrumented with a custom value
		instrument_scope!("MyScope2"); // Scope always need name
		// Some code
		instrument_update!(10); // Can use any possitive value > 1
		// Some more code


// Also specify the event number, this is usefull when we want to enforce
// events numbers to create fancy paraver events filters.
fn myfunction3()
    instrument_function!("MyFunction3_manual_value_20", 20);
    // Some code

With procedural macros:

With procedural macros we can instrument complete functions more easily. However to instrument scopes we still need to use declarative macros. Because AFAIK rust doesn't allow to use procedural in scopes.

// This instruments all the function scope
fn myfunction()
    // Some code

// Specifying the function name to show in the trace
fn myfunction2()
    // Some code

// Also specify the event number, this is usefull when we want to enforce
// events numbers to create fancy paraver events filters.
fn myfunction3()
    // Some code

Tokio integration.

Tokio already has integration with the tracing crate. While the method it uses is a bit different in philosophy, Extrae-rs provides out of the box integration and some extra features.

async fn task1() {
    info!(value = 5, "Task 1 started");

	// You can instrument scopes as usual here.
		// Some code

async fn main() {

    // Set up the Extrae-rs subscriber
    let subscriber = ExtraeSubscriber::new();
    set_global_default(subscriber).expect("Could not set global default subscriber");

    // Run tasks concurrently, better if the tasks are instrumented
	// with #[tracing::instrument] as shown above
    let handle1 = task::spawn(task1());

    let handle2 = task::spawn(task1());

    // Wait for both tasks to complete
    let _ = tokio::join!(handle1, handle2);

We provide test programs code for all cases in the bin folder.

cargo expand --bin program --features profiling

Perf integration

The code includes perf events integration and supports the following


`cycles`, `instructions`, `cache-references`, `cache-misses`,
`branch-instructions`, `branch-misses`, `bus-cycles`,
`stalled-cycles-frontend`, `stalled-cycles-backend`, `ref-cpu-cycles`,
`page-faults`, `context-switches`, `cpu-migrations`,
`page-faults-min`, `page-faults-maj`.


`page-faults` `context-switches` `cpu-migrations` `page-faults-min`

The events are tracked per thread.

The user can specify the desired events with 2 methods:

  1. Environment variables:
EXTRAE_COUNTERS="cycles,cache-misses" ./target/debug/program
  1. With a config file. Create a toml file in the execution directory with the entry:
counters = ["cycles", "cache-misses"]

and execute the program as usual:


The profiler initialization informs about the enabled counters. When both methods are enables, the environment variable has priority.

Trace generation

Without the --features profiling here (or when importing the crate) no instrumentation will be generated at all.

After the execution of instrumented code the profiler creates a new directory TRACE_[suffix]. The configuration option suffix can be used to specify the [suffix].

EXTRAE_SUFFIX="mysuffix" ./target/debug/program

This option can be specified in a configuration file equivalent see Perf integration.

By default the suffix is the timespamp of the execution unix time. An error will be triggered if the directory TRACE_[suffix] already exist.

The profiler prints the name of the directory at the end of the execution, which is useful when the directory name is auto-generated.

Trace directory format

The trace directory directory contains multiple trace files: Trace_[tid].bin. There is one of such files for every thread created during the program execution, where [tid] is the internal thread id. The main thread is always 1.

The Trace_*.bin files are binary files with all the trace events. The final trace needs to merge all the files in order to visualize them with tools like Paraver.

There are other two files: Trace.pcf, Trace.row needed by paraver format.

For development purposes we provide a visualizer executable that can be used to read the binary trace file as plain text.

For example:

Paraver basics description

Paraver events have 2 basic parameters: id and value.

For functions and scoped events the id is internally assigned by the profiler during the execution. A value=1 indicate the event is starting in that point and value=0 indicates the end of the event.

The user don't need to emit those values manually and the provided macros automate these values.

Any value > 1 can be emitted with the instrument_update macro in order to have more detailed information of the function's parts.

When enables, other events like performance counters are emitted together with the instrumented ones.

You can find a set of Paraver tutorials from their creators. And a useful video introduction to Paraver

./target/debug/visualizer TRACEDIR_1735338966/Trace_1.bin


  1. OTF2 format generator. To use with vampir and other profilers.
  2. CTF format. There are some nice tools to work with this format, but nothing that paraver can't do with a right config. Any way I consider this because it is intended to be very simple to implement.
  3. Add compatibility with the profiling crate. This works almost exactly like this project, but with different macro names.


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