Simple program which scans directory with images (jpg, png) and computes their histograms. Next compares their Manhattan distance and shows pairs which distance falls below treshold, indicating potential duplicates.
$ git clone && cd imgdedup
$ go build .
$ ./imgdedup -d $DIR [-v] [-t $NUM] [-d $DISTANCE_FUNCTION]
directory with images to check, required
verbose output
-e $NUM
set tolerance to $NUM, distance below this value indicates that images are similar, default: 100000
set distance function to one of the following:
- manhattan (default),
- chisquare,
- correlation,
- intersection,
- bhattacharyya
basic profiling support
- More comparison algorithms than Manhatan,
- Instead of relying on hardcoded distance threshold allow to provide one,
- Tests,
- Http frontend,
- Recursively search directory,
- Allow specyfying multiple directories