XMRig miner built inside an android app
This app is based on the proof of concept provided by https://github.com/upost/MoneroMiner
I updated dependencies (libuv-1.23.1 and xmrig-2.8.0-rc) and the project to Android Studio 3.2.
Otherwise, you can download the app directly from the Releases tab
Clone the repository and run the following command on base dir:
gradle clean :libuv:assembleRelease :app:assembleRelease
Then you can sign your .apk in order to install it (release builds must be digital signed before install).
Android Studio. Download both SDK and NDK with sdk-manager. Gradle 4.10.2
libuv by http://libuv.org xmrig by https://github.com/xmrig
Original project set up: https://github.com/upost/MoneroMiner
Paypal: https://paypal.me/ElijaxApps
Address: bc1q4u4pfpl992xfzzka7hvvvgm3ga34dzdmtr5jcx