This project was done in the context of the "Operating System Administration" course at Université d'Avignon.
It's purpose was to familiarise with an Ubuntu virtual machine environment.
I used Pyhton et Bash to create probes in order to get system information, and then create graphs on the data, which are displayed on a html page.
A crontab is used to call every 5 minutes the file which itself calls successively,, and
For the sake of clarity, this is a draft of what the scripts do. It must be read from left to right and from the top to the bottom, as scripts are called sequentially.
I purposely didn't include in this draft logs and intermediary text files, as it is not necessary to understand the global functioning.
If you are on running on Windows, you will need to download a virtual machine to emulate an Ubuntu os. I personnaly used Oracle VM VirtualBox.
After downloading you're VM, you need to configure an Ubuntu virtual system. There is plenty documentation online to do so, and it is quite intuitive.
You won't need more than 10GB of memory and 4Gb of RAM to make this project work.
You will need to redirect the port 80 of you VM to a port of your machine, I personnaly used 8008.
I you are already running on Ubuntu, then you shoudn't have any problem.
After downloading the OS_Project folder, you need to put it inside the VM.
You can follow the following steps to create a shared folder between windows an your VM.
Set up Shared Folders:
- Shut down your Ubuntu virtual machine.
- In the VirtualBox manager, select your Ubuntu virtual machine and click on Settings.
- Go to the Shared Folders section.
- Click on the "Add new shared folder" icon (folder with a green plus sign).
- Choose a folder on your Windows host machine that you want to share with the Ubuntu VM. Provide a name for the shared folder.
- Click OK to save the settings.
Mount Shared Folder in Ubuntu VM:
- Start your Ubuntu virtual machine.
- Open a terminal in Ubuntu.
- Create a directory where you want to mount the shared folder. For example:
mkdir ~/shared
- Mount the shared folder using the following command:
sudo mount -t vboxsf <shared_folder_name> ~/shared
- Replace <shared_folder_name> with the name of the shared folder you set up in VirtualBox.
- Your shared folder should now be accessible in Ubuntu at the specified mount point (~/shared in this example).
You can now put the OS_Project folder into you shared folder on windows and you be able to access it on your VM.
You will now need to install all the packages necessary to run this project.
To do so, you just have to run
You can check inside the file to see all the packages that are used.
Now that you downloaded the folder, execute the following command, so you don't have to worry about permissions.
sudo chmod 777 OS_Project html -R
In the html folder, you will find the index.html and styles.css files, and
You need to put the two files in the /var/www/html.
cd html
mv index.html styles.css /var/www/html
There is also the project.conf file, move it into /etc/apache2/sites-availaible/ and activate site, then restart Apache.
mv project.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
sudo a2ensite html
sudo systemctl restart apache2
On windows, you need to access C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts with an editor (Notepad will do) as an administrator and add this line : project.local
You can now access the website using http://project.local:8008.
Finally, you need to configure a cron to execute
sudo crontab -e
To configure it, add a line of instructions, here's an example :
*/5 * * * * bash absolute_path/OS_Project/
This will make the cron execute every 5 minutes. You need to replace absolute_path by your absolute path to OS_Project.
You will need to replace absolute path in each file to match yours.
You can configure the crisis requirement by executing in Crisis folder.