✅ Github Organization exists
✅ Github Organization assigned
✅ NewsAPI key exists
✅ NewsAPI respone fine
✅ NewsAPI status fine
✅ NewsAPI results found
✅ Geonames key exists
✅ Geonames respone fine
⛔ Geonames status failed:
Please recheck the API key and its assignment:
- Please register with username (i.e.: Emma_news) at https://www.geonames.org/login
- Assign the choosen username as new organization secret at https://github.com/organizations/Emma-news/settings/secrets/actions/new
- Value: Your username here
⛔ RapidAPI key missing:
- Please register at https://rapidapi.com/auth/sign-up
- Login and 'Subscribe to Test' at https://rapidapi.com/bonaipowered/api/google-news22
- Make sure to enter 'Start Free Plan' and press 'Subscribe' - don't enter credit card data!
- Copy your API key from (X-RapidAPI-Key) from the same site
- Assign the API key as new organization secret at https://github.com/organizations/Emma-news/settings/secrets/actions/new
- Value: Your key here