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Statuscheck with


What is this?

This is a simple script that can check the current status of your services and create an incident on the status page if necessary. All this works via Python scripts and the website


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Wait,, what's that and why I use this?

With you have the possibility to run scripts on an external server. This is necessary, for example, if your home server is not available or you have problems with your network connection.


In the free version of, it is only possible to run the check script a maximum of 10 times a day. This means that it can only be executed every 2.5 hours.

Why do I need that?

Because you want to know when your services are offline. So this is a must for anyone who has a few services to maintain.

How do I get it?

Watch this tutorial on YouTube (german) or read the following guide.

The guide (step-by-step)

  1. Create an account here
  2. Login and First Setup
  3. Go to Projects => New project
  4. Set name and click Create Project
  5. Click New => Workflow
  6. Set name and click Create Workflow
  7. Click Add Trigger
  8. Click Custom Interval
  9. Set Every 150 Minutes
  10. Click Generate Test Event
  11. Click Save and Continue
  12. Click on +
  13. Search after Python => select Run Python code
  14. Paste this Code into the Code section
  15. Adjust all variables
Quantity Variable Explanation Example
1 <service_url> URL of your Websites
1 <component_id> Component_id to your Websites a1b2c3d4e5f6
1 <discord_webhook> Discord Webhook URL
2 <statuspage_url> URL of your statuspage
1 <page_id> PageID of your statuspage 12ab34cd56ef
1 <api_key> API_Key from statuspage 123abc456def789ghi1011jkl1213mno
  1. Click Test
  2. Click + and select Continue execution if a condition is met (Actions -> Control Flow)
  3. Set Initial Value to {{steps.code.continue_workflow}}
  4. Set Condition to Text Matches exactly (TEXT_EQUALS)
  5. Set Second value to true
  6. By Case sensitive click on CLEAR
  7. Click Test
  8. Click +, click HTTP / Webhook and select Send POST Request
  9. Set Request URL to<your_page_id>/incidents/ (INSERT YOUR PAGE ID!!)
  10. Set Authorization Type to Bearer Token and insert your API Key from Statuspage
  11. Click on Body, select application/json for Content-Type
  12. Click in Edit raw JSON and insert this JSON code
  13. Click on Deploy (Do not click `Test' because all your services are currently working, so your variables are empty. You would get errors! And of course, this workflow will stop before that).

The workflow should now be executed automatically every 150 minutes to check the status of your specified services to create an incident on the Statuspage if necessary.


Error icon by Icons8

Fortschrittsanzeige icon by Icons8