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An 8 bit OpenSource full computer

This is Libre 8, an 8 bit OpenSource computer.

Inspired by the SAP-1 computer (Simplest As Possible). Contains 4 8-bit registers and it is able to address 24-bit memory addresses, having a total ammout of 16MB of RAM. The designs were made with Logisim, the microcode and the compiler are writen in Java. The simulation is able to reach up to 4.1 Khz.

Circuit Image

How to write a program for it:

Currently must be programmed using Assembly like operations.

Code token Meaning Examples
;; This is a comment. line will be ignored ;;This is a comment
LDA Basic load A register. Always followed by a variable name or an memory address (up to 24 bit) LDA one
LDA ff0010h
LDB Same as LDA with B register
LDC Same as LDA with C register
LDD Same as LDA with D register
STA Store contents of register A into the following address memory (also up to 24 bit) STA one
STA ff0010h
STB Same as STA with B register
STC Same as STA with C register
STD Same as STA with D register
OUTA Echoes the value of register A to LCD Screen LDA one
OUTA (prints value of variable "one")
OUTB Same as OUTA with B register
OUTC Same as OUTA with C register
OUTD Same as OUTA with D register
DEC Reads a byte from keyboard and stores in A register DEC
STA readChar
ADD Adds the value of the following address or variable to the contents of register A DEC
ADD one
SUB Substracts the value of the following address or variable to the contents of register A DEC
ADD one
JZ Jumps to the specified address or to specified address contained within a variable if Zero Flag == 0 JZ addressToJumpTo, JZ 0000ffh
JNZ Jumps to the specified address or to specified address contained within a variable if Zero Flag != 0 JNZ addressToJumpTo, JNZ 0000ffh
JC Jumps to the specified address or to specified address contained within a variable if Carry Flag == 0 JC addressToJumpTo, JC 0000ffh
JNC Jumps to the specified address or to specified address contained within a variable if Carry Flag != 0 JNC addressToJumpTo, JNC 0000ffh
J Jumps always J addressToJumpTo
BZ Creates a branch (calls a function) if Zero Flag == 0 BZ offsetOfFunction
BNZ Creates a branch (calls a function) if Zero Flag != 0 BNZ offsetOfFunction
BC Creates a branch (calls a function) Carry Flag == 0 BC offsetOfFunction
BNC Creates a branch (calls a function) if Carry Flag != 0 BNC offsetOfFunction
B Creates a branch (calls a function) always it is found B offsetOfFunction
BX Returns a value contained in the following address BX returnValueAddress
NOP No operation. Just reads the next operation NOP
HLT Halts the computer HLT
MOV Limited, not documented support for some MOV operations. SEE THE CODE!!! MOV A, C

Example program:

;; This is a comment
;; First thing is to write .data, and variables and function offset declaration below.

;; Here we can define variables or function offsets.
;; A variable declaration is as following:
;; <name> <address> <value>
one 0000ffh 01

;; A function declaration is the same without value
addOne 0001ffh

;; To start coding you have to write .code (beginnings of the program)
;; Similar to .code, you can define a tag using "."
;; We are now defining .Main tag. (saving the current offset of the execution in the name of the tag)
;; We will load value of 'one' var (01) to A and ADD one to its value.
LDA one
;; We call addOne function
B addOne
;; Ant print it on screen

;; We define addOne function
ADD one
STA result
BX result

You can also define running offset tags to help you to jump to (only backwards).

;; Same program as above with JNC to tag
one 0000ffh 01
addOne 0001ffh
LDA one
;; We define a running offset before the function call
B addOne
;; We jump to tag to add on over and over again until carry flag is set.
JNC tag

ADD one
STA result
BX result

How to compile a program

To compile any code, you have to save it in a file and pass it as an argument to You can also simply name it "" and place it on root folder of the project. If you run on eclipse it will find file.

How to run the program inside the schematic with Logisim

To run the simulation, open Libre8.circ with Logisim. The file resides inside logisim folder. Once the file is loaded, double click on labelled RAM component, (see picture of circuit) and load the program you previously compiled on the component

Then you can Enable simulation and run clock.

How to write custom instructions

There are a total of 256 possible operation codes. Even you can create an operation code able to fetch complex instructions, formed by several opcodes concatenated.

So there is the other java file, Within it are defined the instruction opcode in this format (0xab00). The opcode is just ab, but you need to write the trailing zeroes to make the program work.

Once you have your opcode, write the following inside the main method (anywhere just below any previpus create() invocations would do) the following sentences:

setOffset(OPCODE_CONST, icuadrant);
write(Signals.CO + Signals.MII);
write(Signals.RO + Signals.II + Signals.CE);
... your custom signaling goes here ...

Signals description

Signal Name Abbreviation Function
r0,r1,r2,r3 - Controls register operations. See Registers
Flags In FI Enables input to flags register
Memory In MI0, MI2 Controls Memory Address Register, in other words, is the pointer of the RAM
Halt Signal HALT Halts the computer
ALU Substraction ALU_SUB Enables SUBSTRACT operation in the ALU. Use in conjuntion with Signals.SUM (to connect registers A + B), and FI (to set flags)
ALU Addition ALU_EOUT Enables Addition operation in the ALU. The second point is exactly as above
Console Out COUT Enables LCD console register. It is just a cursor, with no knowledge of its own position if you do not track it by yourself
Instruction In II Loads from the bus to the Instruction Register
Jump Registers J0, J2 Enables the load from the bus to the Jump registers (COUNTER)
RAM In RI Enable RAM load from the bus
RAM Out RO Enable RAM Output to the bus
Clear Program Counter clpcr Resets the instruction counter, used for microcode operations.
Count Enable CE Increments the program counter by one in the next cicle
Counter Out CO Outputs the current program counter value to the bus
Stack operations LR0, LR2, LRO Controls the stack selection (LR0, LR2) and stack output utput enable (LRO). You can only echo one stack at a time.
One Cycle Memory IN MII Special operation for transfer program counter register values to memory address register
Stack pointer increment CPP Increments the stack pointer. Useful after a push operation on the stack
Stack pointer decrement CMM Decrements the stack pointer. Useful before a pop operation on the stack
Keyboard Out KBO Copy Keyboard component register to cursor
Keyboard In KBI Enables Keyboard read


· CARRY is up when an overflow has occured while substracting or adding.
· ZERO is up when the ALU value is zero while substracting or adding.