The Directory Predictor permits live directory file lookups for PSReadLine's auto-complete functionality.
Features include...
- Pattern matching support (?, *, |)
- Search files, folders, or both
- Hide or show file extensions
- Search by file extension
- Ignore specific commands
- Sort results by files or folders
- Limit the number of results
PowerShell via PSGallery
Install-Module -Name DirectoryPredictor
Download the relevant .dll release and place where desired. In your $profile
Import-Module 'path\to\folder\DirectoryPredictor.dll'
Add the following to your $profile
Enable-ExperimentalFeature PSSubsystemPluginModel
Check experimental features are enabled
Get-PSSubsystem -Kind CommandPredictor
In $profile again
Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource HistoryAndPlugin
Restart or reload
Check the module is installed
Get-PSSubsystem -Kind CommandPredictor
Test by typing in a directory
<somecmd> <any letter or word>
Determine if file extensions should show or not in the prediction and in the autocomplete result.
Set-DirectoryPredictorOption -FileExtensions <string> [Include | Exclude]
Search for files, folders, or both.
Set-DirectoryPredictorOption -DirectoryMode <string> [Files | Folders | Mixed]
Sort your results by Files or by Folders first.
Set-DirectoryPredictorOption -SortMixedResults <string> [Files | Folders]
Search file extensions. Does not work with -DirectoryMode Folders.
Set-DirectoryPredictorOption -ExtensionMode <string> [Enabled | Disabled]
Specify how many results, from 1 to 10, to display. 10 is a current limit by PSReadLine but the module will accept up to 500 currently.
Set-DirectoryPredictorOption -ResultsLimit <int> [1-10]
Ignore specific commands in a comma separated string. This will cause those commands to not display [Directory] suggestions.
Set-DirectoryPredictorOption -IgnoreCommands <string> [comma separated list]
You have 3 pattern matching operators.
? : Search anything that is available to be searched from the above cmdlet options
* : Wildcard search. Before, after, or both.
| : OR pattern search. Search for results that match any number of the patterns provided. Supports multiple | operators.
ls 't|p
orls '*et|*pl
orls *ing
orls ?
- Note the ' or " is only required for multiple patterns
Each of these flags work great with aliases for fast on the fly adjustments
Function ShowExtensions5 { Set-DirectoryPredictorOption -FileExtensions Include } Set-Alias -Name se -Value ShowExtensions Function HideExtensions { Set-DirectoryPredictorOption -FileExtensions Exclude } Set-Alias -Name he -Value HideExtensions
You can disable the regular history results and only use the plugin with
Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource Plugin
- All symbols but spaces are respected
- Only the last word is used to search but previous input is respected
code -n hel
will work and will match "hel" to filenames
- Commands are ignored and no searching will display with just a command
- Accepted completions are saved to the regular history at this time
- Check the intro gif above for more insight
As of v0.0.5, the plan is to gather even more user suggestions!
If you have an idea, suggestion or want to contribute, please open an Issue!
This is dabbling in ExperimentalFeatures that come with a warning of breaking changes or unexpected behaviour.
The intended purpose of PSReadLine predictive plugins are to be predictive. This predictor does not predict anything.