I’m a Full Stack Developer specialized in Backend Development.
I’ve been a technology enthusiast since I was a kid, but my passion for web development emerged a few years ago. I started learning on my own, beginning with the basics (JavaScript, HTML, and CSS), and that’s how my journey into this amazing world began.
💡I focus on building scalable and secure applications using technologies such as NestJS, TypeScript, JavaScript, Express, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, TypeORM and Mongoose, and I also have basic knowledge of Docker.
⚡️ My work is centered around optimizing and streamlining processes, always seeking the best ways to integrate technologies to solve complex problems that contribute to my growth as a developer.
📌 Throughout this journey, I have deepened my knowledge and incorporated new tools, working tirelessly to complete my projects and achieve my goals. These tools have helped me with API documentation, authentication and authorization, exploring real-time communication protocols, integrating payment systems, and implementing cloud storage services.
- 🏥 VetsForPets - Aplicación de gestión para veterinarias, mascotas y dueños de mascotas.
- 🛒 Ecommerce - Sistema de ecommerce con carrito de compras.
📩 Email: eliasdev97@gmail.com
💼 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elias-nahuel-adad/