All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added newly implemented Sustainable Web Design model [thanks @dryden!]
- Added new readme page for using both emissions models
- Added new source of data to the Sustainable Web Design model from Ember Climate.
- Changed the CO2 class to accept either the One Byte model or the Sustainable Web Design model
- Fixed various typos.
### Fixed
- Update further dependencies
- Fix embarassing order of magnitude typo in 1byte model (thanks @mstaschik!)
- Read JSON blob also as gzipped #44 (thanks @soulgalore)
- The 1byte model will give different numbers now. It's mentioned in
but it's worth repeating.
- Update tests to avoid network requests #50
- Update dependencies across the board
### Changed
- Switch to github actions instead of travis for CI.
- Added the function to load JSON, on the object, for use in the sustaiable web sitespeed plugin.
- Added the hosting-JSON for running local checks against an array instead of SQLite.
- Swapped out checking against a sqlite database
in favour of simple array in, - Updated conventions for style - using kebab-cases over CamelCase for naming files
- Extracted sqlite usage and dependencies into a separate module,
. This means you no longer need to compile SQLite on install.
- Updated README
- Updated the emissions figured for green energy after further research on methodology with @@JamieBeevor
- Incorporated class based CO2 models from @soulgalore
- Credit contributors
- Added a changelog at last!
- Changelog inconsistency section in Bad Practices
Added the (currently unused) green byte model.
Update the 1byte model to use an average of devices, rather than just wifi
Split hosting API into two separate files (one for sqlite, and one relying on the greencheck API)