Python package (with C++ base) to compute satellite remote-sensing related orbit data. Revision of the OrbitPy
Currently under active development.
This repository is a revamp of the OrbitPy codebase, with the primary objective of removing the dependency on the propcov
Instead, we will use the CoverageKinematics
library for coverage calculations and integrate orbit propagators from third-party libraries, such as Skyfield and Orekit.
The CoverageKinematics
library will be added as a submodule, and is based on C++, with python bindings using PyBind11.
One challenge in removing the propcov
dependency lies in the use of (wrapped) propcov C++ objects by some core utility classes in OrbitPy. For example,
classes like propcov.OrbitState
and propcov.AbsoluteDate
are integral to existing functionality.
However, this transition offers an opportunity to redesign and improve these classes (their API), incorporating lessons learned from the development and use of the OrbitPy
We can use the following sources as reference for reformulating the API:
- OrbitPy library
- Refer to the
(and sub-links within the file) for high-level description of the modules and classes.
- Refer to the
- EOSE-API library
- TAT-C schemas
- InstruPy: Support import of instrument objects and datametrics calculation with the InstruPy library, while providing a default instrument object.
- Cesium CZML
Each class/ function is supported with the following:
Sphinx style inline commenting. Make the comments descriptive and provide examples of implementations. (Check out SPICE documentation.)
Unit tests, validation.
Descriptive documentation if required in Sphinx style documentation.
- AstroPy, python datetime for handling time
- Skyfield for SGP4 propagation, coordinate transformations to the TEME frame, conversations of Inertial from/to Keplerian elements.
- SPICE (SpiceyPy) for time, coordinate transformations (favored for its computational speed over AstroPy)
- Orekit for numerical orbit propagation
- SciPy for rotations, interpolation.
We will rely on tested, and well maintained open-source 3rd party software whenever available, instead of trying to recreate the functionality in-house. For example, we can use
for time related operations, instead of coding in transformations from one time system to another. -
Use and support particular frame, time representations, which are commonly used another third party software, real-world data representation (e.g., CYNGSS data). ITRF for ECEF, J2000 or ICRF for ECI. UTC and UT1 for time.
Use basic objects for API (python dicitonaries, numpy, and not niche objects such as AstroPy, SpicePY)
Use the latest stable version of Python at the time of writing (Python 3.13.2).
Sphinx will be used for documentation.
Handle file writing by ....
? -
Favor use of numpy (for representing trajectories). python dictionaries for data sets. numpy for file reading. xarray or pandas for data indexing.
- List all the classes and functions in OrbitPy.
- Make a GitHub discussion post for each (revised/ revised) module, class, function.
- Make a prototype of the class/function with a unittest/ validation-test after the discussion and get it reviewed.
- Make a corresponding high-level Sphinx API doc for the class (along with inline Sphinx type documentation).
- Update examples with the revised codebase.
- orbitpy.util.StateType
- orbitpy.util.DateType
- orbitpy.util.OrbitState
- orbitpy.util.SpacecraftBus
- orbitpy.util.Spacecraft
- orbitpy.util.GroundStation
- orbitpy.util.SpaceTrackAPI
- orbitpy.util.OrbitPyDefaults
- orbitpy.util.OutputInfoUtility
- orbitpy.util.helper_extract_spacecraft_params
- orbitpy.util.extract_auxillary_info_from_state_file
- orbitpy.util.dictionary_list_to_object_list
- orbitpy.util.object_list_to_dictionary_list
- orbitpy.util.initialize_object_list
- orbitpy.util.add_to_list
- orbitpy.util.calculate_inclination_circular_SSO
- orbitpy.constellation.ConstellationFactory
- orbitpy.constellation.WalkerDeltaConstellation
- orbitpy.constellation.TrainConstellation
- orbitpy.propagator.PropagatorFactory
- orbitpy.propagator.J2AnalyticalPropagator
- orbitpy.propagator.SGP4Propagator
- orbitpy.propagator.PropagatorOutputInfo
- orbitpy.propagator.compute_time_step
- orbitpy.grid.Grid
- orbitpy.grid.GridOutputInfo
- orbitpy.grid.GridPoint
- orbitpy.grid.compute_grid_res
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.CoverageCalculatorFactory
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.GridCoverage
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.PointingOptionsCoverage
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.PointingOptionsWithGridCoverage
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.SpecularCoverage
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.CoverageOutputInfo
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.helper_extract_coverage_parameters_of_spacecraft
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.find_in_cov_params_list
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.filter_mid_interval_access
- orbitpy.coveragecalculator.find_access_intervals
- orbitpy.contactfinder.ContactFinder
- orbitpy.contactfinder.ContactFinderOutputInfo
- orbitpy.contactfinder.ContactPairs
- orbitpy.eclipsefinder.EclipseFinder
- orbitpy.eclipsefinder.EclipseFinderOutputInfo
- orbitpy.datametricscalculator.DataMetricsCalculator
- orbitpy.datametricscalculator.DataMetricsOutputInfo
- orbitpy.datametricscalculator.AccessFileInfo
- orbitpy.mission.Settings
- orbitpy.mission.Mission
TBD if time permits.