#Known Functions
Below these lines may contain spoilers for you depending how far you have gotten as you may find out about new items you did not know about yet.
This would be a good place to find out if a function you think is not in the completion is or not.
- No items in this list
- General Functions (Available on most things)
- Count
- Range
- GetIndexes
- Remove
- RemoveAll
- HasIndex
- Append
- Type
- Round
- Int
- Mod
- General Functions (Not as widely available)
- Say
- Sleep
- Quit
- Networking
- GetConnections
- Slurp
- Connect
- DisconnectAll
- Broadcast
- Terminals With Monitors
- PrintS
- Input
- Info
- Random
- GetUser
- Name
- Time
- Width
- Height
- Apis / Random (Forgot where I found them or don't care enough to log)
- CharToInt
- IntToChar
- ClearText
- PlaySound
- Pitch
- Sin
- Cos
- Line
- Text
- Rect
- DisplayGraphics
- Color
- Repeat
- Lines
- StringContains
- IsKeyPressed
- HasFloppy
- LoadData
- ClearData
- SaveData
- BootFromFloppy
- Screwdriver
- SetMhz
- EnableAPI
- SetMaxTime
- Drinkables
- Speed
- Charisma
- Smelliness
- Sleepiness
- Drunkenness
- Drink
- Corruption
- IsUser
- GetRoom
- RemoteFunctionCall
- Eatables
- Trippy
- TurnLeft
- TurnRight
- FastForward
- Move
- QuickBoost
- Security Terminals (I do not know if thats what they are called but thats what I am calling them)
- OnHack
- OnIntruder
- MovePerson
- ZapPerson
- RestoreCode
- GetHour
- GetMinute
- Keys
- Unlock
- Lock
- Toggle
- Radios
- Blip
- GetChannel
- SetChannel
- TurnOffSound
- TurnOnSound
- Hacking Devices
- Log
- Teleportation Devices
- Position
- Teleport
- SetWorldPosition