Ip2ProxyBot is a modern telegram bot that uses both BIN and CSV ip2Proxy databases to retrieve informations and statistics about proxies.
- Download this project zip
- Extract it
- Go to Telegram Bot Father
- Copy these Bot Father Commands
- Open the project with and ide
- Include external jars from the directory: External Jars
- Fill the field "botToken" and "botUsername" in Bot Settings File with data got from Telegram Bot Father
Every session starts with the /start command. At this point you can select from the keyboard an option among:
- /IsProxy
- /Charts
- /Info
/IsProxy command is used to check if an ip is a proxy, in this case the bot will show details about the proxy, otherwise it will tell the user that the inserted ip is not a proxy. In the case the inserted ip is not valid, the bot requests for another ip.
/Charts command returns a keyboard throught which you can choose between:
- /typeChart
- /locationChart
The first command will send you an image of a chart with the percentage of every type of proxy, the other one will return a chart with different proxies location (in this case only countries with a minimun of 2% of total proxies create a section, otherwise they are added on "Other" section)
/Info command returns some infos about database version
- Official ip2Proxy BIN Library
- TelegramBots library used to create Telegram Bots in java
- XChart library used to create charts in Java
- emoji-java
The Official BIN Library has been modified to a better implemention of OOP encapsulation concept.
This library requires IP2Proxy BIN database to check if an IP address is a proxy and CSV database to create statistics charts. The databases can be downloaded at: