MIEIC Hub is an online store in which users can acquire different kinds of MIEIC related merchandising from an existing stock (such as apparel, mouse pads, phone cases, stickers and workshop tickets), review and rate these items, check their orders' status and history as well as submit designs and vote on them for the next batch of merch.
The main motivation behind this project is to create a centralized, complete and easy to use platform to allow for a better management and user experience related to the sale of MIEIC merchandise items.
As said previously, MIEIC Hub has at its core the sale and management of MIEIC related products. These will be grouped in different categories and each item will have a page associated with it where anyone can see basic information about the product. It will be possible to search for products and order, review and rate these. The reviews will be done through comments on the item’s page while the rating system will follow a 5-star model. In addition to this, users can also submit design ideas that are validated by a submission manager that will eventually create a poll with a few designs so that authenticated users can vote for their favorite. Users will also be able to keep a wish list of desired items, check their orders' status as well as other information such as order history and account details. Profiles will also be created for every registered user in which basic information would be displayed as well as review/rating history and their wish list.
- Eduardo Luís Pinheiro da Silva, up201603135@fe.up.pt
- Joana Sofia Mendes Ramos, up201605017@fe.up.pt
- Miguel Dias de Carvalho, up201605757@fe.up.pt
- Tomás Nuno Fernandes Novo, up201604503@fe.up.pt